Just when Xia Shiyu's fajue was sacrificed, a thick cloud suddenly rose in the cave space. The cloud covered all the cave space in an instant. Even the white light from the fairy hall in the distance was covered by the cloud, and the cave was dark in an instant.

"Roar, roar, roar..."

Three dragon chants sounded deafening in everyone's ears.

Ye Pengfei was in the dark. He felt a strong wind suddenly flying over his head with a disgusting smell. It seemed that a real dragon was flying over his head.

"The oil paper umbrella in Xia Shiyu's hand is sealed with three real dragons and beasts, not the spirit of the beasts. No wonder the oil paper umbrella looks so ordinary, and it can emit such a terrible atmosphere of prestige. It turns out that the prestige comes from the three real dragons and beasts!" Ye Pengfei's heart is full of awe and secret.

In the cultivation world, it's not uncommon to use the spirit of the orcs to refine magic weapons and build magic weapons. It's here that Cangshan was so famous in ancient times.

Often, the stronger the cultivation of the orcs, the stronger the quality of the magic weapon refined by their spirit sacrifice, and even can reach the level of the divine weapon of the way of heaven. Just then, when ye Pengfei first saw Xia Shiyu's paper umbrella burst out the virtual shadow of the real dragon, he thought that the three virtual shadows of the real dragon were just the essence of the real dragon.

But now that ye Pengfei really smelled the stench, he knew that it was not. It was three real dragon beasts. They were usually sealed in Xia Shiyu's oil paper umbrella. When he was facing the enemy, he sacrificed the real dragon to attack his opponent.

Just now, Xia Shiyu vowed to kill the three immortal emperors. He didn't control the heavenly weapons to fight with each other, but summoned three real dragons and beasts to attack and kill each other automatically.

In this way, Xia Shiyu doesn't need to use any real yuan at all, and it's even more impossible for her to talk about Tiandao Shenbing's counterattack.

"It's a living dragon and beast!"

In the dark, the Immortal Emperor who had just spoken was shocked and exclaimed, and then there was a sound of dragon chanting and dull hum.

Ye Pengfei was sitting on the ground. He could not see anything in front of him. He could only hear the fighting in front of him. However, there was no tension in his heart at this time, and he had another plan in his heart.

In the archaic times, the real dragon beast was not only physically powerful, but also had its own unique racial magic. There was one racial magic, and even the strong Immortal Emperor needed to be afraid of it, especially the four Dragon people who had pure archaic blood.

For example, when Aoxing, a member of the Beihai black dragon clan, had a race spell, the strong of all parties suffered countless casualties, and even the Immortal Emperor did not dare to approach.

However, the archaic era has already become history. In today's era, not to mention the four pure blood dragon families, the real dragon and beast are extremely rare.

The real dragon in the orc is only the same level as the real immortal in the Terran according to its strength. In the case of impure blood and no mastery of race magic, the real dragon's strength is only a little stronger than the real immortal. Even if its physical combat power is included, it is at most equal to the golden immortal.

Ye Pengfei doesn't think that Xia Shiyu's three real dragons have pure archaic blood, let alone the descendants of the four Dragon families.

According to the history he knows, among the four major dragon groups that still exist, only the descendants of Nanhai white dragon group, "Dawang", except for "Dawang", all the other three dragon groups fell and disappeared in the great wilderness.

Today's laws of heaven and earth are not suitable for the survival of these pure blood dragons. The reason why "Dawang" is able to live to this day is that she has been in the closed secret place of kunyunze since she was born. She has never stepped out of kunyunze, and is accompanied by "Hualong pool", which makes her live to this day. Otherwise, no matter how strong the real strength of Dawang is, he will fall into the long river of myth and history just like his ancestors.

"Since these three real dragon beasts are not pure blood dragon people, it's too difficult for Xia Shiyu to think of defeating these three immortal emperors."

Ye Pengfei's secret way in his heart.

The divine beast is very strong, but it also depends on the purity of its blood.

At that time, ZuLong, who was also the congenital Holy Spirit, was able to fight against the ancestor of Hongjun, the congenital sage. After his fall, he evolved into four Dragon families. These four Dragon families have ZuLong blood, so the four Dragon families are very strong. However, after hundreds of thousands of years of inheritance, one generation of dragon family is weaker than the other, and the blood of ZuLong family is gradually thin, and finally becomes very complex.

Among the three inborn creatures of ZuLong, shiqilin and Yuanfeng, only the Yuanfeng people who have the great Nirvana magic power still retain their inborn blood. The more the other two races inherit, the weaker the generation will be. This is an unchangeable fact.

Sure enough, as soon as ye Pengfei thought of it, he heard a light sound of "Puchi" in the battle circle not far away from him. Then, a large amount of smelly blood rushed down to the sky and poured on Ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei scolded secretly and immediately stood up, shaking off all the blood on his body.

"Ha ha Only three bedbugs with mixed blood! Miss Xia, it's naive of you to think that these three real dragons and beasts alone can kill us and others! "The Immortal Emperor who spoke earlier sneered.

Then, ye Pengfei saw that the surrounding clouds were rapidly dispersing, and the white light from the fairy hall in the distance was shining on him again. With this light, ye Pengfei could finally see the war situation in front of him.

But not far in front of him, a real dragon beast was lying on the ground. The scales that twinkled with cold light on his body had fallen off. A shocking knife wound almost cut the real dragon beast off. The ground was covered with muddy blood and sent out the heat.

The Immortal Emperor who spoke earlier had a big knife in his hand. The big knife was red and the blade was cold. The long knife was leaning on the ground. He gave Xia Shiyu a cold look, and his eyes were full of ridicule.

"You, you How can there be a blade? " When Xia Shiyu saw the sword, her calm face suddenly changed, and her face was very ugly.

After Yuanshen comes out of the body, only Yuanshen can move at will, while the real body can only stay in the same place and cannot move.

The three immortal emperors came to the lower world with the yuan God, and their real bodies were still in the upper world. Naturally, the weapons in their hands were left on the body and could not be carried. Even because the yuan God came out of the body, many of the original secrets could not be used.

Xia Shiyu was right about this, so he dared to say that he wanted to kill the three immortal emperors.

However, she did not expect that the Immortal Emperor could easily produce a blade. The Immortal Emperor Yuanshen, who had the blade in his hand, no longer had to fear the three real dragons. If he wanted to kill the other two real dragons, it would not be a problem.

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