At the same time, Leize, one of the three immortals, is also in a secret place.

"Laozu, something happened in Hongqiao!"

A quasi Immortal Emperor of Leize God domain broke into the secret realm and cried out.


Deep in the secret realm, two immortal emperors, a man and a woman, were bathed in thunder clouds at the moment. Hearing the words, they were surprised at the same time. They looked at each other and said, "are you sure? No mistake? "

"No mistake! Just now, a lot of people outside heard the change just now. The sound spread far and wide. There's absolutely no mistake! " That would-be Immortal Emperor's affirmation.

"The sound is far away! Sure enough, he has been here for ten thousand years! Let's go and call Lei Yin. Let's find him together

That male Immortal Emperor says, already pull female Immortal Emperor hand in hand line in front of this quasi Immortal Emperor body.

The Immortal Emperor hesitated and said, "Lei Yin is no longer in the door. He has something to do with the Ye family."

The male Immortal Emperor said angrily, "what can be more important than this? Go and call him back quickly!"

On the other side, the same thing is happening in the relegation immortal palace, one of the three immortals. A quasi Immortal Emperor and an Immortal Emperor leave the sect at the same time to look for ye Pengfei.


At the moment, far away from Hongqiao, ye Pengfei didn't realize how much noise he had just made. Now he is still flying towards the building complex.

However, ye Pengfei soon stopped, because at the moment, he met an acquaintance near Hongqiao.

Li Ge's body is scarred and bathed in blood. He is holding a little girl in his arms, flying out of a suspended building and running for his life towards the wind in the distance.

At the same time, five men and women in Taoist robes behind him, laughing and chasing after Lige.

These five men and women are not very old. They are all dressed up as Taoist children. However, their accomplishments are extremely high. They are all in the realm of true immortality.

"Li Ge, your Li family has been destroyed. You'd better come here and die. You can't escape in our hands."

A female Taoist boy giggled, accelerated first, and saw her "Shua" appear behind Li Ge, kicking on Li Ge's vest.

Li Ge, who was flying in the imperial air, was kicked from the back and immediately lost his center of gravity. As he flew out, the little girl in his arms immediately let go. The little girl screamed and fell to the bottom of the sea.


When lig saw this, he couldn't help but be surprised. He was trying to control his body and fly to the direction of his sister's fall. But at this time, he was caught by a real fairy. He couldn't even move. He could only watch his sister fall to the sea.

"Let me go, let me go!" Lig cried heartbroken, but he was caught at the moment and couldn't move, let alone save his sister.

In such a high fall, even if the water below, the little girl will fall to pieces.

"Where on earth did I offend you wujizong? Do you want to kill me?"

Looking at his younger sister, who was becoming smaller and smaller in his eyes, Li Ge said with tears and despair.

A few months ago, Li Ge found a roasted orchid by accident, but he didn't kill his family. Only he and his sister survived in the whole Li family. Later, with the help of Ye Pengfei, the Ye family didn't kill him completely. However, a few months later, wujizong suddenly came to the door, not only seriously injured him, but also killed him and his sister.

After the Li family was destroyed by the Ye family, Li Ge and his sister have been living carefully, hiding and practicing like a dog, never dealing with outsiders. He doesn't know where he offended wujizong.

"Lig, I heard you got a shengzaohua pill, didn't you? Give me the shengzaohua pill, and I may spare your life. " The man holding liger's Vest sneered.

"You're here for the creation pill? You You are a bandit When Li Ge heard the speech, he was very angry.

Last time he met Ye Pengfei, ye Pengfei gave him two bottles of pills, one of which was shengzaohua pill. But he didn't expect that because of this pill, he was killed.

However, in his own hands, who said more about shenghuadan? After he got shengzaohua Dan, he only said it to his sister. I think it must be her sister who accidentally let it slip.

Think of here, Lige only feel sad from the heart, he turned to see the direction of his sister falling, but then it is a Leng, see sister is accelerating the fall of the figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Lige was stunned for a moment. Before he could figure out what had happened, he just heard the woman who had just kicked herself giggle and say: "robber? Hey, hey The whole rules of Taichu are set by my three immortals. Even if I am a robber, I am also a legal robber. What can you do for me? "

"Is it?" Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in the woman's ear.

The voice is very abrupt, the woman has no premonition in advance, her body moves, suddenly opened a distance, extremely vigilant looking at the direction of the source of the voice, only to see a handsome man, holding the little girl just kicked by her, looking at her coldly.The woman suddenly felt a chill in her heart, but this place was not far from wujizong, and her martial brothers and sisters were nearby, so she had more courage and said angrily, "who are you? How dare you meddle in the affairs of wujizong? Are you tired of living

"My name is Ye Pengfei." Ye Pengfei reported a name, next moment no longer pay attention to this woman, turned to Li Ge, some apology way: "brother Li, I send you shengzaohua Dan, but almost hurt you, I'm really sorry."

Li Ge also saw Ye Pengfei at the moment, and saw Ye Pengfei holding his sister in his hand. He was so grateful that he even forgot that he was still held in his hand. He couldn't help but burst into tears and said, "brother ye, you I saved you again

The little girl may be because she just fell. Now she has fainted. Ye Pengfei holds her and walks towards the man who holds Li Ge step by step. Her killing intention bursts out and says: "let him go, or you will die!"

"Boy, it's a big tone. Don't you know that I'm a wujizong person? Don't say you're a little fairy, even if you are..."

Before the man finished, he saw the figure of Ye Pengfei suddenly disappear in front of his eyes. The next moment, he just heard a burst of air coming from behind his back. The man immediately found that it was not good. He wanted to let go, but it was too late.

This man only has true immortal cultivation, how to block Ye Pengfei's attack, he a palm toward the man's head straight cover and down.

Just listen to the sound of "bang", just like a watermelon, the man's whole head suddenly blooms.

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