Ye Pengfei has this intention, immediately nods. Then they left the shalanhai and went to Cangshan.

However, just as ye Pengfei was about to leave the chalanhai, a figure came from far and near, and the speed was as fast as lightning.

"To leave?" It's Lei ruoxian emperor of Lei Ze.

The old Immortal Emperor's eyebrows and hair were white and his shape was old. He stood in front of Ye Pengfei, but he looked very respectful.

"The Immortal Emperor has something to tell you?" Ye Pengfei asked with a frown.

"No, I just want to send brother Ye off. I don't know when brother ye will see you again. In addition, the Hongqiao incident.... "

If ray pauses, he doesn't go on.

Hongqiao was specially built for ye Pengfei by many ancient emperors. Everything here belongs to Ye Pengfei. Although Lei Ruo is the Immortal Emperor of Leize and the actual helmsman, his real identity is just an Apostle who helps Ye Pengfei to take care of Hongqiao.

In fact, it's not only him, but also the Immortal Emperor under the Hongqiao bridge and above the chalan sea.

When ye Pengfei came to China this time, Hongqiao was close at hand, but now he did not climb Hongqiao. Instead, he left chalanhai. Of course, Lei Ruo and others were puzzled, so he came to inquire.

"I still have a lot of things to do. I'll come back when I'm finished. Lei ruoxian doesn't have to worry. In addition, I need to remind you that once Ye boarded the Hongqiao bridge, the upper and lower fairyland would be reconnected. You immortal emperors had better be prepared for the space storm. "

Ye Pengfei doesn't want to talk to Lei Ruo more. After that, he waves at him and leaves with Li Ge and Li Xin.

"Two worlds reconnecting? Space storm

Lei Ruo looks at Ye Pengfei's back and recalls his words. He can't help frowning. Then, he seemed to realize something, his face changed immediately, and he quickly turned and left.

The immortal emperors are respectful to Ye Pengfei, and Li Ge is not surprised. He knows that ye Pengfei's identity is not simple. However, since Ye Pengfei doesn't mean to explain, Li Ge doesn't want to ask more. He knows that everyone has his own secrets. If outsiders want to pry into others' secrets, it will lead to many unnecessary troubles.

Cangshan is far away from chalanhai, but ye Pengfei has a treasure boat in his hand. The three of them ride on the treasure boat together. It only takes two days to get there.

The situation on Cangshan is roughly the same as that described by Li Ge. Originally, it belonged to the heaven of monsters, and all kinds of monsters can be heard everywhere. But now, Cangshan is in a strange silence. There is no monsters' roar, even ordinary birds and insects can't be heard.

It seems that all the creatures that originally lived here disappeared in this world overnight, and everything seems extremely strange.

Ye Pengfei and Li's brothers and sisters flew all the way into the deepest part of Cangshan Mountain. It was once a forbidden area of the human race, and few people dared to step into it since ancient times. Now they come here without any effort.

In the depths of Cangshan Mountain, there are many traces of fighting by powerful monsters, and nests left by some huge monsters, etc., which prove that all kinds of powerful monsters lived here not long ago.

Ye Pengfei and Li Ge took separate actions and carefully checked in the depths of Cangshan, hoping to find clues about the Seven Sacred beasts.

Soon, ye Pengfei found a piece of shining golden scales and seven colors of hair in a collapsed primeval forest.

Ye Pengfei recognized at a glance that this piece of golden light scale is the only pangolin scale among the Seven Sacred beasts. At the beginning, ye Pengfei also named him "naojin Xiaowei".

And those colorful hair, it is the rainbow tiger hair.

Rainbow tiger and captain MOJIN have been around here, and have had at least one fierce fight with other monsters here, and both of them are estimated to have different degrees of damage.

"Two sacred beasts have been around here. It's estimated that other sacred beasts should have been around here."

Ye Pengfei thought, suddenly heard a call from Li Ge not far away, and said: "brother ye, come here and have a look at what this is?"

In his heart, ye Pengfei immediately rose up, thinking about the direction of Li Ge's voice.

The next moment, ye Pengfei will appear beside Li Ge, two people stand in the air, and below them, there is a huge canyon.

Ye Pengfei roughly estimated that the canyon is more than 70 Li long, stretching out continuously, with no end in sight. In the center of the canyon, there is a huge pit which is sunken. The pit is so dark that it can't see the bottom.

What's more shocking is that both the pit and the canyon are newly formed, and the collapsed soil in the canyon is still fresh.

"Look at this, it is estimated that this canyon has been formed for less than a month. It seems that it was formed on the day when many monsters disappeared in Cangshan." Li Ge said with awe.

According to Li Ge, when the monsters on Cangshan disappeared, there was no loud noise or any change nearby. All the monsters here seemed to disappear quietly.However, how to explain the formation of this Canyon?

You know, the formation of the canyon must be accompanied by a huge earthquake. If there is an earthquake on Cangshan Mountain, the monks living nearby can not be unaware of it.

"No, this Canyon..."

Ye Pengfei frowned and stared at the canyon below. He suddenly realized something and exclaimed: "this canyon is not formed naturally, but man-made!"

"Artificial?" Li Ge was also surprised at the news.

"Exactly!" Ye Pengfei pointed to the deep pit in the center of the canyon and said in a cold voice: "there is a palm print in the deepest part of the pit!"

After hearing the words, Li Ge immediately used his divine sense to explore the bottom of the pit. However, the scope of influence of his divine sense was much smaller than that of Ye Pengfei. His divine sense went down all the way until it was exhausted, but he still did not reach the deepest part of the pit.

Li Ge couldn't help looking at Ye Pengfei and said in horror: "who can leave a deep pit and a canyon on the ground with one hand? How strong is this man's cultivation?"

Ye Pengfei shakes his head. He also doesn't understand what kind of person is the person who left his palmprint here?

As far as he knows, even if he is as strong as the Immortal Emperor in the immortal world, he can't do it at all. Is it the congenital Holy Spirit above the Immortal Emperor?

However, the congenital Holy Spirit has not fallen? The only living ancestor of Hongyun is still trapped in the ancient pagoda of the small world. Apart from them, who in the world can have such great power?

"The disappearance of many monsters on Cangshan must have something to do with this man!" Ye Pengfei concluded.

Thinking of this, I can't help but lift up and look up at the sky.

However, with this look, he could not help sweating on his back. He pulled Li Ge and Li Xin and quickly flew back.

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