Yan Yan's back was directly hit by Ye Pengfei's drill and fist. The sound of broken bones made people's teeth sour.

Yan Yan snorts. Driven by Ye Pengfei's powerful fist, he turns into a shell and smashes it down to the ground.


There was another loud noise, accompanied by a burst of smoke and dust, Yan Yan's body was blown directly into the ground, and his life and death were unknown.

Standing on one side of the blood devil ancestor straight his eyes are staring out. Yan Yan, one of the three saints in white, was completely crushed with one blow. This kind of strength is really terrible.

He suddenly had an illusion.

At that time, outside Wangxiang City, ye Pengfei practiced Taoism and killed more than a dozen saints of all nationalities. He also made the Jiang family feud with the Mohist family in the relegated immortal Palace by clever tricks. With such fighting talent and intelligence of mind, even the blood devil's grandfather had to sigh that he was the first person he had ever seen in his life, which was better than the wind of that year.

Then, in the extraterritorial war, ye Pengfei's cultivation suddenly soared, became an immortal, and saved the sky with a mouthful of immortal Qi. Such a terrible growth rate really shocked the blood devil ancestors.

Now, when ye Pengfei returns to the eternal world, his accomplishments are suppressed, but his strength is not diminished. He kills Yan Yan Yan, one of the three white saints with his meat fist, which makes him shocked again.

No one can see how strong Ye Pengfei's cultivation is and how great his potential is.

It seems that no matter where ye Pengfei went or how long he left, he can always give people an incomparable shock after meeting him again.

Even he who claims to be very familiar with Ye Pengfei is the same.

"This You, how did you do it? "

Just now, he was still worried about how to deal with Yan Yan.

"You saw her just now, didn't you?" Ye Pengfei said with a smile.

"No, I mean, how could your body become, become So sick? " The blood devil asked after carefully considering the words.

"You're the pervert!" Ye Pengfei laughed and scolded.

Is explaining, suddenly felt a familiar breath is running towards his side quickly.


Sure enough, not long after, a white shadow rushed up into the sky, turned into a white shadow, and rushed towards Ye Pengfei's arms. Ye Pengfei dodges Bai Sheng's attack for fear that Bai Sheng will hurt Xiaofeng in his arms.

"Ow, ow..."

Bai Sheng didn't rush at Ye Pengfei. He thought that ye Pengfei still disliked himself as he did yesterday. He turned his head and gave him a few low sobs.

However, when Xiaobai saw Xiaofeng in Ye Pengfei's arms, the sob immediately turned into an angry roar, and even his tiger eyes were full of anger.

Bai Sheng stares at Ye Pengfei mercilessly and roars a few times. Obviously, he is asking who hurt Xiaofeng.

"Xiaofeng is OK. The person who hurt her is buried in the ground now." Ye Pengfei smiles and points to a black hole path on the ground that Yan Yan's body pretends to be.

Bai Sheng roared again, his body flashed, and he rushed down to the black hole.

Bai Sheng grew up watching Xiaofeng. After all, Xiaofeng is just a child. She used to play with Bai Sheng when she was looking at the countryside. The relationship between man and beast is the best. Now she knows that Xiaofeng has been bullied, which immediately arouses Bai Sheng's anger.

The sound of biting came from the black hole. Soon Bai Sheng rushed out of the black hole with a white ball in his mouth and put the ball in Ye Pengfei's hand.

Holding the ball in his hand, ye Pengfei can feel that there seems to be a great power hidden in the ball. As long as this power is stimulated, the power of terror can break out.

Obviously, the reason why Yan Yan Yan used the power of the moon to suppress Ji Changshu was because of the ball.

"This round ball is not a magic weapon, but it is more powerful than most ancient magic weapons I have seen. I think this round ball is the treasure given by the God King to his subordinates. With the power of this round ball, those gods and saints can easily kill such strong people as Ji Changshu."

Ye Pengfei said to himself.

Just now, Yan Yan suppressed Ji Changshu with the power of light. This method is really terrible. Even if ye Pengfei wanted to escape from that light, it would not be easy.

It's just a pity that most of Yanyan's strength is above the ball. Just because of this, when ye Pengfei killed Yanyan by thunder, he didn't have the chance to take out the ball to deal with it, which made Ye Pengfei be able to kill each other with one blow.

If you give Yan Yan time to take out the ball, it's hard to predict who will win or lose in the end.

"In this way, if you encounter the divine consciousness of the temple in the future, you must make a quick decision and deal with it by thunder. You must not let the other side take out the ball, just as you did last time."

Recalling the last time, ye Pengfei was chased by five Shenshi with a ball, and finally had to run into the underground river for his life. He was really like a lost dog.

"Come on, get out of here first."

Ye Pengfei returns to his senses and says hello to the blood devil, intending to leave.However, when he turned around, he suddenly saw several figures not far from the sky, looking at his side.

See these people, ye Pengfei is also Leng for a while, opened his mouth, but finally found that he did not know what to say.

These are eight women, including Feng Canyue and Xiao Ruxue.

Wind Wanyue several people are also looking at Ye Pengfei, across the distance, ye Pengfei can still see from each other's eyes, but there is water flashing.

Finally, the wind and the moon moved first.

She stepped forward from the void. Lianbu came to Ye Pengfei, but she didn't look at Ye Pengfei or speak to Ye Pengfei. Instead, she reached out and hugged Xiaofeng to check the condition of Xiaofeng's injury. When she found that Xiaofeng was just sleeping, Feng Canyue was greatly relieved.

Xiaofeng seems to be used to the embrace of the wind Wanyue. She nestles in the arms of the wind Wanyue and sleeps more deeply.

"Xiaofeng is OK..." Ye Pengfei finally can't help but speak first.

However, the words did not finish, to meet his really a loud slap in the face.


Although the sound is very crisp, but the wind Wanyue obviously is not really good to beat Ye Pengfei, this slap fan strength is not big, but also enough to let Ye Pengfei Leng in situ.

Ye Pengfei is a little angry. Do you want to hit people as soon as you come up?

However, when ye Pengfei looked up to see the wind waning moon, he saw that the wind waning moon was already full of tears, and his chest stirred violently, crying into tears.

The wind Wanyue pours down Ye Pengfei's arms and scolds: "I hurt my daughter like this as soon as I come back, your father..."

Because the voice stopped swallowing, the following sentence "how did you become a father" could not be said any more.

Ye Pengfei is not only guilty, but also heartbroken. He holds the wind, Wanyue and Xiaofeng tightly in his arms.

The wind Wanyue is still the same as it was in those years. It looks tough, but in fact it's because of deep love.

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