"Director, what are you doing..."

The sudden threat makes Su Jing's pupils extremely shrink. In fear, Su Jing can't help but ask.

The director looked at her coldly and said with a grin: "we are all sent to this ghost place together, but the three of you want to leave me alone. Why? Chen Bixin, do you think that as soon as I die, it will be your turn to be the director of the bureau? "

After just a period of buffering, Chen Bixin gradually recovered. After listening to the director's words, he couldn't help sneering: "the director loves me. Even if you die, it's not up to me to take your place. We just look at you and get annoyed. You are a bug. You can't kill people, but you can disgust people."

"You, you How dare you call me a bedbug? " The director managed to control his emotions. Now when he heard Chen Bixin's words, the whole person exploded immediately.

Chen Bixin, a little policeman, why do you say so? He is nothing, dare to compare himself to a bedbug.

I can't stand it!

The director couldn't control it any more. He turned his gun and pulled the trigger at Chen Bixin's head.



A dull gunshot rang out almost at the same time. The gunshot came into the cave and reverberated in the cave.

However, after the shooting, it was not Chen Bixin who fell down!

The Chinese police pistol is not powerful. Its accurate range is only five meters. As long as it is more than five meters away, it is difficult to control its shooting accuracy. Whether it can hit a person or not and where it can hit can only be decided by fate.

Now, the distance between the director and Chen Bixin is more than five meters. With this shot, the bullet flew past Chen Bixin's scalp, and the strong wind made his ears ache.

Another shot came from Shen Yanbing.

Before Shen Yanbing admitted his relationship with Chen Bixin in front of the director, he just wanted to provoke him. As long as he was in a state of anger and dared to shoot at Chen Bixin, he would draw his gun.

She believes that in the distance of five meters, the middle-aged fat man who can become the director by relying on his relationship has little chance of shooting Chen Bixin. As long as he really dares to shoot, he will have time to draw his gun.

Director Shen Yanbing is very confident in her shooting skills.

And the effect of this shot, she really thought is not bad.

The bullet hit directly on the right arm of the director holding the gun. The powerful kinetic energy carried by the bullet made his right arm suddenly backward. With his body, he was pulled to a stagger and fell out. The 92 police pistol in his hand was thrown out.

When a shot hits the director, Shen Yanbing immediately pulls up Chen Bixin and Su Jing, who are still in a daze, and rushes out of the cave.

Chen Bixin is a little better. Before she takes two steps, she has recovered from the fright. Without Shen Yanbing's warning, she has rushed out quickly. Only Su Jing is in a state of complete ignorance and fear. Only Shen Yanbing can help her run.

At this moment, the sun had already set, and only a new moon was hanging in the sky. The jungle was dark, and the three of them didn't have any lighting. In this dark world, they could only rush and collide, and they couldn't even separate directions.

Soon after they rushed out, Shen Yanbing, who was running in the front, felt that she had tripped something. She went out straight forward, but she didn't understand her reaction. Then she splashed with a splash and fell into the water.

Then there are two consecutive sounds of water, Chen Bixin and Su Jing also fall into the water.

Shen Yanbing suddenly lost his center of gravity and took a mouthful of water. He felt that his mouth was sweet. It seemed that the place where he fell was the spring he had drunk not long ago.

The three struggled in the water, and finally swam to the bank. Su Jing poured the cold spring water, and the people were fresh. She gasped and asked, "sister Shen, what's the matter? Why do we run?"

"Don't you run and die? In the cave where we lived before, there was a huge monster. The two gunshots just now will definitely disturb him. If the monster comes out, none of us can run away. " Chen Bixin takes a breath and pulls Su Jing, who is still in the water.

"Monster?" Su Jing is a little confused.

"Shut up, don't talk!" Shen Yanbing suddenly stopped them and pulled them. They squatted under a small tree and listened to the movement in the direction of the cave.

After listening for a while, there was no abnormal movement in the direction of the cave. After a while, the director's angry voice suddenly came from the cave entrance. He roared: "Shen Yanbing, you come out to me. If I don't kill you today, you dare to shoot me, you dare to shoot me!"

It was dark outside the cave, and I couldn't see any movement outside. Just because I couldn't find three people, the director was furious and his speech was disorganized.

Not only that, he also fired two shots into the sky angrily, which shook the jungle and stirred in the valley.When Shen Yanbing heard the two shots, his face changed. He told them in a low voice: "no matter what happens later, don't make a sound, even if it's death!"

Chen Bixin, of course, knows what will happen later, so she nods immediately after hearing the speech. Although Su Jing doesn't know why Shen Yanbing said that, seeing that Shen Yanbing's tone is so dignified, she also knows that what will happen later is not a trivial matter. She nods immediately and says, "I know."

At this time, the three people felt that the earth seemed to shake at the same time, and the little tree behind them swayed slightly.

Su Jing has the least courage. She feels that after the earthquake just now, her body trembles fiercely, and her heart almost jumps out of her throat. She wants to ask Shen Yanbing what she was born with. But she thinks of what Shen Yanbing said just now, and immediately stops talking.

In the direction of the cave, the director, who was just shouting, also felt the abnormality at the moment, and the curse stopped suddenly. He turned back to the cave with panic and delusion, because he could feel that the earthquake just came from the cave.

"What What is it? "

The director of the bureau raised the muzzle of his gun with another injured arm and aimed it at the depth of the cave. It seemed that it was to embolden him. He cried out: "if you want to scare me, I haven't seen any big waves before, please come out quickly!"

His voice kept echoing in the cave, but for a long time, there was still no movement in the cave.

The director couldn't help sneering. He felt that the earthquake just happened must be his own illusion.

However, the next moment, an extremely loud roar, suddenly rushed out of the cave.

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