"No hurry, wait and see." Zhu Hongyun's voice came from you.

Before she finished her words, ye Pengfei saw a group of frantic friars who had just rushed into the basin and were overwhelmed by a powerful force. All of them fell to the ground, slow and difficult.

"There is invisible pressure in this killing array, which can affect our actions and accomplishments. Be careful!" Someone yelled at his companion behind him.

When people heard his words, their color suddenly changed, and some even began to hesitate. The killing array did not disappear, but weakened. After entering, they did not know what would happen? Maybe if you don't get the ancient elixir, you'll be killed by the killing array first. Isn't it a big loss?

However, this is the idea of a small number of people. People die for money and birds die for food. Many of them are rushing to the killing array. However, it's no surprise that as soon as they rush into the killing array, they all stumble and fall to the ground.

There is too much pressure in the killing array. Many people can only use five or six levels of their skills, which means half of their accomplishments are wasted.

"Sure enough, as my grandfather said, there is an array to suppress Zhenyuan in this killing array." Zhu Hongyun chuckled. Obviously, he had expected such a situation for a long time.

"Come on, it's time for us to start." With that, Zhu Hongyun took the lead in the fight.

At this time, most of the people who had been outside the killing array had entered the killing array, and those who had been in the killing array had gradually adapted to the pressure of the killing array, and began to develop slowly towards the ancient elixir growing in the basin.

Ye Pengfei follows behind Zhu Hongyun and looks around to find Mo feibai and others. However, since the killing array was opened, Mo feibai and his sword slaves seem to have disappeared out of thin air, but they can't be found for a moment.

"The pressure in the killing array has a suppressive effect on Zhenyuan. One can only use half of one's accomplishments in the killing array, but I don't know if there is any restriction on the physical strength?" Ye Pengfei thought in his heart.

Two people gradually into the killing array, ye Pengfei suddenly body a sink, an invisible and huge pressure to his whole person ruthlessly tear to the ground, he had a guard in advance, immediately step on the front, this just barely did not fall. While looking at Zhu Hongyun beside him, he saw that he was walking in a leisurely way, and seemed to be unaffected by the killing. He hurried toward the tree hole on the tree pole of the Wutong tree, and from time to time he turned back to remind Ye Pengfei to hurry up.

"She has the secret to resist the pressure of the killing array!" Ye Pengfei's secret way in his heart.

After that, he moved himself and felt that his physical strength had not been suppressed by the killing array. Then he was a little relieved and stepped forward to catch up with Zhu Hongyun.

He clearly felt that this killing array could really suppress the cultivation in the monk's body, so that he could give full play to his own strength. Even though his true yuan was condensed and thick, his cultivation and ability could only give play to seven or eight levels.

That is to say, the strength he can play now is only equivalent to three or four levels of the virtual God, while the true yuan of others is much worse than him. He can only play one level of the virtual God, even less than the virtual God.

However, ye Pengfei's advantages are not these. He has a unique physical body, and his physical strength is incomparable. This killing array can only suppress the true yuan in the body, but not the physical strength.

"In the killing array, even if the strong one in the realm of harmony comes, I can kill him!" Ye Pengfei thought confidently.

Other people's physical strength is far worse than him. Even the physical strength of the strong one in he Dao realm is far less than him. In this killing array that can suppress the true yuan in his body, ye Pengfei feels like a fish in water and has the ability to directly challenge the strong one in he Dao realm.

"Come on, the tree hole is not far ahead. Let's get in quickly." Zhu Hongyun in front of some dislike constantly wave to Ye Pengfei.

When she was outside, Zhu Hongyun lost to Ye Pengfei in any aspect. Since she entered the killing battle, she finally came back with her old self-confidence. She can still beat this teenager. At least in the killing battle, she can beat this teenager who is very rebellious in all aspects.

Ye Pengfei had already noticed the look on Zhu Hongyun's face. He didn't point it out, but pretended to complain and said, "here it is, Ma De, is it great to have a secret protection?"

In fact, his speed is not slow, but Zhu Hongyun, who has not been suppressed by the killing array, seems to be slow. Of course, if ye Pengfei's reason, he can always run with a strong body, even if Zhu Hongyun is not suppressed by the killing array, I'm afraid he can't catch up with him.

Seeing the shriveled appearance of Ye Pengfei, Zhu Hongyun chuckled, happily blossomed, took the initiative to come forward, took Ye Pengfei's hand, and then rushed to the tree hole he had seen before.

Many friars on one side saw that they were not affected by the killing array at all. Like a strong wind passing by them, they couldn't help but stare big eyes one by one. Some red eyed people began to yell at each other. Whoever rushed to the center of the basin first could get more ancient elixirs. Everyone knows this.

the basin has several kilometers, and the tree of Wutong tree is also ten kilometers away.

Before long, the two had left the crowd far behind, where the fragrance of flowers was overflowing, and all kinds of ancient elixirs were growing everywhere. However, they did not stay again, but went to the tree hole according to the original plan."According to the information of my master Zhuque mountain, there should be a secret place in the tree cave, in which there are many ancient elixirs that are older, and the Phoenix elixir is probably in it." Along the way, Zhu Hongyun introduced to Ye Pengfei.

"It turns out that the Phoenix elixir is in the tree cave. No wonder there is no shadow of the Phoenix elixir outside. There is also a secret place in the tree cave. Isn't that a place in the world Ye Pengfei was surprised.

He had observed carefully before, and did not see the Phoenix medicine in the basin.

Zhu Hongyun nodded and said, "that's right. It's really a place within a place. According to the information of my predecessors in Zhuque mountain, the secret place of the tree cave should have been dug or created."

"What? Created by people? " Ye Pengfei was very surprised.

How strong is that man's cultivation to create a world?

Just as they were talking, ye Pengfei suddenly gave birth to a warning sign. The four swords were aimed at the sudden light in the flowers, shooting at him from four directions.

"There are enemies!" Ye Pengfei reminds a way in a hurry.

Then, four women in long white skirts jumped out of the flowers in front of them, with a strong sense of killing on their faces.

The four women in white were the four sword slaves who were with Mo feibai.

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