The negotiation process was very smooth, and the situation was basically the same as what Feng Wanyue expected, because most people in Wangxiang city respect Ye Pengfei very much. In fact, many people also want to go back to their own residence. After ye Pengfei discussed with them a little, many families immediately hit it off and planned to move their families and go back to the eternal world.

It took about three days to prepare. On the third day, under the leadership of Ye Pengfei, all the families in Wangxiang city formed a team and left together. For a time, the people of Wangxiang city went to Chengkong, leaving only some shift members of the major families to guard.

"This time, we are proud to return to Wangxiang city because of the threat of the main temple and the temple destroyed by the son. We owe the son again."

The head of Shennong's Jiang clan, together with the heads of other clans, comes to Ye Pengfei and salutes him. His attitude is very respectful.

"Yes, at the beginning, there were many people in our family who had participated in the killing of Shengzi. Regardless of the past, Shengzi not only saved us once, but now he has eliminated the threat for them. We really don't know how to repay such kindness."

The head of the Ji clan of the Zhou family also sighed.

Looking at the clan leaders standing in front of him, ye Pengfei laughed and said modestly, "you don't have to thank me. To be honest, this time I destroyed the main temple and the shrine, the fundamental reason is not to help you. It's really because the main temple and the shrine want to kill me. I just fight back passively."

"Although that's what we say, it's really because the son of God, whether he admits it or not, has written down his kindness. In the future, if the son of God needs help, he just needs to tell us to go through fire and water."

The patriarch of xuanyuanji clan.

Many members of these families may have betrayed the wind clan before because of the temptation of the main temple. However, in the last foreign war, they did not retreat like Mohist, Xihuang and Xijia, but chose to stand on the same front with Fengzu and ye Pengfei to fight for the future fate of the human race.

This alone is enough to be affirmed by Ye Pengfei.

After six years of war, these powerful people were forced to leave the temple and settle down with the God.

Now, under the leadership of Ye Pengfei, they can finally return to their hometown where they were born and raised. Therefore, for ye Pengfei, they are sincere respect.

"It's a long way to go. The ancestral places of our families are different. After we leave Taigu copper gate, we can say goodbye to each other. Take care of yourself. If you want to use my Zhou family today, just let me know. I'll do my best."

The head of the Ji clan of the Zhou family arched his hand to the other heads of the clan. Then he flew a salute to Ye Peng and said, "take care of your son. I'll leave now."

"Ladies and gentlemen, our itinerary is different, so I'm going to leave. If I have something to do in the future, I just need to inform you next time, and I'll be here the first time. Take care Shennong Jiang family also left.

The ancestral places of the major families are different, some in Dongzhou, some in Xizhou, and some in Zhongzhou.

These families had a lot of enmity in the past. Some families had enmity, while some families had conjugal marriage. The relationship of interests was complicated.

However, all of them were driven out of the world of eternal life and lived in a humble place. Because of the same experience, they had to support and help each other. It is precisely because of this that their families unconsciously established a friendship of sharing weal and woe in these six years.

The previous enmity has been written off, now only pure friendship is left. Therefore, at this parting moment, they are more sympathetic to each other.

But the road to return is different, and we need to make a difference after all.

Looking at the families leaving one after another, ye Pengfei was relieved.

These people, walking in the snowy mountains and on the way home, are all the people they have unintentionally saved.

Some of them may have participated in the original "robbing and killing young people in white" action for various reasons. Some of them, like Xi Linchen, may have yelled at Feng Wuji as a dog. Some of them may not have done similar things, but they have ulterior motives because of conflicts of interest with other families.

But now they have changed.

Because of the original extraterritorial war, because they were also expelled from the eternal world by the main temple, their mentality changed.

At last, they realized that it was very difficult for them to get along with each other, and they also understood that family to family was not only about the exchange of interests, but also about the emotional entanglement.

"Let's go, too." Ye Pengfei sighed for a while, turned back and picked up Xiaofeng, walked side by side with fengwanyue, Xiao Ruxue and others.

Xiaofeng has gradually accepted Ye Pengfei. The last time Xiaofeng didn't dare to call ye Pengfei's father, it's all because of this sudden familiarity. It's really hard to accept in a short time. Fortunately, Xiaofeng is young after all, and she has a fantasy about ye Pengfei's father since she was a child. After a few days of getting along, Xiao Ruxue and others found that Xiaofeng seems to be more happy than herself Huan and ye Pengfei are together."Sure enough, she is the lover of her last life. Her daughter prefers her father more." Xiao Ruxue sighed.

The ancestral place of the Feng clan is between Zhongzhou and the north pole, not far from Taigu Tongmen. It took only seven days for the Feng clan and their party to return to the original mountains.

This mountain range is very old, in which there are towering ancient trees that are not found in other parts of the evergreen world, and there are various ancient monsters with huge shapes. The ancestral land of the wind clan is located in the center of this mountain range.

After entering this mountain range, ye Pengfei saw the giant congenial array last time.

This congenital array is called the congenital primitive array. It can preserve the creatures and vegetation in the array to a great extent, and is not affected by the outside world. Because of this, many ancient trees and monsters in the array still retain the appearance of ancient times.

Ye Pengfei's array attainments have reached the peak many years ago, but up to now, he still has not understood the secret of this congenital array.

Last time, I heard Chen Mo say that Suiren's family suddenly fell outside the territory. Before he died, he didn't have a chance to tell his descendants many secrets about the ancestral land of the wind clan. That's why the secrets of the ancestral land of the wind clan have been buried in the clouds. Later generations don't know the real function of this ancestral land.

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