"Ha ha..."

Hearing this, Shi Qilin suddenly burst out laughing wildly. His smile faded from the sky and moved like thunder. Among the countless monsters in Kunlun, some of them with lower accomplishments were killed by the laughter. Their bodies were shattered and turned into flesh and blood splashed on their companions.

On the Kunlun Mountain, the three remaining masters of the Si family vomited a big mouthful of blood at the same time. They were all shocked by the laughter of Shi Qilin, and they were so depressed that they had to lie on the ground.

Ye Pengfei was also shocked by the laughter. If Zhenyuan in his body was surging wildly, and there was blood gushing from his ears, eyes, nose and mouth, it was the result of internal injury. Even if he is not dead now, it is difficult to recover. This kind of injury directly to the soul can not be cured by Liansheng pill.

"Little human, dare to do right with me, you have courage and backbone, but I hate people with backbone."

Shi Qilin opens his mouth again. At the same time, his hand like a dragon's claw is in the void. Ye Pengfei only hears a "Shua". His feet suddenly cool. His feet break from his knees in unison, and blood gushes out from the broken feet.

Ye Pengfei, who has lost his feet, has no support point at his feet and will kneel down in a short time. But he was still very stubborn. At the moment when his feet were broken, he immediately took out the Shinan sword from the space ring and put it on the ground to support the ground, so that he would not kneel on the ground.

"Brother ye, just kneel down. If you don't kneel down, it will kill you." Lying on the ground, Luo Changhe saw that ye Pengfei was so seriously injured that he still refused to admit defeat. He was not only convinced by his pride, but also politely advised him.

"The green hills are not afraid to be burned. Brother ye, let go of yourself." Si Hongshuang was lying on the ground and offered advice.

Both of them have been threatened by Ye Pengfei before, but they are dead enemies. At this time, they can't help but use them for ye Pengfei's pride. They don't want Ye Pengfei to be buried in the hands of Shi Qilin.

Ye Pengfei is really a great individual. Even if there are so many talents in the world, I'm afraid no one can compare with him. It's a pity to die in the hands of Shi Qilin.

"Ha ha, I'm really moved. Little man, your enemies are thinking of you, but you still dare not yield to me, but They're right. If you don't give in, you'll end up dead! " The first unicorn's voice is cold. It has lost patience.

No one will doubt its words. If ye Pengfei doesn't kneel down, he will die.

"It's just a beast. You want to kill me. Can you kill me?" Ye Pengfei takes out Liansheng dansai from the space ring and suddenly looks up at the huge figure in the sky, still sneering.

In his eyes, the black mist slowly condenses, the white eyes gradually disappear, and a violent force is ready to go.

It belongs to the power of the dark law. Ye Pengfei didn't want to use this power anymore. Old Hongjun once told him that as long as he used the dark law here, the dark law would devour his body and soul, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

In addition, once he uses this dark law again, he will be satisfied, and finally get rid of the physical bondage and return to heaven and earth. At that time, the laws of the world will be supplemented, and the whole world will return to the mythical age. Gods and demons will appear out of thin air, demons will emerge, and the Terran will fall, and the world will be ruined.

Therefore, Hongjun Laozu Cheng earnestly warned him not to use the law of darkness and not to die.

However, he can't care about the situation today. At the beginning, Qilin is so hateful that ye Pengfei wants to kill him.

"Stop it, kid, don't do it!"

Just at this time, the voice of Hongjun's grandfather suddenly appeared in front of Ye Pengfei, and then a figure appeared suddenly, standing between Shi Qilin and ye Pengfei.

Suddenly, ye Hongfei falls on the ground, but no one gets up again.

"Hongjun, you have lost to me. Do you want to intervene?" Shi Qilin glares at Hongjun's shadow and says angrily.

"You can't kill him. Once he dies, all the world will die, including you!" Hongjun shook his hand to brush the dust, and his voice was awe inspiring.

"Hongjun, if you bluff me again, do you think I will be afraid?" Shi Qilin sneers.

"I'm not bluffing you. The dark law lurks in this child. If he dies, the dark law will break away from his body and return to heaven and earth again. When all the laws are completed, you don't know better than me what the consequences will be." Hongjun frowned deeply and his voice was loud.

Others don't know what the dark development consciousness is, but Shi Qilin is a chaotic beast. How can he not know the power of the dark law? At first hearing Hong Jun's words, he said in a trembling voice: "you Are you talking about the law of darkness, which was destroyed by Zhuan Xu? Is this Law reborn? "

"Exactly. I don't have to lie to you. Although I don't know why this law appeared in this child, you should have seen the tragic scene of all the people in the world dying because of this law. Gods and demons have disappeared in this world for more than 5000 years. We were unable to eliminate them in those years, and now it is even more impossible. If they appear, not only you and me, but the whole world will fall. ""Shi Qilin, although you are greedy, you don't want to be a sinner in the whole world, do you?" Hong Jun explained.

After listening to Hongjun's words, the three people of Si family on the ground look at each other. They don't know what consciousness Hongjun is talking about, but one thing they know very well is that ye Pengfei can't die. If he dies, the world will perish.

At this time, the face of the golden horn, who had fallen in the distance, changed greatly. He was a strange beast in ancient times. The era when Zhuanxu the great emperor was "absolutely connected with heaven and earth" was his era. He could not understand the terrible gods and demons.

The Golden Horn master couldn't help looking up at Ye Pengfei, who fell in the distance. Unexpectedly, there were so many secrets hidden in him.

After hearing what Hongjun said, Shi Qilin hesitated.

Although he is insatiable, betrays the promise of the original God, and is shameless to the human race, he belongs to the camp of light, opposes the dark and the gods and demons. If you kill Ye Pengfei today, is it not the same as calling the gods and Demons back, becoming a sinner of the whole world and being spurned by history?

The matter is so serious that it has to give up the idea of killing Ye Pengfei. It looks at Ye Pengfei on the ground and asks, "OK, little man, I can't kill you, but where's the seven skilful fireworks I want? As long as you hand in the seven skilful fireworks, I can let you go. "

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