The first step is to refine Qi, then to refine Qi and spirit, to refine spirit and return emptiness, and finally to combine emptiness with Tao.

Among them, refining Qi and refining Qi and transforming spirit are the four stages in the early stage, namely, practicing Qi, building foundation, golden elixir, and Yuanying. After that, refining spirit and returning emptiness correspond to the realm of emptiness and spirit, while refining emptiness and combining Tao correspond to the realm of combining Tao.

When the cultivation reaches the state of harmony with Tao, it means that the cultivation of human's physical body reaches the state of perfection, and the later state cultivates not the physical body, but the spirit.

The spirit of Mahayana realm can not be broken and then established because of its shallow cultivation. After entering the realm of plunder and transformation from Mahayana realm, the spirit can be sublimated and the body can be destroyed. As long as the spirit is not destroyed, it can choose a day to live.

This is also the reason why it is extremely difficult to kill the bandits. Their spirits are powerful and can be hurt by extraordinary means.

The name of the 14 Hua Yuan Dan is 14, which is taken from the five Qi Dynasty yuan, the five liquid Dynasty yuan, the three Yang juding, and the single mindedly guarding the middle.

Whether it is the five Qi Dynasty yuan, the five fluid Dynasty yuan, or the three Yang gathering at the top, it is all about the "essence, Qi and spirit" in the human body. As long as these 14 kinds of "essence, Qi and spirit" are integrated into one, we can advance to the realm of harmony. And that's exactly what shishihua Yuandan is going to do.

Ye Pengfei directly started the alchemy, took out the elixir needed to make the fourteen Chinese yuan Dan and began to put it into the alchemy furnace. Now there is no dark law as an auxiliary for alchemy, but samadhi fire combined with eight robbers of white thunder is used for alchemy. Although the effect is worse than the dark law, it is similar.

Unexpectedly, the first batch of elixir exploded smoothly, and ye Pengfei began to refine the second batch. It was not until the third batch that ye Pengfei really refined a fourteen yuan elixir.

It's very difficult to refine the elixir beyond the sky level, and each furnace can only produce one elixir. Ye Pengfei didn't immediately take this 14 Hua Yuan pill, but continuously refined it for ten heats.

Ten Dan and fried two furnace, ye Pengfei at this time has nine fourteen yuan Dan.

Then, he started the stove again, refining Yuanyang pill and congenital pregnancy pill. Looking at a pile of pills in his hand, ye Pengfei nodded with satisfaction.

"These bottles are Yuanyang pills, which can help you improve the cultivation speed of the golden elixir realm. This bottle is a congenital pregnancy pill. When you reach the full circle of the golden elixir, taking this pill can help you break through the realm of Yuanying." Ye Pengfei said, will Yuanyang Dan and congenital pregnancy Dan together to the north sky.

Last time, ye Pengfei also gave some pills to Beitiao sky, but those pills were only enough for Beitiao sky to reach the golden elixir realm. Now Beitiao sky is a golden elixir, but it has not been promoted to Yuanying. It is probably because there is no elixir, so ye Pengfei has to help Beitiao sky refine some elixirs.

Beitiao sky is not polite. She knows that ye Pengfei has grown beyond her reach. If she still refuses to accept these pills, the gap between them will be further and further in the future.

There is an open-air Lingquan in Mengji temple, which releases Lingqi all the time. Although Ye Pengfei went into the temple to see this Lingqi, he can be sure that this Lingquan must be left by those ancient emperors. Lingqi is extremely abundant and pure. There is no need to worry about the lack of Lingqi.

However, ye Pengfei still took out some spirit crystals and arranged a spirit gathering array around them. They just sat in the spirit gathering array and began to practice.

He swallowed two fourteen yuan pills directly. Soon, the real yuan in his body seemed to explode. It was surging in his body crazily, and the secret of chaos was constantly running in his body.

At this time, ye Pengfei's whole body is congested, and his dry skin seems to have been nourished by the rain, and it is fast becoming ruddy. And the sparse hair on his head also broke off one after another, and strands of silver wire grew out of his head again.

Just a few breaths later, ye Pengfei's body has changed greatly. The elder's breath has been swept away, from old age to middle age, and then from middle age to youth.

In Ye Pengfei's body, time seems to be standing in a rapid retrogression.

Soon after

"Boom -"

a loud noise like thunder suddenly exploded in Ye Pengfei's body, making his whole body tremble.

"What's the matter? Is the way I practice wrong? " Ye Pengfei was surprised.

At this time, his whole skin cracked, and a trace of blood was seeping out from the crack. In the blink of an eye, he became a blood man, and his bones were "ga la la la", and even broke in several places.

However, ye Pengfei can't control his body at all. His whole body is still shaking. It's like a man beating him with a huge hammer. Every time he shakes, a bone in his body will break.

"Brother ye, how are you?" Ye Pengfei asked about the situation in Beitiao.

However, she did not dare to touch Ye Pengfei with her hands. She could only stand in the same place and was at a loss. Ye Pengfei's imagination at this time seemed to be possessed by the devil. If outsiders imposed intervention, it would be counterproductive.

Ye Pengfei is also very depressed. He practices according to the skills recorded in the chaos Sutra. He should not be possessed. What's the reason?After a while, ye Pengfei's bones were broken, and none of them was in good condition. Now he was seriously injured and couldn't stand up, but the real yuan in his body was still surging wildly, and his whole body was constantly shaking, and he couldn't stop.

Beitiao sky stood on one side with her feet at a loss, tears had already splashed her face. She hated that she was useless, that she could not help Ye Pengfei, and that she could do nothing.

After a while, ye Pengfei fell to the ground and was on the verge of dying, but Zhenyuan in his body was surging like waves, more and more fierce, more and more presumptuous. All the bones on his body were crushed, and none of his skin was in good condition. If ye Pengfei had not been born with complete vitality, he would have died at this time, and only he could keep sober now.

"Boom -"

another thunderbolt from the flat land reminds Ye Pengfei of it. Then, ye Pengfei is full of momentum, just like the flood of breaking the dike, which seems to break through the sky.

Then, the fierce momentum of Ye Pengfei's body suddenly closed, and all the momentum rolled back and converged into Ye Pengfei's body.

With the convergence of breath, ye Pengfei now seems to be the same as ordinary people. He can't see any trace of cultivation. However, he finally shows a smile on his face.

Because only he can feel that his cultivation has been promoted in the rage of the real yuan just now, from the peak state of the virtual God to the level of harmony.

And his body is constantly reshaping. Without taking Liansheng pill, ye Pengfei's bones, skin, flesh and blood are rapidly growing again.

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