"Why?" Shen Yanbing frowned and asked.

"Because some people in my family don't like to see my husband Ye Pengfei. " Xia Shiyu road.

Shen Yanbing frowned more deeply. It seems that ye Pengfei is not as smooth as he imagined in this world.

"Where is qinglianzong? And what is the cultivation of immortals? " Shen Yanbing asked.

In fact, she knows how to practice. When she was in the ordinary world, ye Pengfei showed extraordinary power in front of her. This may be the legendary practice, but she has no specific concept of immortal Dharma.

"Xianfa, that's it..."

Summer poem rain said, plain hand light lift, three people suddenly feel their body a light, followed by them will find themselves like clouds in general, slowly fly to the sky.

Su Jing wants to scream, but she holds her mouth tightly. The lesson just now is still fresh in my mind.

Chen Bixin was completely stunned, looking at the ground farther and farther away from him, he could not help shaking his feet and could not even stand.

On the contrary, Shen Yanbing did not show too much difference.

Since she came to this strange world, there have been too many things that she can't imagine. This also makes Shen Yanbing's psychological endurance get unprecedented training. Not to mention flying away, she will not be surprised that someone can get out of the body.

Shen Yanbing is most interested in the immortal Dharma.

Just then, Xia Shiyu killed the huge snake with a white light, which may be the embodiment of the immortal method.

In addition, Xia Shiyu had some doubts. When he was discovered by the giant snake, he was seven or eight meters tall in one jump. And just now, he could see the scale of the giant snake clearly through the thick night. What's the matter? I seem to have mastered some extraordinary abilities, but I didn't realize it in advance.

"Is it because of the red fruit we ate before?" Shen Yanbing thought.

Whether this is the case or not can not be proved at present, but can only be verified slowly in the future.

Xia Shiyu continued to introduce: "the immortal method is a kind of magic that can kill people. Of course, I can't give examples one by one for a while. The immortal method practiced by qinglianzong is mainly based on swordsmanship, killing people with sword."

"Sword killing?" Shen Yanbing suddenly interrupts Xia Shiyu.

He remembered that when he was in the world, ye Pengfei seemed to have the same ability.

"Yes, it's the Royal sword that kills people. Although the real purpose of our friars' cultivation is to pursue immortality, it's also inevitable that the feather blade conflicts and kills people."

"In the fairyland, most people practice immortal Dharma. Ordinary people who have not practiced immortal Dharma are doomed to be looked down upon by monks and regarded as mole ants. If you want to live in the fairyland, you must practice immortal Dharma and constantly improve your accomplishments. Only in this way can you ensure that you can live well in this world."

Speaking of this, Xia Shiyu's face returned to the usual indifference.

However, such words fell into Shen Yanbing's heart and stirred up huge waves.

She was shocked and said, "murder? Who are you? The people who practice the immortal Dharma in this world can kill any mortal who does not practice the immortal Dharma? This It's too cruel. It's inhuman. Isn't it against the law? "

"Breaking the law? What is breaking the law? " Xia Shiyu is more confused than Shen Yanbing.

Shen Yanbing Leng Leng, some can not accept the way: "is there no law in this world?"

"The law?" Xia Shiyu suddenly laughed, with deep disdain in his smile, and said, "whoever is strong is the law."

"The law is a game rule made by the strong to the weak. In fairyland, only the weak can abide by the law, but the strong need not care about it, because the law is made by them and they can change it at will."

Shen Yanbing opens her mouth wide. At this moment, she seems to understand what kind of world this is.

Savage, bloodthirsty, cold, no rules, the strong rule the weak, the weak can only become the strong on the chopping board of fish, the weak eat this sentence, in this world has been fully interpreted.

As a policeman, Shen Yanbing can't imagine what a world without law would be like. Homicide cases can happen all the time here. No one will investigate the responsibility of the murderer, and no one will sympathize with the weak, because the weak are used to wash out, and the strong are used to respect.

"Ye Ye Pengfei lives in such a world, there must be a lot of psychological grievances, he must have experienced a lot of pain. " Shen Yanbing suddenly worries about Ye Peng's coming, and the way is quiet.

"He's very suitable for the world, but it's you. You don't seem to be very suitable here." Xia Shiyu road.

"No, I don't want to live in such a world, I want to go back..."

After understanding the state of life in the world, Shen Yanbing had a disgusting feeling towards the world for the first time. She suddenly yelled.

As a policeman, Shen Yanbing, who aspires to be a good policeman, can't bear to see the bad guys get angry and the weak being humiliated. If she is allowed to live in such a world, she feels that she will be crazy."The turbulence of time and space has brought you here, and it is doomed that you will never return to the previous world. So, sister Shen, if you want to live here, you must abandon your previous ideas and make yourself strong. Only when you are strong can you make rules for this world." Summer poem rain light way.

"Make rules?"

Shen Yanbing is stunned. He has been strictly educated since he was a child. He is just. He seems to see a glimmer of light in this world.

Yes, I can't go back. I can never go back.

To live in this cold and cruel world, survival is the first priority. Only on the premise of survival can we talk about ideals.

If one day I am really strong and can make rules for the world, why can't I turn the world into another world?

"No matter what the world is like, I must stick to the justice in my heart and never be changed by the world."

"If there is no police in this world, I will change the world and set up a police station. If there is no law, I will make laws in this world and let everyone abide by the law."

"Stick to justice and never forget the original intention!"

Shen Yanbing swore in his heart.

This is a cruel and cold-blooded world, but at the same time, the world is full of opportunities, anything can happen.

As long as they are strong enough, justice can be reflected under their own protection, and people will stick to justice.

"Sister Xiaoyu, can you teach me immortal method?" Shen Yanbing's eyes are as clear as ever.

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