In the office, Xiao Ruxue takes out a document.

Ye Pengfei looked at Xiao Ruxue with a cautious look and asked: "president, what is this?"

"This is an important document. I need you to send it to Binhai University safely. There should be no mistake on the way. Can you do it?"

"Ah? Xiaoxue, do you trust me so much? " Ye Pengfei suddenly pretended to be moved, and said: "president, don't worry. If you can't finish the task, please come to see me."

Xiao such as snow-white, ye Pengfei one eye way: "don't so a surprised a Zha of OK?"

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "I am not moved?"

"Don't be so playful. It's very important. You can't tell anyone except you and me, you know?"

Ye Pengfei was slightly surprised, and then his eyes quickly swept on the document bag.

Then you will see a very prominent Peugeot, which is a Western covenant democratic duchy, one of the top universities in the University.

As for the signature of the above document, ye Pengfei's eyes narrowed.


Isn't that guy doing bio Nanotechnology?

Even if the above words are written in a very small number of words, ye Pengfei has recognized it at a glance, and a banter smile slowly rises from the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Ruxue was surprised to see that after ye Pengfei stayed on the document for a few seconds, he seemed to have guessed something. He suddenly thought, "can this guy still speak this kind of small language?"

Xiao Ruxue can't understand Ye Pengfei any more.

Originally, she just showed it to Ye Pengfei because she saw some special grammar words on it. Who ever thought that this guy might know that Xiao Ruxue was not surprised?

"No way!"

Xiao Ruxue quickly denied this possibility. Are you kidding? If this guy can do everything, then he will become omnipotent?

Last night, Xiao Ruxue told her cousin Tang Mo that he was totally useless. Of course, he didn't want to be beaten in the face now.

Seeing Xiao Ruxue's vigilance, ye Pengfei immediately began to pretend: "eh, President, what kind of words are you? I feel so high-tech. Well, no, it's so mysterious. "

Ye Pengfei's head can't help falling some cold sweat, but Xiao Ruxue said with a smile: "is that right? Do you know Kreis? "

"What? What kind of silk? Black lace? Xiaoxuexue, you are wearing purple lace, which is the same as xiaobingbing. "

"You! Go to hell Xiao Ruxue was defeated by Ye Pengfei immediately, and immediately asked the other party to send the documents to Binjiang University.

Ye Pengfei this just a smile, holding that document, instant no shadow.

"This boy, it's really mysterious, but this should be the legendary lightness skill, right? Lingbo micro step? I don't know where this guy learned it

"I seem to hear Xiaoxue saying that I am handsome?"

Ye Pengfei's voice suddenly rang out in my ear, almost didn't scare Xiao Ruxue to death.

"Asshole, why are you still here?"

"I didn't leave. You haven't told me who to give it to."

"President of Binjiang University."

"Hey, hey, OK, no problem."


Ye Pengfei disappeared in an instant.

This time, Xiao Ruxue learned to be good, looked around and found that there was no more Ye Pengfei, which finally relieved.

In fact, Xiao Ruxue is also worried, because although Ye Pengfei is haunted and has excellent martial arts skills, he may really be a legendary martial arts expert, but he is always fooling around, which makes Xiao Ruxue very depressed.

But Xiao Ruxue can't go to deliver the letter in person, otherwise, in case her father knows, how can she turn it over in the future?

As for let Ye Peng fly to send, others will certainly not think of, because in front of the outside, Xiao Ruxue has not been very popular with Ye Pengfei, naturally will not think, Xiao Ruxue will let Ye Pengfei to send the letter.

After walking out of the building, ye Pengfei smashed his mouth and said, "what is xiaoxuexue going to send? She repeatedly asked me to send it to the president of Binjiang university?"

"Eh, brother ye, where are you going?" A security guard who had just launched a bicycle from the security booth quickly went forward to say hello.

"Binjiang University."

"Oh, Binjiang University, it's not far from here. It's just ten minutes' walk. I'm going to Binjiang University, or we'll stop by."

But after that, the security guard immediately regretted it.

Because his car is a bicycle, how dare he go with Ye Pengfei? People can't say that he will use a luxury car.

"Oh, flying pigeon iron donkey?"

Ye Pengfei couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and his eyes immediately fell on the bicycle in the hands of the security guard.

"Brother ye, do you know this iron stove? This is from my father's generation. "

"Ha ha ha You know, I grew up riding this thing. Although I work in this company now, man, I didn't come out of the mountain village. "In a word, the relationship between the two people was drawn closer in an instant. The guard was moved and tearful.

"It's a pity that I haven't ridden this bike for a long time. It's really itchy."

"Ah? Ye Shao, your hands are itching. Take my car and ride it, just ride it! "

Ye Pengfei said: "if I take yours, what will you ride?"

At this time, another security guard quickly pushed out a bicycle lane: "Ye Shao, I have another car here, which is just useless. I let Xiao Li ride me. If you have something to do, you can go first."

"Yes, ye Shao, if you have something to do, you should be busy first."

Seeing that they are so kind, ye Pengfei doesn't delay, but he still says that he will give it back to him when he comes back. After all, if he owes them a little favor, it will undoubtedly bring the relationship between them closer, which is also a way to behave.

Soon, ye Pengfei drove the man's bicycle away. When he was on the road, he made countless passers-by feel extremely surprised.

Especially for the older generation, when they see ye Pengfei's bicycle, they can't help but have a bright eye. Then they stare at Ye Pengfei with a smile, and their eyes seem to be quite kind.

"These days, you can still ride this antique on the road. You can see your love for flying pigeon!"

Ye Pengfei seems to be aware of these kind eyes. He is happy in his heart. He didn't expect that he could even ride a bike. He was drunk when he thought about it.

But then, the sky suddenly dark clouds, wind also quickly blowing, as if it was going to rain, let Ye Pengfei can't help but frown.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt landed, not far in front of Ye Pengfei, almost did not scare Ye Pengfei urine.

"Paralyzed, is it easier for me to pretend to be him? How can I frighten me so much?"

Ye Pengfei was angry in his heart. He rode the Flying Pigeon Brand Bicycle all the way away.

But along the way, I dare not pretend any more.


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