"This..." Ye Pengfei is dumb.

Perhaps only the emperor of Thailand can dare to denounce the three emperors of Fengzu. In terms of seniority, the three emperors of Fengzu in ancient times were smaller than the Thai emperor for more than four times.

Emperor Tai lived in the early days of Archaea. At that time, heaven and earth only changed once. It was not uncommon for the Immortal Emperor to walk everywhere. At that time, the celestial spring in the earth space was at its peak, and the aura of heaven and earth was also very strong. This made the earth space cultivation world at that time extremely prosperous, which can be regarded as the most prosperous period in history.

After the early Archean period, there are also the middle and late periods, then the era of Fengshen, then the great wilderness era of Ye Pengfei's previous life, and finally the ancient era of the three emperors of Fengzu.

In terms of seniority, the three emperors of the Feng clan are too young for the Thai emperor, and they are not much different from a little baby.

"Why don't you believe me?"

The emperor of Thailand looked at Ye Pengfei with a stern look. He was obviously afraid that ye Pengfei might go astray, so he criticized him.

"There have always been many immortal emperors, but the strength of most of them only stayed in the early days of emperor chengdi, and they didn't even complete the form training. Your father, brother Haotian, and I are the few people who have completed the energy training. We are the top people in the history of the earth." Taihuang road.

Ye Pengfei nodded and said, "I don't believe you, master Tai. I'm just emperor Cheng after all. I don't have any concept of shape refining. Can you tell me more about it?"

Thai emperor see ye Pengfei change attitude, locked brow finally ease down, nodded: "this is also easy to say."

"The so-called Immortal Emperor refining the form, the word" form "does not mean the form, but the soul!"

"Soul is the soul of man."

"You know, there are three souls and seven Spirits in the human body, which are collectively referred to as spirits. If any soul is damaged, the human body will have abnormal reactions, such as serious illness, hallucinations and auditory hallucinations..."

In fact, there is no need for the emperor to make it clear that ye Pengfei is also practicing Taoist magic, and naturally knows the division of three souls and seven Spirits in Taoism.

The three spirits of the human body actually refer to the living soul, the soul and the feeling soul. They are invisible and intangible, but they affect people all the time.

The seven spirits are corpse dog, Fu arrow, que Yin, swallow thief, non poison, clean and stink lung. The seven chakras of the seven spirits are closely related to the three spirits and influence each other.

In the ordinary world, some people have strange diseases, and they can't find out the cause of the disease and can't treat it. The root cause is the damage of three souls and seven souls, which can't be cured without the help of the immortal master.

After a mortal dies, his soul dissipates and dies completely. But in the cultivation world, it is the same. Once a monk attains the realm of plundering and changing, his spirit is relatively strong and dissipates. Even if his physical body dies, his soul still lives in three dimensions. He only needs to regenerate his body to live again.

Even if they are transformed, their souls are still extremely fragile. If they are attacked by some soul skills, they will be destroyed immediately, and they will never be able to survive.

Before becoming emperor, what we need to cultivate is the body and Qi, so as to seek a breakthrough in the realm. After becoming emperor, what we need to cultivate is the soul.

"Because the realm of the Immortal Emperor is the highest realm that the human race can cultivate. Since ancient times, the number of the people who have become emperors is very small. This leads to different opinions about how to cultivate the realm after the monks have become immortal emperors. Everyone is trying to cross the river and find their own cultivation methods."

"Therefore, there are many ways to refine the shape of the Immortal Emperor, such as congenital refining, postnatal refining, Taiyang refining, Taiyin refining, Jinyu refining, Cunxi refining and so on. Each of these refining methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Each refining method is different, and only one that suits itself is the best."

The emperor of Thailand explained to Ye Pengfei, but when ye Pengfei heard the speech, he couldn't help interrupting the emperor and asked, "master Tai Huang, what you said about the shape of Taiyin is a strange method for the soul to break away from the body and enter the boundary of Taiyin?"

Hearing this, the Thai emperor turned his head and looked at Ye Pengfei with some doubts and said, "how do you know? Have you ever heard of the practice of Taiyin before? "

Ye Pengfei has not only heard of it, but is familiar with it.

In the book Youyang Zazu collected by Fan Jie, there was a record of this technique.

It is recorded in the book that there is a disciple of Lady Wei, the Zixu Yuanjun of the ancient Taoist School of the Qing Dynasty, whose Taoist name is Zhao Chengzi. By chance, he got a Taoist book from a woman in Nanyue at Jiyuan. It records all kinds of strange practices and miracles.

After he got the Taoist Scripture, he studied hard day and night and studied it carefully. Finally, if he realized something, he left home overnight. He traveled thousands of miles to xuanqiu mountain in Youzhou to find a secluded cave to sit down and perform martial arts. He died in the cave.

About five or six years later, someone was playing in xuanqiu mountain. Later, he lost his way in the mountain and accidentally entered the cave. However, there was a strange corpse sitting in the cave. The corpse was sitting cross legged, with a good posture and rotten skin. However, the viscera were fresh and good, and the heart was still slightly mobilized. The blood flowed between the bones and meridians, so he joined hands The nails of the feet are still growing. They are several inches long. They look strange and frightening.At first sight, the tourist was almost scared to death on the spot. He turned around and wanted to escape. But at the moment of turning around, he suddenly saw a strange light flickering between the viscera of the corpse.

So the traveler boldly reached forward and ran for a while, but he found five small white stones in the corpse. Later, the man did not dare to stay any longer. He rushed out of the cave and chose the road in a hurry. Finally, he found a way out in the mountain and ran home.

Later, for some unknown reason, the tourist swallowed the five white stones that he always got from the corpses. All was well until one day five years later, the tourist woke up in the morning and suddenly realized that he was tumbling and spitting out the five white stones that he had swallowed five years ago.

After the five stones left their mouths, they turned into five white lights and flew out into the sky.

Visitors were surprised to find the strange corpse in the cave. However, after entering the cave this time, the scene inside scared him to death.

I saw the original sentence of rotten body, I don't know when it has been resurrected, turned into a face like jade, handsome, pretty kundao.

The so-called Kun Dao is actually a female Taoist. There are two ways of heaven and earth in Taoism. Qian Dao refers to both male Taoists and Kun Dao refers to female Taoists.

Only here is recorded in the book, but there is no detailed record in the back. It only vaguely points to the tourist. Later, his family died suddenly, and no one has ever seen him again.

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