In the alley, Tang moqian is about to leave the wretched fat man, but he is quickly stopped by the other party.

"Is it too late to leave now?"

The obscene fat man had a bad smile in his mouth, his hands were catching him, his mouth was drooling, and he almost jumped on him.

Tang Mo shallow immediately was startled, beautiful big eyes also full of fear.

"You What do you want to do? "

Tang Mo shallow's voice with crying cavity, and quickly back, the body also instantly attached to the wall.

"Hey, hey What are you doing? I'll tell you, I've been trying to get you for a long time. I've never had such a tender little Laurie before. I must have a good time today. "

Tang Mo shallow complexion a white, immediately after push away this wretched fat man, turn round to run.

However, this wretched fat man seemed to have expected this moment, and at the moment of Tang's turning, he suddenly grasped Tang's wrist.


Tang Mo shallow quickly screamed, and quickly yelled: "big brother help me!"


Ye Pengfei suddenly appeared in front of Tang Mo shallow, see this wretched fat man, even dare to hold you, Tang Mo shallow is wrist, eyes a cold.

"Big brother!" Tang Mo shallow almost to cry out, eyes, there are tears in the blink.


As soon as he saw a tall man appeared in front of him with a gloomy face, he was immediately startled. Then he quickly let Tang Mo Qian go and said: "you Who are you? "

Tang moqian, who was let go, immediately fell on Ye Pengfei's arms and began to cry, obviously frightened.

But ye Pengfei hummed coldly: "I'm her brother. You dare to touch my sister. You're looking for death!"

The wretched fat man quickly stepped back two steps, because he was afraid, he immediately took a spring knife from his trouser pocket, pretended to be vicious and said: "I I tell you, you'd better leave me alone, or I'll kill you! "

Tang Mo shallow back to God, quickly let go of Ye Pengfei, and quickly said: "big brother, let's go."

Ye Pengfei patted Tang moqian on the shoulder and said: "don't worry, as long as I am here, no one can bully you! This wretched fat man dares to touch you. That is to say that he deliberately can't get along with me, ye Pengfei! There has to be a price to pay! "


Ye Pengfei slapped the fat man in the face, instantly took the other side more than ten meters away, and slammed it on the shell of a car, directly smashing the car out of a depression.

Tang moqian: "I'm not sure."


The wretched fat man spat out a mouthful of blood instantly, and then quickly rebounded to the ground. Half of his face was not swollen like a human.

However, ye Pengfei didn't mean to let go of the fat man at all. He quickly appeared in front of the wretched fat man. Hanging him up was a burst of beating, which made the wretched fat man scream.

More than ten minutes later, the wretched fat man was beaten to cry and screamed at Ye Pengfei. He constantly called his grandfather, saying that he was wrong and didn't dare to do it any more. He also said that this was his first crime. He was so lonely that he made a mistake. I asked Ye Pengfei to give him a chance.

Tang Mo shallow also quickly ran over, some fear said: "big brother, you see him, now has been beaten so miserably, beat again, if he died, big brother you will be in trouble, might as well spare him."

Ye Pengfei thought about it and said, "if he is telling the truth, then I can forgive you naturally, but if he dares to lie, he will bear the consequences."

Soon, ye Pengfei made a phone call to Shen Yanbing and said something about this.

On the other side of the phone, Shen Yanbing said that he would come right away. About five minutes later, the alarm rang. The fat wretch was almost scared to pee and kept crying.

When Shen Yanbing's car arrived, Shen Yanbing and two policemen quickly came over and looked at the fat man, and he was shocked.

The two policemen looked at the car next to them, and they were scared.

"You two, take him away!"

With a wave of Shen Yanbing's hand, two policemen quickly came forward and handcuffed the wretched fat man.

Shen Yanbing then set his eyes on Tang moqian and asked, "who is this little sister?"

"She is Xiao Ruxue's cousin," he said

"Er, the cousin of President Xiao?" Shen Yanbing looked down and found that little Lori was very cute. Then she thought, "come back to the police station with us and take notes."

Ye Pengfei nodded, then everyone went back to the police station together, and made an investigation on the fat man.

Tang moqian talked about their chat, including the chat record. Fat man said that he committed the crime for the first time and asked for a lighter punishment.

However, Shen Yanbing looks at this wretched fat man, his words are flashing, and it doesn't seem to be the first time to commit a crime.

This is a 26 year old bum who has no job in renting a house.Shen Yanbing thinks about it and asks someone to take him to search his home. However, he finds a video camera in the other party's rental house. There are many scenes about dating women on it, and there are a lot of bad videos on the other party's computer.

Among them, there are many videos of minors, especially little girls and so on, which have reached many G levels.

After getting the news, Shen Yanbing was angry immediately.

Ye Pengfei's eyes are gradually narrowed. It seems that this wretched fat man is likely to see more things in this aspect, so he has such a bad idea about Tang Mo Qian. If ye Pengfei is not with Ye Mo Qian today, he doesn't know what will happen. It makes people shudder to think about it.

In the end, the wretched fat man saw that the evidence was solid, and told all the truth, just for leniency.

Shen Yanbing quickly reported the incident to the higher authorities. Finally, the city decided to take a major action to clean up the bad information on the Internet. Of course, this is the Afterword.

In order to make Tang Mo Qian feel better, ye Pengfei took her to go shopping and play around after leaving the police station. Although Tang Mo Qian would be stunned from time to time, he had no intention of relying on Ye Pengfei more. Later, he was extremely curious and asked: "big brother, are you a legendary Wulin expert?"

Ye Pengfei eyebrows a pick a way: "how to ask so?"

Tang Mo shallow drum small mouth way: "before I saw, you slap that wretched fat man to fan more than ten meters away, and the car is damaged, really too bad."

But ye Pengfei said with a smile, "well, I'm really a legendary Wulin expert. Do you want to fly?"

"Fly?" Tang Mo shallow's eyes lit up in an instant.

Ye Pengfei suddenly holds Tang moqian up, Shua, flies to the sky, and constantly rises and falls, making Tang moqian almost not excited to scream.


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