After stepping over the corpses, ye Pengfei walked for a long time and finally came to the top of Hongqiao.

This is the highest place of the Hongqiao bridge. There is nothing but the corpses on the ground and the colorful lights around. Ye Pengfei is surprised that there is no road ahead.

"Can we only get here?"

Ye Pengfei stands on the bridge a little confused. Everything here seems to be different from his previous imagination. What's the matter?

Just as ye Pengfei arrived at the scene and turned his head to observe nearby, his eyes suddenly glanced under the bridge. At this moment, he could not help but close his pupils.

Under the bottom of the rainbow bridge, there are sparkling waves. It seems that the river is surging under the rainbow bridge.

Ye Pengfei hurriedly went to the bridge and looked under the bridge. This time, he got closer and saw more clearly that there was a turbulent River under the bridge.

This is in the sky. How can there be a river running like the ordinary Hengjiang bridge?

Ye Pengfei puzzled, carefully staring at the bridge under the mighty river, but the next moment, his whole person a violent shock.

The next moment, ye Pengfei only feels that his skin, flesh, four limbs and all kinds of bones are bathed in the immortal spirit, and the shackles of his inner realm are broken in an instant.

Ye Pengfei seems to hear a "click" sound in his body, and then every cell in his body is excited. The archaic blood all over his body seems to have received the call and started to boil at the same time.

Then, the ice fire dragon's heart in his body was also awakened at this moment, with a "boom", like a kind of shackle suddenly broken, blue ice flame and red flame shot out from the ice fire dragon's heart at the same time, accompanied by a "bang bang" sound like a drum.

These sounds, like beating drums, are exactly the heartbeat of Ye Pengfei.

The blue and red flames were attached to the blood of Archaean origin. With every heartbeat, the two flames and the blood of Archaean origin flowed to his whole body.

"Originally, this ice fire dragon heart had a seal!" Ye Pengfei felt the abnormality of ice fire dragon heart, and was surprised.

Ye Pengfei has always known that the ice fire dragon heart is not a mortal thing, it is likely to be a more powerful God than Qiqiao Linglong heart, but since he got the ice fire dragon heart, the heart has never had any abnormal performance, at most just let his body adapt to the extreme temperature around faster.

Just now, when the ice fire dragon heart suddenly spurted out red and blue flames, ye Pengfei knew that there was a seal on the heart.

A sealed heart, perhaps because of the Hongqiao, the seal on the ice fire dragon heart can be untied.

Now, for the first time, ye Pengfei really felt the role of this heart. Red and blue flames represent two kinds of extreme temperature. Blue flame belongs to ice, red flame belongs to fire, and ice fire two kinds of extreme flames sweep through his whole body with every heartbeat, while also washing his muscles and flesh.

The effect of this kind of washing is no less than that of Ye Pengfei's first time to get Taishi Qi to refine his body.

In this process, some changes suddenly occurred in the cell tissue of Ye Pengfei's body. Originally, the metabolism speed of the cells in Ye Pengfei's body was much faster than that of normal people. After being washed by the red and blue flames, the metabolism speed of the cells in his body accelerated again.

Every time his heart beats, a large number of cells die, and then a large number of cells are born. The speed is shocking.

In order to support the energy needed by the metabolism of cells in his body, the true yuan in Ye Pengfei's body was rapidly consumed, and his accomplishments began to decline sharply.

From the realm of the earth immortal to the realm of the Yang God, and from the Yang God to the human God, the speed of the decline of cultivation has not weakened, but has accelerated, and from robbing the human God to the Mahayana realm, combining the Tao and the empty God Finally, he went down to the first level of Qi training until all his accomplishments were consumed.

In this process, because of the acceleration of cell metabolism in his body, ye Pengfei's body became old almost in an instant, and then became young again in an instant. It was repeated many times, until all the cultivation in his body was consumed, his body returned to its original shape.

This process only lasted for a short time of more than a minute, and in this process, ye Pengfei's consciousness was in a vague state, until all the cultivation in his body was consumed, his consciousness gradually recovered.

Open your eyes, ye Pengfei found himself still standing on the Hongqiao, under the bridge, the torrent is still, but this time he found his eyes to see things, and before the different.

In Ye Pengfei's eyes, the river water under the bridge is composed of countless small and unknown fragments. These small and unknown fragments are combined to form water droplets, and then they are combined to form a running river.

Mysterious, illusory, like a dream.Ye Pengfei does not know why such changes have taken place. What are these rivers made up of countless unknown fragments? He didn't even understand how his accomplishments suddenly disappeared.

He looked back, but the next moment, he suddenly found that his body had changed.

His body was the same as before, but he suddenly found that there was a faint white light shining on his body.

The halo is holy, as if the Buddha was born, and as if the gods were attached to the body.

See this scene, ye Pengfei subconsciously surprised.

It's not the first time that he has seen something similar to body light. Before he became a Buddha in the last life, his body also emitted similar light. In addition, the last time I got Taishi Qi to refine my body, my body didn't emit a faint golden light.

However, whether it is the light of Buddha in the last life or the golden light in the present life, it is different from the light in the present one. It is more mysterious and mysterious, as if it is in line with some natural road.

"After sanctification, can the body evolve again?" Ye Pengfei was shocked.

He felt that his body seemed to be stronger than before, far less than the body that had been sanctified. However, he did not know where and how strong it was.

It was the first time for him to know that it was not the limit of physical cultivation that the body became holy. He could go further than the body became holy.

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