"Now that you're all here, stay together."

Voice just fell, the murderous spirit of Ye Pengfei's body, instantly enveloped all the people present.

The murderous air was extremely cold, as if it had met death.

"This is the boy..."

Six Ye and others, have already felt through the body cold, in the eye is to have the fear that can't say.

They used to live a life of licking blood at the edge of a knife, and they were not afraid of it. But now, after they really felt the cold and murderous atmosphere, they almost didn't pee.

"Brother, you What do you want to do? "

Six Ye can't help swallowing, because ye Pengfei's state just now is really frightening.


Ye Pengfei suddenly lit a cigarette for himself, and then slowly spit out a mouthful of eye circles.

"In fact, what I want is very simple. As long as you tell the people behind the scenes, I'll let you go. Otherwise, you know, I'm afraid this matter is not easy to solve."

"You ~!"

Six Ye instantly angry, even if very afraid of each other's strength, but the other party so arrogant, even clay figurine also have three points of anger.

Similarly, the other people around were also upset. There seemed to be burning anger in their eyes. They wanted to beat Ye Pengfei severely.

"Brother, it seems that you are trying to have a hard time with my sixth master. In that case, let's solve it in the way of the people in the Jianghu."

Ye Pengfei laughed and then said, "OK, but I'm afraid you can't even plug my teeth by yourself. Let's do it together, so as not to waste my time."

"What?" All of them were angry instantly. Unexpectedly, ye Pengfei was even more arrogant than they imagined.

"Shua Shua!"

More than ten experts have drawn out their swords. If they can solve the problem with swords, they will naturally choose to use swords, because the sound of a shot will be heard, and it will cause a lot of trouble.

What's more, in the eyes of the sixth master, if so many of them can't even stop this smelly boy, then they don't have to live.


In an instant, more than a dozen people all took out their mountain knives and rushed towards Ye Pengfei. Everyone's eyes were full of fierce light and murderous.

Knife light flickers, as if the sofa above the Ye Pengfei completely submerged.

But ye Pengfei is still languidly lying on the sofa, without any movement, and even with a cigarette in his mouth. In his narrow eyes, he is also sleepy, as if he did not pay attention to the people in front of him.

"Damn it

Seeing this man pretending to be such a match, everyone was angry in an instant. They were furious!

So at the moment, they all think that if they can knock this guy to the ground, they can definitely be rewarded by the sixth master. When the time comes, they will be less popular and less spicy?

Sen Han's light in Ye Pengfei's eyes quickly skimmed, see those blade is about to fall on Ye Pengfei's body, ye Pengfei's body this moment burst up.

First of all, it is a foot on the ground, and this step, ye Pengfei's body has instantly soared to the mid air.

Next, in the eyes of the people, ye Pengfei's body seemed to spin in the air, and the soles of his feet quickly fell on the people.

Bang bang bang!

The shadow of Jiangning night's feet fell on them again, making them all spit blood.

In the end, almost every one of these people bombarded the wall, smashed a big hole, and then rebounded back, then fell to the ground, leaving a pool of blood.

Just at the beginning, ye Pengfei used absolute means to completely frighten the people present!

Ye Pengfei's means completely shocked Liu Ye and others!

Similarly, the four wolf masters around him also twitched a few times.

"This guy How could it be so perverse

Several people's hearts once again had the appraisal to Ye Pengfei's force, the body and mind all shocks.

As for ye Pengfei, he shook his head helplessly and then said with a smile, "I can't help fighting. It's just that. It's not enough for me to plug my teeth."

It is still the arrogant words before, but they have been laughing all the time, but now, in the whole hall, no one can laugh, only those people who were attacked by Ye Pengfei are crying bitterly.

"Who else?" Ye Pengfei eyebrows pick, eyes quickly fell on the wolf ye and others not far away.

"Grass! Cut him to death

Several people rushing behind started again, raised the knife in their hands, and quickly rushed towards Ye Pengfei like lightning.

More than ten mountain knives fell heavily towards Ye Pengfei. At the same time, the leading wolf tooth waved his fist and took the lead in killing Ye Pengfei's head!Between the fireworks and flint, ye Pengfei's legs jumped, and then the whole person flew into the air, kicking one of them on the neck, and then hitting one of them on the waist.

Next, just like the sliding fish, they kept sliding on the people.

When ye Pengfei fell to the ground, the mountain knives in their hands also clanged and fell to the ground one after another.

As for their people, ye Pengfei leaped again and knocked them down one by one with all kinds of superb fighting skills. Almost every move was extremely lethal. The acupoints were accurate, and there was half a difference.


Ye Pengfei's body fell to the ground.

Then the others fell to the ground and began to howl.

"To be honest, it's too weak, too weak." Ye Pengfei's tone was full of exclamation, but it was from the bottom of his heart, which made Liu Ye almost faint.

"Grass! Don't hide if you have the ability

The wolf master who took the lead didn't hit Ye Pengfei before, and he didn't bring him into the attack range after the other side shot, so the wolf master subconsciously thought that ye Pengfei must be afraid of him.

However, ye Pengfei gave a cold smile.

"To die!"

At the moment of the other side's leap, there was a violent storm in the air.

The fist in the wolf's hand seems to set off a strong whirlwind, and instantly comes to the front of Ye Pengfei.

Come on!

Like lightning!

Even if it is Ye Pengfei, not from high looked at each other a few eyes.

Unfortunately, the other party is the enemy after all, so when the other party's fist is still in front of Ye Pengfei, ye Pengfei's body blinks.

The opponent's fist failed, but ye Pengfei had already raised his foot, which was a vertical split.

The weight of the sole of the foot fell on his shoulder, which made the whole shoulder collapse.

As the blood flew wildly, the wolf's eyes suddenly burst, and then he fell to the ground, his body trembled for a while, and his mouth gushed with blood foam because of the broken heart.

Within a moment, the other side would not move.

Kill it!

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