There are few large-scale riots in xiaxianjie, the Taichu world, because although there are no legal constraints, there are three very powerful forces that manage the rules of the world all the time.

These three forces are wujizong, Leize Shenyu, and banishment palace, which are known as the three immortals. They rule the world with the supreme authority and the strength that ordinary people can't reach. They control the rules of the world. No one, even the three families, dare to challenge the authority of the three immortal families.

It is the existence of these three forces that enables xiaxianjie to enjoy many years of stability. In nearly 5000 years, there has never been a large-scale riot.

Today, the Ye family is threatened. It's said that they are going to destroy the family. Naturally, the three immortals don't want to see such an event that can shake the whole lower fairyland. So they have to send someone to the Ye family to solve the turmoil for the Ye family.

Of course, it's not an obligation for the three immortals to send experts to support them. They also need to collect benefits.

"The three immortals have already told us to come to support brother Ye. Soon, the three immortals will send someone to come. I don't believe it. Someone dares to move Ye's family under the eyes of the three immortals."

The gray haired old man who spoke earlier sneered again.

This man is an old ancestor of the Yin family. His accomplishments are comparable to those of the Ye family. He also has the strength of the half step Immortal Emperor. Beside the ancestors of the Yin family, there was an old man whose cultivation was similar to that of the Yao family.

"It's been a long time since we went to the fairyland. No one dares to challenge the authority of the three fairylands. I'd like to see who is sacred." Yao's ancestors also said.

Ye jiazun heard the speech and just pulled the corner of his mouth to smile.

When he first sent someone to inform other families, he had already made plans to divide the property of the Ye family. He didn't feel sorry for other families to divide the property of the Ye family. After all, the Ye family does not belong to his private property, but to ye yuncang.

If ye yuncang's property can be used to solve his own crisis, of course he would like to see it.

"It's hard to say what's sacred. This boy, relying on his sanctification, threatens our Ye family and plans to forcibly take over our Ye family. Can I agree with you?" Ye jiazun is not angry.

"What?! Sanctified body? "

When the two ancestors heard the speech, they were all stunned. The two of them didn't care about the words behind master ye, but more about each other's strength. They were actually saints.

You know, the person who became a saint in flesh has been extinct for thousands of years. The last person who became a saint in flesh still appeared in the era of Fengshen ten thousand years ago. They didn't expect that the person who threatened the Ye family was actually a person who became a saint.

"So it's a bit of a trouble. Isn't this man from some mysterious ancient heritage?" The ancestor of the Yin family frowned and asked.

The reason why saints are rare is that it is too difficult to cultivate the body. It requires not only specialized body skills, but also the great perseverance of those who cultivate the body, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people. What's more, it needs the cooperation of all kinds of natural resources and local treasures.

These three conditions are indispensable, not to mention all kinds of natural resources and local treasures, but the special physical training method is enough to make many physical practitioners stuck.

It can be said that if it is not for the descendants of some mysterious ancient inheritance, it is impossible to have the conditions of sanctification of the body at the same time.

"No, he is not a descendant of some mysterious ancient heritage." Ye jiazun is the master.

"Are you sure?" Yao's ancestors also frowned and asked.

"Certainly, he is not!" Master Ye nodded.

Ye Pengfei's identity is too well known by the Lord of the Ye family. He is the descendant of Ye yuncang. Naturally, he can't be a descendant of some mysterious ancient inheritance.

Seeing that the Lord Ye was so sure, the ancestors of the Yin family and the Yao family looked at each other, and at the same time, they were relieved. If the other was not a mysterious ancient inheritor, it would be much easier to do things. At least in the face of this person, they didn't have to be tied up.

"You don't have to worry. Even if this person is really a mysterious ancient inheritor, you don't have to worry. Aren't there three immortal gates standing behind us? There are three immortals. What are you afraid of Ye jiazun said with a smile.

"It's true." The ancestor of the Yin family nodded with a smile and said, "under the rule of the three immortals, any ancient inheritance in front of the three immortals must bow down."

As they were talking, a breath of terror suddenly came from outside the Ye's residence. They felt the breath at the same time, and they were all shocked.

The ancestors of the Yin family first said, "it's Lei Yin from Lei Ze's divine realm who has arrived."

Three people immediately welcomed out, saw a body wrapped in the clouds of the man, is floating down from the sky.

The man was covered with clouds and fog all over his body. He could not see his face clearly. There was a flicker of electricity in the clouds and fog. Just then the three felt that the terrible breath was coming out of these clouds.

This kind of cloud, named Lei Yun, is a unique power of heaven and earth in Leize divine realm. It can be freely interviewed by heart, and can also resist the enemy by means of it. It's very mysterious, which is similar to the eight robberies Bai Lei that ye Pengfei got in Xiuxian world. The difference is that this kind of thunder cloud is obviously higher than the eight robberies Bailei that ye Pengfei got in that year by more than one level. Just because of the breath it exudes, it is not the eight robberies Bailei can imagine.It is said that in ancient times, there was a place called Lei Ze. There was a God in Lei Ze, named Lei Shen. He was the head of a man and had a dragon body. His cultivation was unfathomable. Before heaven and earth opened, he had already existed in this world. He was an extremely rare congenital Holy Spirit. Many people suspect that the God of Lei Ze is probably the legendary ancestor dragon.

In ancient times, there was a goddess named Huaxu who entered Leize one day and felt pregnant by stepping on the footprints of Leishen. Later, she was born a descendant named Houji. Some people think that later, Ji was the Fuxi family of the Qing emperor.

After many years of inheritance, Leize gradually evolved into a force in the late Archean era. Among them, there are many strong ones. They are all famous for leixiu, and most of them are immortal emperors. In ancient times, after the change of heaven and earth, Leize was also affected by the change. Many immortal emperors fell, but the inheritance did not stop. Later, Leize gradually evolved into today's Leize realm.

Today, there are still many strong people in Leize, who are the first of the three immortal sects in China. They are much stronger than wujizong and relegation immortal palace. I heard that there are more than one Immortal Emperor in Leize.

The man who came to the Ye family today, named Lei Yin, is a quasi Immortal Emperor in the Leize kingdom. He is only one step away from being a powerful Immortal Emperor. In front of the quasi Immortal Emperor, whether in terms of status or cultivation, the Lord of the Ye family, the ancestors of the Yin family, and the ancestors of the Yao family are all shorter than Lei Yin.

Therefore, the three people are so respectful to this talent that they respectfully call each other "immortal".

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