Many people were stunned when they heard Qin Rumeng's words. Many of them didn't care much about the holy land. When they came to the holy land, they were coerced by the divine sword gate. Most of the people here didn't care much about the gods in the holy land, and they didn't have much to do with them.

However, these people have great respect for the mysterious man who once appeared. This man's understanding of the way of law is rare in the world. He is "ecstatic" and even the elders of Shenjian sect are willing to bow down.

Moreover, this man has excellent accomplishments. In the last battle with the gods, he killed two gods by himself. Not long ago, he heard that he killed three gods in the Fang family. Many people speculated that this man had broken through the realm of virtual gods, and he was a strong man in harmony with the Tao. Many people here admire him very much.

Ye Pengfei frowns when he hears the words. He knows that the mysterious man among these people is his father ye yuncang. Last time ye yuncang saved himself, he left in a hurry. He didn't even have a chance to see him. He wanted to deal with the gods.

"This gloomy elder went to the temple alone. Does he want to destroy the gods of the whole temple by himself?" Some people are surprised.

"The elder's strength is extraordinary. He seems to have a big feud with the gods. This time, the temple in front of him will surely destroy the gods." Some people agree.

They all admire ye yuncang's strength very much, and all respectfully call ye yuncang "gloomy elder". No matter where they are, the strong always win the respect and applause of others.

However, Qin Rumeng shook his head and said, "as you all know, the great God in the temple is of great strength. Although he won't be defeated by the elder, he is only one man with two fists and four hands. So, before his trip, he told me that we should take people to the temple immediately and join him in eliminating the gods in the temple. "

Everyone nodded. They had dealt with the gods many times before, and knew that the leader of those gods was a strong one in the realm of harmony. That's why although they had the ability to crush many gods, they couldn't help them.

If the dejected elder is willing to kill the great God, even if he is restrained, others can take this opportunity to kill all the people except the great God one by one and wash the temple with blood.

"Let's go to the temple and wipe out the gods at one stroke. As long as this thing is completed, our mission will be finished. After that, I will join hands with you to go to the eternal world." Qin Rumeng said with a smile.

All of you here are smiling. As long as you finish the task here, you can enter the eternal world. This is the time when they linger in the holy land for many days.

Immediately, many people responded, saying that they were willing to go to the temple immediately to eliminate the so-called gods.

"Well, since we all have no objection, let's fix two hours, prepare separately, and start immediately after two hours." Qin Rumeng said, turned to look at Ye Pengfei, said: "Pengfei nephew, you also go with us."

Ye Pengfei nodded. Of course, he wanted to go with him. He wanted to see what his father looked like and how strong he was. He also wanted to see the God's temple.

Since ye Pengfei saw the "Temple of dream killing" and the nameless temple under the ancient well of Qipanshan in the Atlantic Ocean, he has a special yearning for the temple. According to the venerable golden horn, all the temples are the supreme legacy left to posterity after the rise of the great emperor in ancient times. There are great benefits hidden in them.

He thinks that the so-called temples of gods are probably the same as the "dream killing temples", which belong to the legacy left by an ancient emperor after his ascension.

Inside the cave, people disperse one after another. Ye Pengfei, Qin Mingxin, the second daughter of the Song family and ye Kong leave the cave together. As soon as they come out, they come towards them.

One of the two is Luo Qianhua, who killed Ye Pengfei maliciously before, and the man behind him, ye Pengfei, knows ye Shengqiu, who came out of Ye's family. Now he should be called Qin Mingqiu.

"Luo Qianhua, what else do you want to do?" Ye Kong looks at Luo Qianhua coming, glaring at him.

"Brother Ye Kong, don't be so cold to me. I've been modest just now. Brother Ye Pengfei is not in a hurry. What's your hurry?" Luo Qianhua is not smiling. Then he turns to Qin Mingxin, who follows Ye Pengfei. He smiles brightly and says, "I'm not here to find Ye Kong or Ye Pengfei. I'm here to ask Mingxin something."

Then, ignoring Ye Kong's cold eyes, he showed a bright smile to Qin Mingxin and said politely: "Xiaosheng knows that Youqing fairy and Mingxin fairy have always been good sisters, and now they are the same sisters. I want to ask the fairy about Youqing fairy's whereabouts."

When ye Pengfei heard Luo Qianhua talking about Youqing fairy, he remembered that he didn't see her in the crowd just now. It's reasonable that Youqing fairy left the sun's house earlier than himself. Even if the speed was slower, he would come back here. Did she have an accident on the road.

Thinking of this, there is no reason for the rise of a bad premonition in Ye Pengfei's heart.

Qin Mingxin temperament cold, looked at Luo Qianhua one eye, light way: "I'm not a fairy, please don't call me Mingxin fairy, and, I don't know you, also don't want to know you, to call my full name Qin Mingxin."Hearing Qin Mingxin's refusal, Luo Qianhua's rare eyebrows wrinkled. He thought he was romantic and handsome, and his appearance was even more impressive than many men. He was known as "white jade childe" in the southern region of Changsheng Kingdom, but he didn't expect to meet a nail in Qin Mingxin's face.

"I haven't seen you for many days. Aren't you worried? As you know, Mingxin fairy... " Luo Qianhua smiles and says something, but Qin Mingxin doesn't interrupt.

"I just said don't call me the wise fairy. Are you deaf?" Qin Mingxin coldly glanced at Luo Qianhua, and his eyes were full of disgust. He said: "elder martial sister Youqing told me before she left. If you asked her whereabouts, I must not tell you. So, please do it."

Qin Mingxin said, no longer pay attention to Luo Qianhua, but holding Ye Pengfei's arm, the attitude of intimacy is incomparable, just like a docile kitten.

This move can't help but make Luo Qianhua face black. For the first time, he began to doubt his charm. Qin Mingxin is totally two extremes to Ye Pengfei and him.

Qin Mingxin is cold to everyone. Only when he faces Ye Pengfei can he show a gentle smile. Luo Qianhua is very jealous of Ye Pengfei now. He can't figure out how ye Pengfei can win her heart.

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