Hearing that Shen Yanbing called himself his sister, Songgang didn't mind. Instead, he asked, "since you are from all walks of life, have you ever heard of a man named Ye Pengfei?"

"You, you know ye Pengfei?"

Shen Yanbing was stunned. She had already estimated that she would be able to get along well with Ye Pengfei after she entered the cultivation world with Ye Pengfei's ability. However, she did not expect that she could get along well. Not only Xia Shiyu wanted to ask for ye Pengfei's information from herself, but also the beautiful and shameful woman in front of her. The first thing she did was to ask herself about ye Pengfei.

Shen Yanbing looks at Songgang curiously. Different from Xia Shiyu, she doubts the relationship between this woman and ye Pengfei.

"As soon as she came up, she asked Ye Pengfei, and her expression looked very serious. Is this fairy named Songgang the woman of this guy?"

Shen Yanbing thought so, but without waiting for her to speak, Songgang said: "I'm Ye Pengfei's sister."

"Sister?" Shen Yanbing was even more surprised. When did ye Pengfei have another sister?

"Don't you believe it?" Songgang calmly looks at Shen Yanbing.

When she looks at Shen Yanbing, her eyes are not as superior as Xia Shiyu and Xia solitude. Instead, she looks at people in a flat manner.

Since Shen Yanbing came to this world, the two people she met in succession are all condescending. Only Songgang's eyes make her feel a little more comfortable. It is precisely because of Songgang's eyes that Shen Yanbing immediately has a good impression on this beautiful woman.

She nodded: "I believe that people like Ye Pengfei, no matter where they go, will not lack a sister. Miss song, since you are his sister, do you know where he is now? "

"Eternal world!"

Songgang said calmly: "he has already gone back. It is estimated that it will take at least a year for him to come to the fairyland again. In addition, although I live in Songgang, I don't believe in Songgang. My family name is mo. In addition, when you see a nun in fairyland, you'd better call her fairyland. For example, Miss Xia, you can call her fairyland instead of sister Xiaoyu. "

There are many differences between the fairyland and the mortal world. Shen Yanbing clearly heard a trace of protection from Songgang's words.

It's obvious that because of knowing Ye Pengfei, both Xia Shiyu and ye Pengfei's new sister take good care of themselves.

"Eternal world? Where is the eternal world? " Shen Yanbing asked.

"This is not a place to talk. Let's go back to qinglianzong and talk about it in detail."

Xia Shiyu suddenly interrupts them, pulls over Songgang and whispers to Shen Yanbing: "sister Shen, don't forget what you promised me."

Shen Yanbing naturally remembers what he promised to spend the summer poetry rain. When he arrived at qinglianzong, he couldn't mention Ye Pengfei to anyone. But now there is another sister of Ye Pengfei, and he doesn't know that this "everyone" bag doesn't include Songgang.

Then, several people boarded the boat one after another, and Xia Shiyu drove the boat toward the northeast.


In the eternal world, the ancestral land of the wind clan is Houshan.

At the bottom of the cracked mountain, there is a cold pool deep into the underground river. Near the cold pool, several simple bamboo houses have been built.

When ye Pengfei came here, he had a sense of God. Without any alarm, he had already noticed the location of the wind waning moon. He immediately held Xiaofeng in his arms and landed with Suihuang on the edge of a bamboo hut.

This bamboo house is located at the edge of several bamboo houses, which is very simple.

Ye Pengfei stands outside the bamboo house, looking at the gate of the bamboo house, silent. His divine sense has already noticed the person sitting in the bamboo house.

"Dad, let's go in."

In his arms, Xiaofeng seems to be aware of Ye Pengfei's strange, pulling his clothes and shouting.


The closed door of Zhulu opened from inside. A quiet voice came and said, "but is Xiaofeng talking outside?"

"Yes, mother, I'm back." Xiaofeng can't wait.

"Don't I ask you to follow your ancestors to learn the secrets of the wind clan these days? Why are you running back? "

Wind Wanyue some strange voice came, and then, a pair of dry palms stretched out on the gate of the bamboo house, but the palms quickly retracted back, and when they stretched out again, they turned into a pair of white as jade, just like a pair of Qianqian thin hands.

Then, one foot carefully stepped out of the door, the beautiful figure of the wind Wanyue appeared in the public's field of vision.

See outside the door is holding Xiaofeng Ye Pengfei, wind Wanyue Leng in place, silent for a long time, eyes are full of tears, the body also followed slightly tremble.

Ye Pengfei's face moved, which brought back his divine sense, and his eyes had already been moist.

Others may not be aware of the abnormality of the wind waning moon, but as the Immortal Emperor, ye Pengfei can see the situation of the wind waning moon at the moment.

She's old!

At that time, she was seriously injured by Ji Changshu, and her life was damaged. She had only ten years to live. I left the eternal world for more than six years. I came back once last time, but I didn't notice the abnormality of the wind and the moon because of my low cultivation at that time.It turns out that in the past six years, because of the damage to the source of her life, Feng Canyue has been as old as day by day. As early as two or three years ago, she has been like an old woman. Even her accomplishments have been retrogressive. Just to keep others from worrying, she has been showing her original appearance so that others can't see her own situation.

Even when I came back last time, I didn't find her abnormal. No wonder she was so excited when she left last time. No wonder she didn't let herself touch the wind and the moon last time.

It's a lie that the source of life is damaged and there are only ten years left to live.

If the wind waning moon grows old at such a speed again, she will surely die of old age within half a year.

"Ah Ah Fei, how did you come back? " Wind Wanyue excited some speechless, faltering for a long time to spit out these two sentences.

On one side, he saw that Suihuang, who had a bad form, was very witty. He said with a simple smile, "you two have talked in advance. I'll go first."

Said he also stepped forward to kick some reluctant to leave Xiaobai, pull Xiaobai fly away.

For a time, there are only Ye Pengfei and Feng Wanyue, and Feng Xiaofeng in Ye Pengfei's arms.

"Why hide it?" Ye Pengfei said.

"What what? What are you hiding? " Wind Wanyue smell speech body a quiver, facial expression very much like a just do wrong child.

"I've brought Xianyuan back this time. You don't have to worry about it. I know you've changed your face on purpose..."

Ye Pengfei words did not finish, wind Wanyue red face interrupted him, said: "don't, don't say."

With a smile, ye Pengfei immediately walks into the bamboo house with Xiaofeng in his arms and the waning moon in his arms. With a bang, the door of the bamboo house was closed.

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