"Are you all right?"

Sierra saw that ye Pengfei's state was a little strange at this time, but she was also puzzled. She spoke softly, and her words were full of concern.

Ye Pengfei smiles bitterly, looking at Sierra at this time, he has a strange feeling in his heart.

Because in the previous fantasy, sella wore a fiery red robe, and she exuded endless charm. Clearly noble as the queen of Atlantis, sera is more charming than the fox of the millennium.

Ye Pengfei almost disorganized his mind. If it wasn't for the cold air in time to remind Ye Pengfei, I'm afraid Ye Pengfei might not be able to resist. Now looking at sella, I can't help thinking of the previously enchanting and incomparable her. I can't help but have a trace of evil fire agitation in my heart.

However, he is not only an animal dominated by the lower part of the body, so, taking a deep breath is the deep pressure of the whirl!

"It's OK. I just mistakenly blurred everything between fantasy and reality."

What a smart person Sierra is. The obscure words in Ye Pengfei's mouth, coupled with the man's unique expression, make you understand the deep meaning after a little consideration.

Her white eye Ye Pengfei, that moment, bright eyes exude a different charm.

"You rascal, I don't know what you are thinking all day long!"

Ye Pengfei laughed with deep embarrassment.

"How did you break this magic array?"

Sierra looked at the magic array and asked softly. When she was watching from a distance, she could not perceive the power of the magic array. She was in it now. Although the magic array was wide open at this time, she could still feel the terrible power hidden in the magic array.

Sierra has deep admiration for ye Pengfei's ability to break through the dreamland, especially in such a short period of time.

"Let's go!"

Ye Pengfei didn't answer Sierra's question, because it's not the time to tangle with this kind of thing. He took Sierra's little hand and rushed in directly.

The figures of the two men almost disappeared in front of the cold gate at the same time. Shortly after they disappeared, the figure of the Ming emperor appeared behind them. Looking at the magic array with the empty gate wide open, the Ming emperor's face turned red and white, which was very unpleasant.

Because of this magic array, the Hades had personally learned his power. If it wasn't for God's hand, he would have been lost in the illusion. It is because of this that the Hades became jealous of Ye Pengfei and rebellious against the dark Dynasty.

There was a deep reluctance on the emperor's face. For a moment, his thoughts seemed to return to that day again.

"You can't even pass the Xumi fantasy. How can you get that thing? I think you'd better go back and forth! "

The Ming emperor coldly looked at the figure, full of fear.

"Who are you?"

"You may not be able to say it. My name is God!"

That figure light response, words completely without a trace of joking ingredients. The emperor of the underworld scattered his divine consciousness, but the figure didn't care about the emperor's action, because when the divine consciousness was close to him, it was blocked by a mysterious force.

The exploration of Hades failed.

Moreover, the figure was dressed in white, but with a golden mask on his face. The mask was engraved with a face of incomparable indifference, and his expression could not be seen at all. Only the two windows above the mask, through which you can see a pair of extremely strange eyes.

It is a pair of extremely indifferent eyes, the depth of the pupil is like a pool, emitting endless profundity. It felt like no matter what happened, he couldn't have a wave in his heart.

"Ha ha, what a big tone!"

"How dare you call yourself king. Compared with you, what can I count? "

The figure who claimed to be God, light mouth, words in a startling momentum suddenly rushed out, the whole palace is shrouded in it. Under the absolute power, the emperor of Hades was powerless.

"Come on, what do you want?"

Pluto is a man who is afraid of death, but also a wise man. He knows that since God chose to do so, it means that he will not kill himself. Pluto asked, but he didn't want to cooperate with life.

"He who knows current affairs is a hero! You are much smarter than the others

The emperor of the underworld was dissatisfied, but now his life was in other people's hands, and he couldn't help complaining.

"I help you realize your wish, you help me get the luck of the dark dynasty!"

"Lead Ye Pengfei here, you can't get it without him, and you can't get it with him!"

God firmly controlled Pluto through strong power and enough interests, which laid the foundation for the collapse of the dark Dynasty and today's various changes.

"Don't underestimate me, Pluto!"

The mouth murmurs of the Ming emperor's opening, at this time his hand grasps a small medicine bottle, he took a Dan medicine from it, is to contain directly in the mouth. The whole person rushed in directly. The speed was really frightening.……

The figures of Ye Pengfei and Sierra appear in the fourth palace. Ye Pengfei thought that the fourth Palace should be a more powerful and incomparable level than the third palace, but now he finds out that the palace is actually a sea of flowers. He and Cera strolled through it, feeling no danger at all.

Ye Pengfei's divine sense has long controlled the whole palace, but no matter how they explore, there is no danger. Cera's face was dignified, and she looked at the flowers around her with a trace of doubt. In this sea of flowers, all kinds of flowers are in full bloom.

All kinds of flowers are very charming, and all belong to the blooming moment, you know, there are not only peonies but also plum flowers. One in midsummer, the other in winter, but at this time, it is really suspicious.

"Be careful, this place is more strange than before!"

Ye Pengfei and Sela keep the distance between the two steps, one seeing the six roads, the other seeing the eight directions, which is a tacit understanding. So they keep moving forward. The figure of the underworld emperor appeared behind them. Compared with the dignified of Ye Pengfei and Sierra, the underworld emperor was very relaxed,

after a while, he was directly ahead of Ye Pengfei. Ye Pengfei gave him a cold look and did not speak. But I can't help but speed up my own pace. For the Ming emperor, ye Pengfei always speculates his heart with the greatest malice. Because, according to Pluto's personality, no matter what he does now, even if he is facing each other with a knife, ye Pengfei is not surprised.

Sure enough, the figure of the Ming emperor appeared at the end of the flower sea. He turned and looked at Ye Pengfei and Sierra, with a smile on his lips. He threw out two small bottles in his hand and threw them directly into the sea of flowers. His right hand snapped and the bottle burst.

A bright red dripping on the flowers, in an instant, the whole sea of flowers is rampant up!

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