"Tell me, why? Why

Ye jiazun roars hysterically. Up to now, all the immortal emperors are on Lei ruo's side, and no one dares to question Lei Ruo.

"Go to hell and ask. Remember to be an understanding person in the next life!"

Daoxuanzi had no mercy at all. He grabbed the head of master ye and twisted it. With a click, master Ye's neck was directly broken.

Not only that, daoxuanzi put his hand on the eyebrow of Ye jiazun. Then a light smoke floated out of the eyebrow of Ye jiazun and fell into the palm of daoxuanzi's hand. It was the spirit of Ye jiazun.

After that, daoxuanzi and Lei Ruo looked at each other. Then they all looked up and looked at Ye Pengfei in the sky. This time, daoxuanzi respectfully said: "Sir, we have understood the matter clearly. Ye's master chased you, and now he has been punished. Please come down and see us."

These four immortals look very respectful at the moment. Even Leige, who has always been powerful and domineering, is consciously in front of Ye Pengfei. Monk chalanhai nearby was shocked by this scene.

If Lei Ruo was just respectful to Ye Pengfei, these people can also think that ye Pengfei and Lei Ruo may have some unknown relationship, and now the four immortal emperors show a respectful attitude towards Ye Pengfei, which is incredible.

Many people have been secretly guessing that this ye Pengfei is the descendant of an ancient Immortal Emperor, or an important descendant of a hermit Immortal Emperor. Otherwise, how can the four immortal emperors treat him like this?

More people are secretly worried about their own situation. They all spoke ill of Ye Pengfei and Lei Ruo just now. Now ye Pengfei is in power. Even ye jiazun has died because of this. It is likely that they will be the next to die.

For a moment, all the monks in the sea held their breath and looked up at the figure in the sky, waiting for his words.

After waiting for a long time, ye Pengfei finally slowly turned his eyes from ye XiaBing in the distance and looked down at the four immortal emperors of daoxuanzi.

Since the Immortal Emperor has come forward to solve the problem, he can't continue to carry it. At the moment, ye Pengfei reaches for a move, and the empty pagoda emitting golden light in the deep of the sky suddenly receives the induction, and the golden light converges and flies back to his hands.

Looking at the empty Pagoda in Ye Pengfei's hand, the four immortal emperors were shocked. They obviously felt that the quality of the empty pagoda was extraordinary, at least it was a magic weapon of heaven.

"Tiandao magic weapon, no wonder he can release this super field!" Lei Ruo was shocked.

Even in the archaic times, this kind of magic weapon is extremely rare. Only some families with extremely ancient heritage can occasionally appear. Tiandao magic weapon can not only release the super field, but also release Xiandao to attack and hurt the enemy without paying the price. It is extremely terrible.

However, it is not uncommon for ye Pengfei, after all, to have the talent of heaven and earth, the talent of heaven and earth, and the talent of heaven and earth.

However, as the Immortal Emperor, the four of them, when their eyes fell on the empty Pagoda in Ye Pengfei's hand, suddenly found that there was a huge energy hidden in it, which they had never seen before. It seemed that they would burst at any time. Once the energy burst, there would be a huge disaster of destroying the heaven and the earth.

After discovering the secret in the empty pagoda, the four immortal emperors were all shocked.

Lei Ruo is the first to fly to Ye Pengfei's side and stares at the empty pagoda. He says in horror: "this pagoda Is it yours? "

He wanted to remind Ye Pengfei that there is a huge hidden danger in the pagoda, and it's better not to use it easily. But he didn't know how to say it. After all, it's a pagoda of heaven's magic weapon level. If you don't say it well, it may cause Ye Pengfei's misunderstanding.

But ye Pengfei looked at Lei Ruo and said, "it's not mine. Is it yours?"

Lei Ruo is asked to be speechless. An old lady's face suddenly turns red. If ye Pengfei says so, he doesn't know how to answer it.

It is estimated that ye Pengfei is the only one who can force an Immortal Emperor to be like this.

"Don't get me wrong, sir. Lei Ruo asked you where the pagoda in your hand came from. You may not know that there is some terrible energy hidden in the pagoda. This kind of energy usually bursts out. I'm afraid the whole lower fairyland will be affected by it. "

It's Jiang Fang, the Immortal Emperor of the relegated immortal palace. Although he is a man, he is a man and a woman. He looks very beautiful, but he really looks like a relegated immortal.

Ye Pengfei is a shock, eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

This pagoda of nothingness was seized from the hands of Emperor Xuan when he was chased and killed by the people of Emperor Xuan in the Arctic. Rushun once told himself that there was something terrible hidden in this pagoda. Once it was released, it would destroy heaven and earth, and the whole wasteland would suffer.

At that time, ye Pengfei was being hunted down. He didn't think much about it, but now that the old story has been mentioned again, he has to pay more attention to it."Oh? Four, do you see any secret from this pagoda of emptiness? " Ye Pengfei is not taboo either. With that, he directly takes out the empty pagoda and presents it to the four immortal emperors.

Four people see ye Pengfei such movement, can't help but is one Lin.

The magic weapon of heaven is extremely rare. This kind of magic weapon should be well collected. It is taboo to let others see it. After all, no one can protect whether people will covet it.

But ye Pengfei didn't have such taboo, not only let them see, but also so generously presented the magic weapon in front of the four of them, such magnanimity really let the four admire.

As a matter of fact, ye Pengfei is not a magnanimous person. The reason why he dares to show the pagoda to the four people is that he is not afraid that they will snatch it. Second, he wants to take this opportunity to let the four immortal emperors have a good look at the pagoda. It's better to help them solve the secret of the pagoda with the help of the strength of the four immortal emperors.

At the beginning, Rushun once said that although there is a terrible energy hidden in this empty pagoda, this energy is a disaster for others, but it may be an opportunity for ye Pengfei.

"The pagoda of the void? Do you mean that this pagoda is actually the empty pagoda of Ye Guangji Thunder if smell speech, suddenly frown say.

When the other three immortals heard the word "void pagoda", they seemed to think of something. At the same time, their faces changed greatly, and they seemed to see something terrible.

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