President's office.

Wen Xin hung up the phone and quickly opened the door.

Then, a face full of smiles appeared in front of Wen Xin.

This smile looks very simple and honest, just like the shy smile of the simple farmers from the mountain village who enter the big city.

Just how familiar is this face?

For a moment.

"Why are you?"

"I'll go!"

Two people are a exclamation, looking at each other, all silly eyes.

Wen Xin finally understood why Xiao Ruxue was so hesitant before. After a long time, he turned out to be this bastard.

Fortunately, ye Pengfei's reaction is fast enough, and he guessed the intention of Xiaoxue for the first time.

"Cough Miss Wen Xin, I'm really sorry about the last time. "

Wen Xin snorts coldly and looks at Ye Pengfei carefully. He finds that the other party is quite different from the past. Of course, it still doesn't look good.

"Come in."

Wen Xin's cold tone is not because she forgives Ye Pengfei, but because the document is too important to let the other party take it out in front of outsiders.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "Miss Wenxin is really famous for her good temper. She forgives me so soon. Hahaha..."

Then, ye Pengfei's eyes fell on Wen Xin's little butt, and found that the original little butt was so sexy.

Because of wearing professional clothes, the black narrow skirt is tightly wrapped, highlighting the attractive radian, which makes Ye Pengfei's eyes almost straight.

Further up, it's Yingying's small waist, which shows the perfect curve completely. It's really fascinating.

Gudong ~!

Ye Pengfei swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

Then, he quickly closed the door of the office, and came over with a smile.

Only when he saw Wen Xin's chest that Feng Ting Wei An, he was shocked.

Ye Pengfei dare to guarantee that such a grand, even bigger than snow on a circle, it is the best ah!

Because Wenxin itself is very beautiful, belongs to the beauty of beauty, is completely the same level as xiaoxuexue, I'm afraid that's why they become friends.

"What about the documents?


Ye Pengfei reluctantly moved away from the other side's chest, then pretended to ask blankly.

Wen Xin almost didn't get angry. This wretched guy stares at his body as soon as he comes in. Now when he asks him about the documents, he even stares at his chest!

I don't know, how can Ruxue say such a person is reliable!

"It's Xiao Ruxue who gives you the documents quickly!"

Wenxin tries to control her emotions and resist the impulse to get angry, even though she feels that her lungs are about to explode.

"Oh, you said the document Xiao Xuexue gave me. Han, it's not urgent. By the way, you are the president of Binjiang University. You are so young and beautiful."

Ye Pengfei said with emotion, "you don't even have a boyfriend now? Or You think about the last time we were together

Wen Xin hardly believes her ears when she hears Ye Pengfei's words. In the past few years, she has seen many shameless and obscene people, but she has never seen such shameless people as ye Pengfei.

This skin is thicker than the wall.

"Asshole! Even if all the boys in the world are dead, I will not like you. " This sentence, Wen Xin almost roared out.

Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes and said, "please, can you change the lines? These lines are so old-fashioned."

"You Wen Xin took a deep breath and said, "do you want me to call Ru Xue?"

"Cut! Beauty, it's too much to play, isn't it that you invited me to have a meal? I can't understand the people in your city for such a vengeance. "

With that, ye Pengfei pretended to take things out of his arms.

Wen Xin just holds her arms and looks at each other calmly. Today, she wants to see what tricks the boy can play.

"Oh, I suddenly found that I was thirsty. Does Wenxin have any water?"

Ye Pengfei quickly put his hand into his arms and took it out, deliberately starting to tease Wen Xin.

Wen Xin said in Black: "there is a water dispenser. Pour it yourself."

Ye Pengfei just laughed, ran to get a paper cup, and then poured water for himself.

After that, ye Pengfei went to the sofa and sat down. Then he cocked his legs and said, "by the way, Wenxin beauty, how do you know Xiaoxue?"

"I don't have time to talk to you now. Please hand in the papers for me!"

"Tut Tut, Wenxin beauty, don't be excited, OK? Look at you, you are not good-looking. As a woman, you should learn to laugh more, just like this."With that, ye Pengfei quickly put out a smiling face, pointed to his face and said: "see? Isn't it handsome? "


Wen Xin was almost so angry that he said, "if you play with me again, get out of here!"

"What? Wenxin beauty, what did you say just now, you told me to get out of here? "

Ye Pengfei quickly sighed and pretended to be hurt: "well, Wenxin beauty, I appreciate you so much. I wanted to sit down with you to talk about my heart, but you told me to go away. I'm going. I'm going now."

With that, ye Pengfei quickly stood up and said: "originally xiaoxuexue asked me to come to deliver the letter, but now people ask me to roll, I don't think I can deliver it."

Ye Pengfei deliberately mentioned the documents and materials, then strode to the door, but let Wen Xin panic in an instant.

"Hey, stop for me."

But ye Pengfei didn't mean to stop at all. He continued to walk to the door of the office and seemed to be extremely determined.

Wen Xin is in a hurry. This document is so important. How can this bastard take it away now.

"Hey, you bastard, stop!"

Wen Xin quickly ran over and stopped him.

At the moment, ye Pengfei has opened the door of the office and stepped out with one foot.

On the corridor, the teachers and students, who passed by, all looked at this side.

"Er, Wenxin beauty, you want me to go away and stay. What do you mean?"

Ye Pengfei deliberately pretended to be very angry, which made Wen Xin very angry, but he couldn't attack.

In addition, there are people in the corridor now. Wen Xin is really afraid that this bastard will make a big noise.

"I didn't tell you to go away, I just I was just angry, so... "

Wen Xin began to show weakness, and after that, he felt that his dignity seemed to be trampled.

How proud and wise she used to be, Wen Xin has always been the Queen's role player, but now, she is so humble to an asshole. Just think about it, Wen Xin will be wronged.

"Won't you let me go?"

Ye Pengfei this just the corner of the mouth a hook, immediately which foot again stepped back, and took the opportunity to close the door.

But all the teachers in the corridor moved in their hearts.

"This guy, isn't he the headmaster's boyfriend?"


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