Rushuang not only lived in the cold pool for three years, but also had been waiting for him for thousands of years.

In a previous life, Jiutian Xuannv joined hands with many immortal emperors to seal the memory of Ye Pengfei. After returning to Mohist school with her parents, Rushun and her sister Songgang quickly ascended with their rare talent and left the wilderness to enter the fairyland.

After entering the fairyland, Rushun and Songgang quickly broke through the Immortal Emperor by virtue of their seven skilful and exquisite hearts, and became the famous "peerless union" at that time, leaving endless legends to later generations.

Ye Pengfei only knows about the past lives of Rushun and Songgang. He has no idea how they fell down and why they reincarnated with him to this era. He has never heard of Rushun and Songgang.

In fact, after they became emperors, they could have lived on all the time, and it was not difficult for them to become the first people in the fairyland even by virtue of their seven skilful hearts.

However, after they became emperors in those years, they did not establish any sects, nor did they leave any descendants for later generations. They kept their bodies as jade all their lives.

About a few hundred years ago, they both self destructed and chose to enter the mortal world again to practice again.

The reason why they decided to make such a choice is precisely because they knew that ye Pengfei was about to be born at the end of that year, so they made such a bold choice.

"It's a pity that Songgang and I neglected a very serious problem. According to the law of the world, anyone who has been restored can only recall his memory of that year after he has become a real immortal again. So, after we were reborn, Songgang and I have been in a state of muddle and can't remember anything about you. "

"fortunately, fate seems to be more of a concern to us. She first let Songgang meet you, and then let me meet you in the secret of Wutong."

"Ah Fei, do you know? When I saw you for the first time, I didn't know why I felt so kind. It seemed that we had known each other for a long time. From that moment on, I decided to follow you all my life. Later, after I became an immortal, I woke up to the memory of my previous life, and realized that this is what people often call fate. It turns out that as early as in the previous life, my destiny was closely linked with you, and will never be separated. "

Recalling the past days, Rushuang could not help sighing: "the original fate, always let two people fall in love with each other together, no matter how far apart the two people, even though separated by countless worlds, will always meet in the end."

If it was in the past, would Rushun believe the illusory statement of fate, but after experiencing these things, she still believed it.

Lao Tzu said: Heaven and earth are not benevolent. They regard everything as their cud dog.

The laws of heaven and earth are so vast and so ethereal that they don't pay attention to the boring things between mortals, such as praying and praying, worshiping the gods of heaven and earth, and so on. The law of heaven and earth treats mortals the same as mortals treat ants.

But sometimes heaven and earth are not always unkind, just as no matter how boring people are, they will also help mole ants. Ye Pengfei felt that it was not a great gift to her in history.

"There is a Mohist in the world, do you know?" Rushuang then asked suddenly.

Ye Pengfei shakes his head. He knows a lot about FanJie's family, but he has never heard anything about Mohism.

Ru Shuang said with a smile: "Mohism in the world is a small branch of Mohism in those years. It's not surprising that you don't know. Mohism in the world has been destroyed long before I can remember."

"More than 30 years ago, my sister and I were reborn in the world. Not long after we were born, we Mohists found the enemy's encirclement and suppression. My father died in that encirclement and suppression. Only my mother took us alone, started the magic weapon of heaven, the star wheel, and fled into the void. Later, after experiencing the void wheel flow, we were separated from my sister."

"I was taken by my mother and placed on the Yushan Mountain of Zhongzhou in the eternal world. Then my mother went to find my sister Songgang alone, but she would never come back. As for what happened after that, you probably know

If frost mentioned once with Ye Pengfei about the things, ye Pengfei heard these words, can't help but secretly sigh.

Rushuang's age is almost the same as his own, that is to say, the law of heaven and earth originally arranged that he was born in the same era with Rushuang and Songgang, and they were all born in the world.

But because of all kinds of nature, or man-made, or heaven and earth make fun of them, they did not meet with each other after they were young. Even soon after their birth, Shuang and Songgang lost their families and were displaced. They had to flee from the mortal world to the eternal world and become more and more distant from themselves. After

, Songgang as like as two peas before frost, and frost alone left behind the mountain, and the old man Huang Huang, finally sink into the practice of Yu Yuan, until many years later, he came to the longevity circle, and this is the only way to meet us.

In the past and this life, all kinds of nature are wonderful.

As for the ups and downs, Rushuang doesn't want to worry about it any more. Now meeting Ye Pengfei is the greatest gift of her life, and she is very satisfied.This is also the basic reason why Rushun can accept that ye Pengfei has other women.

If she wants more, she seems to be too greedy. She is afraid that because of her greed, the law of heaven and earth will drive Ye Pengfei away from her side. In this way, she will really have nothing.

Separated by the thick ice, ye Pengfei just looked at the frost sitting in the ice and was dazed.

People always like to say "it's like a world apart", but they and Rushuang have really experienced a world apart, a real time of 10000 years.

In today's era, let alone 10000 years, that is, three or five years, it is enough for one person to forget another person. Rushuang really waited for her 10000 years. She could have had a very good life. She could have forgotten herself 10000 years ago, and then married someone who was no worse than herself. She could have lived a happy life, or continued to live after she became an Immortal Emperor With, even if the last heaven and earth change, he can also die peacefully.

But she didn't do that. She and her sister Songgang chose to abandon self cultivation together, and they were reborn at the same time, looking forward to meeting them again.

This choice is full of great uncertainty. If they die prematurely, if they don't meet themselves in the end, if they don't become immortals and can't wake up the memory of their previous lives, maybe they get married before they become immortals, and so on

As long as there is a problem in any of the links, they will not be able to meet with themselves, or even if they meet, they will not be able to be together in the end.

However, they still do so, resolutely, without any hesitation to do, just for this on the illusory hope.

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