Fairyland, north of chaos, qinglianzong.

Since Shen Yanbing was tested to possess the posture of emperor embryo last time, the whole Qinglian sect has been boiling up, and everywhere there are discussions about the regeneration of a green lotus in the swab sword pool.

After Shen Yanbing joined qinglianzong, he was directly promoted to zhenzhuan disciple, and the mountain courtyard that belonged to him was soon given. It was located on the left side of Xia Shiyu's mountain courtyard, and they lived next to each other.

Every zhenzhuan disciple of Qinglian sect can accept his own disciples and not be restricted by the patriarch. Not only the disciples, but also the servants and servants can be brought into their own mountain courtyard to help them grow spiritual grass and raise spiritual birds. Shen Yanbing is no exception.

However, Shen Yanbing hasn't officially started her cultivation, so she only brought Chen Bixin and Su Jing into her own mountain courtyard and became the inner disciple of Shen Yanbing mountain courtyard.

One week after joining qinglianzong, Shen Yanbing finally dealt with foreign affairs and got the cultivation code of qinglianzong. Since then, he began to face up to cultivation.

Half a month later, something unexpected happened.

One night, over the mountain courtyard where Shen Yanbing lived, a cloud of visible fog suddenly gathered over the mountain courtyard, forming a powerful aura whirlpool. Even the auras around qinglianzong gathered here one by one.

Many monks discovered this situation and went out of the cave one by one to watch this unprecedented spectacle.

In Qinglian sect, some monks who had already become immortals were shocked, and some even cried out: "it's the spiritual Qi revolving nest. Xiaoshen is really a rare cultivation genius in the history of Qinglian sect. It's less than half a month of cultivation, isn't it?"

Nimbus swirling nest is a spectacle formed by monks absorbing nimbus too fast, which causes the nimbus of the surrounding world to rush in and gather together.

During the cultivation of monks, there are really very few people who can generate aura whirlpool, and there is not one out of millions of people. They must be gifted talents to create such a spectacle.

Of course, for those monks who have become immortals, aura whirling nest is nothing. After all, they have become immortals now, and they don't need to absorb aura from heaven and earth to improve their strength.

However, they are more or less gratified that there is a genius in Qinglian sect who can generate aura.

The next morning, with a loud bang, a cave in Shen Yanbing's mountain courtyard suddenly exploded, raising smoke and dust all over the sky.

Then, a beautiful shadow rushed out of the blasted cave and slowly fell on a huge stone nearby.

Looking at the exploded cave, Shen Yanbing's face is calm. She reaches out her hand and holds it in front of her. Suddenly, an unprecedented sense of strength fills her whole body.

"Yuanying, is this the realm of Yuanying? It's really powerful. "

Shen Yanbing said lightly.

"Sister Shen, you are finally out of the pass..."

Behind, the voice of Xia Shiyu comes.

Hearing Xia Shiyu's voice, Shen Yanbing turns her head with a smile. During her time in qinglianzong, Xia Shiyu has given her a lot of help. Shen Yanbing is very grateful to this little girl.

"Yes, I finally broke through Yuanying. Sister Xiaoyu, how are you doing recently? "

However, as soon as Shen Yanbing turns her head, she sees Xia Shiyu standing not far behind her. She looks at herself in a daze as if she has lost her soul.

Shen Yanbing asked, "what's the matter?"

Xia Shiyu was surprised and said, "you, are you sister Shen?"

Shen Yanbing doesn't understand why Xia Shiyu has such a question. Who is she?

Immediately, he said with a smile, "well, you ungrateful Xia Shiyu, if you don't see me for half a month, you can't recognize my elder sister. I'm here, say! I've been hanging out with that smelly man lately. "

After listening to Shen Yanbing's words, Xia Shiyu reacts, but her face is shocked. She looks up and down at Shen Yanbing and says, "sister Shen, you've changed so much in half a month. It's very different from you before."


Shen Yanbing was surprised and looked down at himself. Only then did he find that some changes had taken place in himself.

Originally, he was very tall. Now he seems to be a little higher than before. His skin is as white as jade. His hands are slim and his body is more beautiful.

There is no mirror in her hand, she can't see the change of her face, but it can be seen from the change of her figure.

"I How could I be like this? "

Shen Yanbing really couldn't understand the reason. He turned to Xia Shiyu and asked, "Xiaoyu, I'm Is it ugly or beautiful? "

He was afraid that once he became ugly, ye Pengfei, the heartless man, would not want him. That's why he had such doubts.

Xia Shiyu couldn't help laughing and said, "it's not only beautiful, but also young. It's many years younger."

"You know what? Sister Shen, when I first met you, you looked like my mother. Now you are... "Xia Shiyu came here with a witty pause, obviously deliberately trying to tease Shen Yanbing.

"How's it going?" Shen Yanbing said hastily.

That woman didn't want to look younger. When she was in the ordinary world before, because the cultivation system of the ordinary world was too low, she didn't want to keep her face. If she wanted to look younger, she could only rely on cosmetics.

Shen Yanbing doesn't like cosmetics very much. In her opinion, using cosmetics to make herself look better is a kind of deception in disguise. In the world, Shen Yanbing's age is not big, but it seems to be no different from that of a woman in her 30s and 40s.

Now Xia Shiyu said that she had become young, which immediately stirred her mind. She could not help but added: "how old do I look now?"

"Similar to me, maybe one or two years older than me." Xia Shiyu said with a smile.


This time, Shen Yanbing is really scared. How can she become so young? She is one or two years older than Xia Shiyu. That's what she looks like when she is 14 or 15 years old. Will ye Pengfei like her?

Seeing that Shen Yanbing was frightened by herself, Xia Shiyu quickly said with a smile, "I lied to you, sister Shen. You look like you're only twenty-five or twenty-six years old now. You're so beautiful. Even I envy you."

"If I were a man, you would be the first to marry."

Shen Yanbing is stunned for a moment. She doesn't quite believe Xia Shiyu's words. She has just come to the fairyland, and has only been in touch with cultivation for half a month. Her understanding of appearance is still in the inherent concept.

Immediately, she rushed into her cavern, picked up the mirror and looked at her face.

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