Ye Pengfei's scalp explodes. There is someone in the coffin. He is still a living beauty!

Underground river, an ancient tomb, an ancient coffin, a head.

Ye Pengfei really has an impulse to turn around and run away. It's not that he's timid. In such a quiet underwater tomb, even though he is possessed of peerless cultivation, he's not only frightened by the sudden change, which is completely human's instinctive reaction.

Ye Pengfei thought he was wrong. After fixing the earth God, he looked into the coffin and found that it was really a head, the head of a girl who seemed to be only 15 or 16 years old.

The girl's eyes were closed, and her long eyelashes were quite beautiful. Her face was carved out of white suede jade, and her cheeks were red. She didn't look like a dead man, but more like a beauty who had just fallen asleep.

Ye Pengfei was shocked. He didn't know whether the person in the coffin was alive or dead. Just when he wanted to open the lid of the coffin, he suddenly had a sign in his heart.

He didn't want to think about it. He immediately moved aside. Just at this moment, a strong current of water rushed straight to the place where he was just now. "Bang" a dull sound, hit on the coffin, directly the mossy coffin hit a while shaking, dun time countless moss off, the whole crystal coffin suddenly exposed.

Ye Peng didn't have time to look at the crystal coffin. Instead, he turned his head to look behind him. This was not only a surprise.

Behind him, I don't know when, there stood a tall figure, which was carved from hard stone. It was the missing statue of Suihuang!

"Boy, your reaction is very fast. You can avoid my attack! But even if you can avoid my attack, you won't live

The image did not open its mouth, but preached with divine knowledge.

Ye Pengfei doesn't know the meaning of the statue. Since he entered the underground river, he found that things were more complicated than he imagined.

Originally, he just wanted to find out whether the statue still retains the consciousness of Suihuang, and whether it would pose a threat to Fengzu.

But just after he went down to the underground river, a wonderful feeling appeared in his heart, guiding him to come here. He didn't know what this feeling was for, who was going to guide him here, and what the purpose was.

Now, when I came here, I found an ancient tomb. In the tomb, there was a young girl who was like an immortal. She didn't know whether she was alive or dead. Now she was attacked by this statue.

All kinds of things, riddled, looks very treacherous, but ye Pengfei feels that this thing seems to have an inevitable connection with himself.

"Are you Suihuang?" Ye Pengfei also asked with divine sense.

However, shortly after his words came out, suddenly, a very strong energy wave came from the crystal coffin behind him. The energy wave formed a ripple, which was like an avalanche. With a huge anti earthquake force, ye Pengfei was able to fly 50 meters away.

Then, an amazing roar came from the ancient coffin. The roar made the water around tremble slightly.

Then, in Ye Pengfei's shocked eyes, a black shadow slowly emerged from the ancient coffin. The shape of the shadow was like a buffalo, with two curved horns on his head, a broad mouth and a convex nose, wearing phosphorescent armor, and holding a huge axe in his hand, standing on the ancient coffin like an ancient demon.

As soon as the ox demon appeared, the underwater cave was filled with this breath from the ancient times. It glared at Ye Pengfei, and its eyes were full of murders. It seemed that as long as ye Pengfei dared to step closer, it immediately killed Ye Pengfei.

"Tomb beast?"

Ye Pengfei frowned. He had never seen this kind of thing before, but he thought that the ox devil must be the guardian beast of this ancient tomb.

It is said that many ancient mausoleums contain tomb guarding animals, or tomb guarding people. The longer the ancient mausoleums are, the stronger these tomb guarding people and tomb guarding animals will be. Ordinary strong people will enter them and die.

"This is not the tomb beast..."

Just when ye Pengfei was surprised, the statue behind him suddenly said, "it's a spirit of the array. It's a spirit of the array refined from an ancient spirit. Its strength is even stronger than that of the Zhenmu beast."

"Ancient gods and demons?" When ye Pengfei heard the words, he turned his head and looked at the statue of Suihuang. His face was full of doubts.

"That's right." The statue of Suihuang nodded. He suddenly laughed and said, "I just said that you can't live today. In that case, it's OK to tell you. I made this spirit myself."

"You made it yourself? So you're Suihuang? " Ye Pengfei was slightly stunned and asked.

"Well? Do you know me? " The statue of Suihuang seemed stunned, but soon he said angrily: "boy, don't try to cheat me. Don't think that I can spare you. You don't have the blood of our wind clan. How can you know my identity? And why are you following me here, and what's your purpose? "

However, although the statue of Suihuang asked, he soon waved his hand and said, "I don't want to hear your explanation, because I know your explanation must be a lie. I just want you to die now. Anyone who knows my secret will die! "Looking at the statue talking to himself, ye Pengfei really can't laugh or cry. But just as he was about to speak, he found that the statue of Suihuang suddenly moved.

He was already lying in the water, but with a slight shock in his arms, a huge force suddenly burst out of his arm. The huge force passed through the water, forming a terrible whirlpool in the water. In the blink of an eye, he came to Ye Pengfei.

It can be seen from this that the physical strength of the statue of Suihuang is so terrible.

Ye Pengfei didn't dare to be careless. He rushed out to avoid the attack of the two Suizhong whirlpools. In his opinion, since the statue was Suihuang himself, he didn't have to fight with each other.

However, he underestimated the power of the two eddies in the water, and even underestimated the horror of the image of Suihuang.

Just as he was fleeing out, he suddenly felt that the resistance of the water around him suddenly became very strong. Unexpectedly, a strong suction had been formed, which made his body just fleeing out less than half of the way, and he immediately ran into the center of the two vortices uncontrollably.

Ye Pengfei screams that it's not good, but he is in the water at the moment and can't find any borrowing point. He can only watch himself collide with two vortices.

"For today, I've been waiting for ten thousand years. Boy, you shouldn't follow me. Although my strength is not as good as before, it's more than enough to kill you a little monk." The image of Suihuang awe inspiring way.

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