Lei Yin finished with a word, his breath suddenly changed.

A kind of extreme killing machine surged out of him, like a river burst, covering dozens of miles in an instant. Many buildings over the blue sea were shrouded in this killing machine.

Some of the monks with lower accomplishments in shalanhai could not help kneeling and shivering under the pressure of Leiyin. Lei Yin's momentum is the unique prestige of Xiandi.

Although today's Lei Yin is only a quasi Immortal Emperor, after all, he has reached the edge of the realm of Immortal Emperor, so it's not surprising that he can release the power of Immortal Emperor.

At the moment, the twenty real immortals in Ye's mansion all kneel on the ground unconsciously. In front of Lei Yin, they are even the three masters of Ye's family who are the half step Immortal Emperor. They are not as good as those real immortals. Although they don't kneel down like the strong ones, they also sweat all over and try their best to resist the emperor's oppression.

Now, in the whole chalan sea, ye Pengfei is probably the only one who has not been influenced by Lei Yin. He calmly looked at the body bathed in the shadow of thunder clouds, like a smile.

"Are you not afraid of my authority?"

Leiyin looked at the indifferent and self-confident Ye Pengfei, and Li Ge, who was also safe behind Ye Pengfei, he was a little surprised.

Although Ye Pengfei is a man who has become a saint in the flesh, his cultivation is only a Dixian after all. It's reasonable to say that he can't resist his own pressure. What's the matter?

"Well! It's not worth mentioning that it's only the emperor's power

Ye Pengfei smiles faintly. In his previous life, he has seen too many immortal emperors, not to mention the Immortal Emperor. He has no way to deal with the pressure of the so-called first immortal devil sect, not to mention Lei Yin. His level of pressure is really not worth mentioning in front of Ye Pengfei.

"The sanctification of the body is really extraordinary. It's very good. It seems that I underestimate you."

This boy is not afraid of his own pressure. It seems that he can only be subdued by his true cultivation.

As soon as Leiyin's voice fell, he had already soared into the air, and he didn't know how to act. Suddenly, a burst of thunder broke out in the sky above the blue sea. Then, several blue thunderbolts fell down and fell straight towards Leiyin.


The thunder roared over the blue sea. When Lei Yin's hands call, he grabs the thunderbolts that fall down. However, when his hands shake, the thunderbolts automatically condense into two stretching chains, one in each hand, just like a whip.

On the two long whips formed by lightning in the sky, the "squeaky" thunder and fireworks are constantly flashing, which looks extremely frightening.

The thunder emperor's face was so serious that he couldn't control the immortal's family

Thunder can also be classified into different levels. The highest level of thunder is robbing thunder. Robbing thunder is the thunder produced in the natural calamity. It is extremely powerful and has the ability to destroy the heaven and the Jedi. The last time ye Pengfei was robbing in the countryside outside the territory of the eternal world, he met nine days of thunder, which is one of them.

And under the thunder, it is Tianlei.

The so-called sky thunder is the lightning automatically generated by nature. Its power is also terrible. Even the friars of Jinxian dare not touch it easily.

Leiyin's Leize divine realm cultivates the skill of controlling thunder. They are associated with thunder. Controlling thunder is their major direction. The golden immortal in Leize divine realm demands to be able to control the sky thunder. Only the real Immortal Emperor can control the robbing thunder.

Now, the thunder in Lei Yin's hand has a faint taste of robbing thunder. It can be seen that this man is not far away from breaking through the realm of Immortal Emperor.

"Zhunxiandi's hand, no matter how strong the boy's body is, he will surely die!" Master Ye couldn't help laughing.

Ye Pengfei's strength really shocked the master of the Ye family. He asked himself that he might not be his opponent. Now, Lei Yin, a quasi Immortal Emperor, is willing to kill Ye Pengfei for himself. So he needs to pay Lei Yin a lot afterwards, but it's definitely worth it.

"Well! I don't know who this son of a bitch has offended! That's the existence of Lei Yin, the Immortal Emperor Yao's ancestors couldn't help scolding.

Ye Pengfei not only broke his treasure, but also severely humiliated him, which is a rare shame in his life. Now he also hopes that ye Pengfei will die.

"Play with thunder? Hum! You're too tender. "

Looking at Lei Yin holding the thunder whip, ye Pengfei smiles.

Among the three magic powers that ye Pengfei realized in his previous life, the first one is thunder control. He once killed the crown prince of the northern Xuandi family and tens of thousands of strong men of the Xuandi Ye family with thunder.

Although this life's Ye Pengfei can't use his previous life's thunder control skills due to his lack of cultivation, he has been through several robberies in this life and has been associated with thunder. I'm afraid few people are more familiar with the power of thunder. The power of thunder in Lei Yin's hand is not even worth mentioning in Ye Pengfei's opinion."You're going to die if you talk like crazy!"

Lei Yin gave a loud drink, and the whip in his hand suddenly waved. He only heard a "boom" thunder, and his right hand rolled towards Ye Pengfei in the sky.

The thunder whip seems to be able to divide the heaven and the earth, and even the space is broken where it passes. It turns into pieces and then reorganizes quickly. This power that can split the space is no longer comparable to those ancient treasures, even those ancient treasures.

Under the thunder whip, ye Pengfei can't use the blink to avoid the whip. After all, the principle of blink is to use the space transition to reach another place in an instant.

But since the thunder whip can split the space, it means that even if ye Pengfei enters the space, the other side can still hit him.

There is no way to avoid, only hard resistance!


The thunder whip of Lei Yin's right hand hasn't arrived yet, and the other one of his left hand continues to wave out. It seems that the thunder whip of his left hand is slower than that of his right hand, but in fact, it's the last one that comes first. One left and one right thunder whip almost reach Ye Pengfei at the same time.

Almost all the people present thought that ye Pengfei would die this time. After all, the attack power of zhunxiandi was terrible, which could not be compared with that of banbuxiandi. It was a thunder whip that even the space would be split!

Master ye jiazun smiles. He seems to have seen the scene of Ye Pengfei's death.

Yao's ancestors also laughed. Even Lei Yin himself was laughing. He knew the power of his whip better than anyone else.

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