"There is always an insurmountable gap between the living beings and the Holy Spirit, which is the real natural moat, the difference between mole ants and eagles, and the gap between species."

"Even if an ant is powerful, it can't soar in the sky and overlook the earth like an eagle."

Thai emperor said here, smile gradually become bitter.

The gap between species is hopeless and insurmountable.

"Of course, this is not the most desperate. There are some things I should not have told you now, but from your memory, I seem to see the figure of Hongyun Laozu. Now that she has mentioned it to you, then I can say it clearly. "

"The end of the cultivation of the postnatal life is the Immortal Emperor. On the postnatal life is the congenital holy spirit like Hongjun and Hongyun, but the congenital Holy Spirit is not the strongest existence in the world. The strongest existence in the world is the master of the world."

"Master, that is a creature that jumps out of the dimensional barrier. The real immortality, such as the Holy Spirit of Hongjun, also needs to be controlled by the master. Even the congenital Holy Spirit is like a mole ant in front of the master, and there is also an insurmountable species gap. "

The emperor sighed, and the bitterness in his smile grew stronger and stronger.

For postnatal creatures such as the emperor of Thailand and ye Pengfei, the congenital Holy Spirit is an insurmountable gap for them. On top of the congenital Holy Spirit, there are more dimensional creatures that dominate one side of the world. However, anyone who knows these things can not help but sigh about their own insignificance. At the same time, they feel desperate for this insurmountable chasm.

"But fortunately, you are the first person in the history of the world who is likely to accomplish the feat of crossing the natural moat and the dimensional barrier. That's why we do everything we can to help you. "

The Thai emperor turned his voice and said with a smile: "for those of us who are born after birth, we can't become the congenital Holy Spirit or the master in our whole life. But if one of us can surpass the limit and become the immortal master, that's what we want to see."

"What's more, after you become the master, you can rewrite the rules of the world. As long as you don't know why, you can revive the dead at any time, and you can also destroy and regenerate the world

After listening to the Thai emperor, ye Pengfei was unable to speak for a moment.

Although Hongyun had mentioned these things to himself at the beginning, at that time Hongyun had some scruples and didn't explain everything clearly. Now the emperor of Thailand really explained the reasons. Ye Pengfei felt shocked and powerless.

"Don't we talk about the snake ancestor? Why did you say that all of a sudden? " Ye Pengfei said with a bitter smile.

The emperor of Thailand smiles. He hears a trace of escape from ye Pengfei's words, but he can also understand Ye Pengfei's current psychology. After all, who knows that he is shouldering such a huge burden will always have some escape psychology.

"Let's go back to the snake ancestor. After all, the master is too far away from you."

The Thai emperor said with a smile: "shezudi, hundreds of thousands of years ago, had already reached the limit of the postnatal life. He jumped out of the three realms and came to our earth. He has a secret magic power. I've forgotten its name. Anyway, this magic power can absorb the innate essence of the planet, turn it into its own use, help it get beyond the level of life, and then be promoted to the congenital Holy Spirit."

"It's a pity that the gap between the postnatal and the congenital Holy Spirit is too big. No matter how powerful the supernatural power of the snake ancestor is, it will be difficult to overcome."

"At that time, he came to our earth to absorb the innate delicacy of the earth, but found the blow of the local Holy Spirit of the earth."

"This kind of blow is fatal to him, which can almost be called dimension reduction blow."

"The snake ancestor himself probably did not expect that there was a congenital holy spirit alive on the earth. After suffering from the dimension reduction blow, he almost killed him. I thought he was dead. Now he appears again. It seems that he has recovered from the dimension reduction blow. After hundreds of thousands of years of dormancy, he has returned to his original state again."

Ye Pengfei listened carefully to the words of the Thai emperor. He only felt that his head was big for a while. He did not expect that there were such disputes between the snake ancestor and the earth.

No wonder he just looked at him at the beginning, he would cross the vast universe and come to the earth to kill himself. In fact, what he wanted to kill was not only himself, but also his revenge.

After all, after so many years, the congenital Holy Spirit on the earth has fallen early, and no one can threaten him.

"However, I'm very curious. It's reasonable to say that the congenital Holy Spirits on the earth have died. Even if they don't die, they can only hibernate under today's law of heaven and earth. Since the snake ancestor has arrived on the earth, why is the earth safe?" The Thai emperor finally asked his doubts.

"It was my father. It was ye yuncang who stopped him." Ye Pengfei gave a bitter smile and said.

"Oh? Is it brother Haotian? " The emperor frowned.

"Yes. In order not to let the snake ancestor enter the earth space and destroy our world, he has to block the earth space. At the same time, he himself is trapped outside the earth space and cannot return. "

When it comes to his father, ye Pengfei's mood is complicated.To be such a father, I should have been proud of him, but since I was a child, I grew up alone and never experienced the appearance of paternal love and maternal love. For ye yuncang, my father, I have almost instinctive resentment, which can not be eliminated in a short time.

"Brother Haotian, you are a great man!" The Thai emperor sighed, then comforted Ye Pengfei and said, "you don't have to worry. Brother Haotian has the original law to protect himself. If he doesn't want to die, he will never die. Even if the snake ancestor can trap him, he can't do anything to him."

Ye Pengfei nodded, but did not speak.

Of course, he knew that his father could not die. In fact, from the last life, he knew that his father was not simple.

In the past, there was a su family who specially served Jiutian Xuannv, and Jiutian Xuannv's empress was the same as Hongjun's ancestors. They were all born Holy Spirits. Even to a certain extent, Jiutian Xuannv's position in history was more respected than Hongjun's ancestors, and her actual strength was more unfathomable.

It's not easy for the Su family to serve Jiutian Xuannv, but it can be seen from the fact that their family keeps Yuanfeng, the congenital sacred beast.

In other people's eyes, this family is mysterious and powerful. Except that it is not the congenital Holy Spirit, what it does is almost the same as the congenital Holy Spirit.

As the owner of Su's family, ye Pengfei's father can't be simple.

As a matter of fact, ye yuncang was a man of the same age as the emperor of Thailand. At that time, he was originally named Haotian. He was Fuxi, who was called the sun god in history. He was known as the first person in history and was equivalent to the first ancestor of the congenital holy spirit.

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