Shen Yanbing finally understood what kind of power he was facing.

It turns out that what I face is not only the alien and wuxiangxianzong, but also the Xiandi and Jinxian in the immortal world. Or more seriously, what I face is the whole world.

She suddenly felt a pang of sadness. She had just come here from the ordinary world for only half a year. Why should the weak woman be involved in such a thing, and why should she bear the responsibility that many men are unwilling to bear.

With a sigh, she turned and walked towards the ice cave, ignoring chenyin.

In the ice cave, Xia Shiyu still sleeps sweetly. Maybe it's because she's been working hard these days. In her deep sleep, she doesn't seem to notice the arrival of chenyin.

Shen Yanbing didn't wake her up, but walked up and squatted beside Xia Shiyu, looking down at her quietly.

Xia Shiyu is only thirteen or fourteen years old, but she has a peach blossom face, beautiful and lovely. She belongs to the standard Lori type in the world. She doesn't know what she's dreaming about in her sleep, and her mouth turns slightly up and gives out a low warning.

Looking at Xia Shiyu's innocent appearance in his sleep, Shen Yanbing suddenly feels that the world is ridiculous. There are so many immortals in the fairyland, so many powerful and invincible immortal emperors. They are selling the world. What about themselves?

He and Xia Shiyu are just little earthly immortals. They are only thirteen or fourteen years old now, but they bear the pressure of saving the world. It's really ridiculous and sad.

Shen Yanbing is sentimental and reaches for her hair. Xia Shiyu is awakened in a moment. She sits up and says: "sister, what's the matter?"

Shen Yanbing pulled out a forced smile from the corner of her mouth and comforted her: "it's OK. You can go on sleeping. Take a rest. I'll call you when you're on the road

But Xia Shiyu looked at Shen Yanbing, with big eyes like black gems. She was very charming and asked, "sister, didn't you sleep?"

Maybe it's because he just woke up. Xia Shiyu's voice has some nasal sounds, which sounds more pitiful.

Shen Yanbing said with a smile, "I've been sleeping and I'm awake."

Xia Shiyu stretched a waist, stood up and said: "let's go on the road."

Xia Shiyu didn't know what Shen Yanbing had experienced when he was sleeping, and Shen Yanbing didn't tell Xia Shiyu.

In her opinion, I'm afraid that she and Xia Shiyu are really lucky this time. They may not only fail to complete the task, but also take their own lives.

After all, the two of them are no more than the strength of the immortals. What should they fight with the friars of the whole fairyland? Without Xiandi's help, just shooting some Jinxian friars, they can't deal with it.

However, Shen Yanbing did not choose to give up even though she knew that she and Xia Shiyu would die this time. She thought that if Xia Shiyu really wanted to sacrifice this time, she would die with her. After all, if it wasn't for Xia Shiyu, she might have died in the chaos, where is today.

They set out on their way again. This time, they changed their way and went north, heading straight in the direction of the North Pole.

All the way for seven days, they met several waves of monks on the road. However, they learned from their last experience, and they cleverly avoided the past. Everything seemed to be going well, but Shen Yanbing knew that the real crisis was not far ahead.

Seven days later, Xia Shiyu estimated that it would take another three days to reach the North Pole.

On this day, it may have entered the polar night. It was dusk, but the sun did not rise. When they passed an iceberg, they suddenly heard the voice of the iceberg on their left and heard a man's cold laughter.

The man said with a smile: "look, I'm right. The two emperors will definitely pass by here. Instead of running around looking for them, it's better to wait here."

Shen Yanbing was shocked and turned to look at the iceberg. But he saw three men standing on the top of the iceberg. They were all wearing yellow long clothes. They were obviously disciples from the same sect.

Shen Yanbing and Shen Yanbing had noticed the iceberg just now, but they didn't feel any breath fluctuation on it. So they came up so carelessly. Listening to what this man said, they had been here for a long time, just to wait for them to deliver them.

Sure enough, there will be a gap in the hundred secrets.

"Holy cloud mountain!" When Xia Shiyu saw the clothes of the three, he recognized their identities.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we Shengyun mountain had no injustice or hatred with Qinglian sect, but someone asked us to take you back except for the price, so I'm sorry."

The man who spoke before said with a smile: "are you going to do it yourself, or are we going to do it?"

The other side is standing high with a wide field of vision. No matter how they escape this time, they can't escape the pursuit of the other side. Knowing that there was no hope of escape, Xia Shiyu looked up at the three people and suddenly said with a smile, "we are standing here. If you want to catch us, please come."

These three people are all Jinxian Xiuwei. Xia Shiyu is not afraid of each other. As long as they dare to walk down the iceberg, she can escape even if she can't fight."It seems that you two are obedient. It's good to do so. Fifth, you'll watch here. Fourth and I will go down."

Unexpectedly, the leader is also very smart. He knows that once all three of them leave the iceberg, they will easily lose sight of Shen Yanbing and Xia Shiyu. If Shen Yanbing and Xia Shiyu take the opportunity to run away, they may not catch up with each other, so they deliberately leave one person to watch on the iceberg.

He gave a command and moved with the other man at the same time. They jumped and glided down the iceberg.

When Xia Shiyu saw that this man was not deceived, he could not help frowning. It seems that this battle has to be fought.

In fact, Xia Shiyu doesn't want to fight with these people. First of all, with his own strength and Shen Yanbing's strength, he can't deal with these two Jinxian. Even if he has a magic oil paper umbrella in his hand, once he uses the magic oil paper umbrella, the movement will be great. At that time, people nearby will notice the situation here and rush to this side.

At that time, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for me to escape.

However, since the other party has killed, it can not tolerate Xia Shiyu's refusal.

"If you want to die yourself, come on!"

Xia Shiyu takes a step forward and blocks Shen Yanbing's body. Then he points to fajue and hears the sound of "Zheng". A flying sword with silver light suddenly flies out of her sleeve and kills them.

The two seemed to expect that Xia Shiyu had such a move. They just laughed and kicked fiercely on the iceberg. When they jumped into the air, they saw two gorgeous golden lights rising. They had sent their magic weapon and swept away towards Xia Shiyu's flying sword.

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