At least Ye Pengfei thinks that this person's cultivation is no longer under his own.

The true yuan, which is cultivated by the eight nine Xuangong, is extremely rare. Even if it can't cover all the experts of the same level in the world of longevity, this man's true yuan is no worse than ye Pengfei's. it can be seen that the skill he practiced is also a very rare top-level skill.

The young man was dressed in white and had a pretty face. He looked only twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old. He was slender and had a fierce temperament between his eyebrows. He was like a sword out of sheath, giving people a sense of extreme danger.

In addition to Xiangying sleeve, the young man was followed by six other women. All of them were beautiful and graceful. They were all wearing uniform white skirts. Although they were not as attractive as Xiangying sleeve, they were dignified and elegant. Standing together, they were even with Xiangying sleeve.

Besides, each of the six women carries a sword on her back. The six swords have different strengths and weaknesses, but they are of good quality. At least they are the sword weapons of the spirit level.

"Don't provoke them." Zhu Hongyun suddenly whispered in Ye Pengfei's ear.

"What? Do you know these people? " Ye Pengfei was stunned.

Zhu Hongyun nodded and said solemnly, "I didn't expect him to come. Who doesn't know Mo feibai, the black-and-white saint of the banishment temple? Even if he doesn't know him, he should know the six beautiful sword slaves around him who are in the same white dress."

Ye Pengfei asked curiously, "what is the relegation immortal palace? Is it a big one? "

It can be seen that this sect is by no means an ordinary one. It must have a great origin. It may even have the same inheritance as the three immortal palaces. But ye Pengfei has never heard of this name.

"It's not just the beginning." Zhu Hongyun looked very serious and said: "the relegation fairy palace has a very long history. It is said that it was founded by the eldest son of Huoshen Zhu Rong, Prince Changqin, in the ancient wilderness period, and has been handed down to today."

Ye Pengfei was slightly surprised. No wonder the young man named Mo feibai had such a rich body. It turned out that the cultivation method he said was handed down from the great famine period, which was longer than the period of Fengshen, and also from the tradition of zhurong, the eldest son of Huoshen.

Zhurong, the God of fire, and Gonggong, the God of water, are often mentioned together in myths. The difference between zhurong and Gonggong is that zhurong, the God of fire, is not a demon. He is the right God. He is only one level lower than the ancient emperors such as Huangdi and Zhuanxu. It is said that this God controls the fire in the world. Finally, he calls himself Red Emperor and fights with Shennong, the Yan Emperor.

No one knows the final solution, but his eldest son, the prince Changqin, is quite legendary in mythology. It is said that when he was born, he held a small Qin in his arms, which triggered the strange phenomena of heaven and earth. Heaven and earth all sang happily because of his birth. Therefore, the name of Changqin comes from this.

"The relegation fairy palace is a super power of Zhongzhou. The super power of Zhongzhou is different from other states. You should also know that Zhongzhou is full of powerful people and has many clans, even more than all the States combined. In such a place, it can become a super power. You can imagine how powerful the relegation immortal palace is. The White Tiger God domain is a mole ant in front of the relegation immortal palace. "

Zhu Hongyun is afraid that ye Pengfei doesn't know that heaven and earth have offended Mo feibai, so he has to explain to him patiently.

It is true that Zhongzhou has a vast territory and abundant resources. Most of the strong men and clans in the eternal world gather in Zhongzhou. It can be seen that the relegation fairy palace is powerful in such a place.

The white tiger kingdom is also known as a super power. However, if you put it in front of the relegation immortal palace, it will be just as humble as a mole ant. Any hand can crush it to death.

Ye Pengfei's face was dignified. If so, the relegation immortal palace is no less than the three immortal palaces.

Looking at the young man's appearance, it is obvious that in the past ten thousand years, there has not been a fault in the inheritance of the banishment immortal palace like the yuxu palace. Such a force is extremely terrible, which means that there are still some terrible old immortals in this force, and even the legendary ancient secret treasures have been handed down.

This kind of sectarian influence can never be speculated by common sense.

"Don't look at him. Turn your head." Suddenly, Zhu Hongyun reminds Ye Pengfei in a low voice.

Ye Pengfei was stunned. He found that Mo feibai was also looking at him. It was obvious that ye Pengfei had been watching Mo feibai for a long time, and he felt the clue.

Mo feibai looks at Ye Pengfei with a trace of doubt in his eyes. It's obvious that he also finds that ye Pengfei's body is extremely rich, not weaker than himself. They look at each other from a distance.

At this time, Xiang Yingxiu suddenly came to Mo feibai and whispered a few words to him. After hearing this, Mo feibai couldn't help smiling. After that, he then Shi ran walked towards Ye Pengfei.

"It's over. He's noticed us. We'll be careful and try to avoid them later." Zhu Hongyun whispered.

Speaking, Mo feibai has come to the front of Ye Pengfei and Zhu Hongyun, and Xiang Yingxiu and six sword slaves are closely behind him.

"Zhu Xianzi, you are all right. It's said that you have got the holy water of Liquan, isn't it?" Mo feibai's voice is very nice, thick with some magnetism, combined with his handsome appearance, can really charm a girl.Zhu Hongyun is not affected by him, coldly way: "is how?"

"Zhu Xianzi, I owe you a word. A treasure like Liquan holy water is not something that people of your status can own. You'd better give Liquan holy water to me. Maybe you can still save your lives." Mo Fei's smiling face is full of coldness in his tone, and his threat is beyond expression.

Zhu Hongyun was really afraid of Mo feibai before, but Mo feibai had come to the door on her own initiative, and she would not be stage fright. She still said coldly, "I have drunk all the holy water of Liquan."

Mo feibai sneered and said, "Zhu Xianzi, don't make a joke. This Liquan holy water is a rare treasure in the world. It's very difficult for ordinary people to refine a drop of it. Do you think you're not afraid to die after drinking it?"

"I, the rosefinch family, only have the method of refining Liquan quickly. You don't need to worry about it." With that, Zhu Hongyun took a look at the fragrant sleeve behind Mo Fei's white body and said with disdain: "holy lady of heaven, you are really good at seducing men. You just left Tiger God, and now you are seducing the relegation immortal palace. It's true that you are one of the rarest things in the world."

"Zhu Hongyun, what are you talking about! Dare you say that again? " Xiang Ying sleeve burst into a rage, Zhu Hongyun's sentence "there is no one in ten thousand, rare Sao. Goods" poked in her painful foot.

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