Standing on the deck of the flying boat, the strong wind came head on like waves.

The speed of the treasure class flying boat is extremely fast. I didn't know that it has broken through several times the speed of sound for a long time. There are arrays around the flying boat to block the air resistance when flying. But even so, when the speed reaches a certain level, even the array will not have enough resistance, which makes the flying boat a little shaky and seems to be breaking and collapsing at any time.

Ye Pengfei stands on the deck and suppresses the idea of stopping the boat and adding another layer of array. This can really strengthen the boat, but it also costs him a lot of time.

Now, what he lacks is time.

Now, ye Pengfei has been flying in the sky for more than a day and a night. With half a day's work, he can reach the Mohist ancestral land. The closer he gets to the Mohist ancestral land, the more uneasy he feels, and the more eager he is to see Songgang.


The sound of wood rubbing against each other rings around Ye Pengfei. Ye Pengfei turns his head and looks carefully at the people around him. He smiles, but he doesn't speak.

Two days ago, in the battle of the blue sea, Shen was slapped by Lei Ruo and turned into the sea. He could turn over and fight again, but he was stopped by Ye Pengfei's divine voice at that time.

Although Shen is the puppet of the ancient emperor Haotian, he can be regarded as the invincible existence under the Immortal Emperor. It may be good for others to say that there is no chance of winning for the Immortal Emperor like Lei Ruo. He doesn't want to be defeated by Lei Ruo, a puppet assistant he worked hard for.

Shen also seems to feel the anxiety in Ye Pengfei's heart. He keeps "creaking" around him. It seems that he wants to talk with Ye Pengfei to relieve his worries. Unfortunately, the noise from his broken voice makes Ye Pengfei even more upset.

"I hope my feeling is just an illusion. Songgang had better be OK."

Ye Pengfei sighed in his heart, then turned back to the cabin.

Ye Pengfei always has a creed: for things he can't touch, worrying is useless.

So many times, it's hard to see him panicking in his body, but today, for the first time, ye Pengfei finds that he can't control his emotions. This kind of inexplicable uneasiness is like a maggot of tarsal bone, which has been firmly in his heart. He can't shake it off.

Half a day finally came after the last afterglow of the sun.

At the same time, ye Pengfei and Shen jumped out of the boat and stood on the top of a mountain, looking toward a deep valley at the foot of the mountain.

When Songgang and Jiang Fan left at the beginning, Jiang Fan told ye Pengfei the specific location of Mohist ancestral land, and this deep valley at the foot of the mountain is where Mohist ancestral land is located.

This deep valley covers a vast area, which is the most extensive one ye Pengfei has ever seen. Although he is standing on the top of the mountain, he can clearly feel that there is constant heat in the ground beneath the deep valley.

Obviously, there is a very hot ground fire under the deep valley, which radiates heat all the year round.

A village is located in a deep valley. There are no flowers and trees near the village, not even a bit of green. Only the dry ground and craggy rocks come into view. It is obvious that because of the ground fire, the plants and trees nearby can not grow.

There are about 50 families in this village, but the strange thing is that at the moment, there is no human figure in the village, and there is a dead silence around. Even the sound of birds and insects can not be heard. Standing in the village, ye Pengfei feels as if he has entered a silent world, and the silence is terrible.

The scorching ground fire, the small mountain village without half a figure, walking outside the fence in the village, a familiar feeling suddenly appeared in Ye Pengfei's mind.

What a familiar environment. At this moment, it seems that I have returned to the scene where I met Songgang for the first time in my previous life. It's just the sound of "jingling" in my previous life.

He went outside the courtyard wall of a family, reached for his hand, knocked on the fence door outside the courtyard, and tried to shout, "is anyone there?"

If it was in a previous life, at this time, wearing a bun, the dark little Songgang of the beer maker would jump out from behind him and say, "what are you doing outside my house

However, the voice that had been waiting for did not appear. The village was still dead silent. Only Ye Pengfei's voice echoed in the deep valley, "is there anyone Is there anyone People So... " It's been a long time.

After waiting for a long time, he still couldn't hear any other voice except his own. The uneasiness in Ye Pengfei's heart became stronger.

He suddenly got impatient and jumped into the yard. However, as soon as he entered the yard, the sight startled him.

In a corner of the yard, there were several corpses lying!

At this moment, the sun has completely set, but there is still light in the sky. This deep valley is the valley hidden under the mountain peak. Now the light is fading, and the darkness is gradually eroding the whole valley. The cool wind blows on my face. When I see these corpses in the silent mountain village, even ye Pengfei's back is cold.The bodies were stacked together, apparently disposed of after death.

Ye Pengfei trembles in his heart and goes forward to pick up the corpses to find out the difference. He finds that the costumes of the corpses are different, but they are all dressed by ordinary farmers, but Songgang's clothes are not found in the corpses.

Songgang and Rushun usually wear the same color of clothes at the same time. Songgang is armed with seven skilful fireworks, which belongs to fire. Their clothes are mainly warm colors. Rushun is armed with seven skilful ice, which belongs to water. Their clothes are mainly cold colors, which is quite different from each other, but also shows their personality characteristics.

At the beginning, when Songgang and ye Pengfei broke up, they were wearing an orange red dress. This color is very conspicuous. Ye Pengfei's eyes only need to look at it to recognize it.

Fortunately, there was no red shadow in the pile of corpses.

Ye Pengfei can't help but feel relieved. Nevertheless, the sense of uneasiness in his heart is more and more deep, which makes Ye Pengfei feel out of breath.

Ye Pengfei knew that the more this kind of time, the more he could not panic. He forced down the uneasiness in his heart and began to search for useful clues in the pile of corpses.

Several corpses all died of sword injuries. They were killed by sharp weapons in the ribs and neck. Before they died, they didn't make any resistance. It's obvious that the strength of these people is very different from each other, so they didn't have any resistance when they died.

However, ye Pengfei then found an important clue in these corpses. From the corpses of these dead people, it can be found that they were all the accomplishments of the true immortal realm, and even had a strong Jinxian.

Even the strong Jinxian were killed by the other side's sword, without any fighting back. This only shows one problem: the enemy at least has Jinxian friars, even stronger!

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