
Holding the determination to die, the second dragon's head looks up to the sky and gives out a huge roar. The breath of terror fills the whole world. His body turns into a giant dragon. With a slight sweep of the dragon's tail, several nearby icebergs turn into powder.

It's not the first time that Xia Shiyu and Shen Yanbing see the real dragon. Looking at the real dragon in front of them, they still feel magnificent and shocked.

The roar of the Dragon shakes the world. Even the people of qinglianzong, who are on their way thousands of miles away, hear it. Xia Wuji looks at the depths of the Arctic continent with his brows locked. He is extremely worried about the safety of Xia Shiyu.

The old Immortal Emperor of wuxiangxianzong also looked up at the direction of the Dragon roar. Without divine knowledge, they could see a shadow of Qingtian dragon.

"Quick, it seems that those golden immortals have met them. Let's speed up."

The old man gave a low drink and said to the two immortal emperors and Cuiyu Cuiwei around him. Then he burst out, followed by the other four.

On Xia Shiyu's side, those Jinxian strongmen have been completely shocked by the breath of the real dragon, and they have gathered one after another.

Shen Yanbing looked up. With her eyes, she could clearly see that more than 50 Jinxian strongmen were approaching her side.

Shen Yanbing's face turned pale. Although they had just solved the problem of seven golden immortals, they actually made a lot of efforts. Now half a hundred golden immortals are strong, and it's hard for them to stand out.

There are very few real dragons and beasts. These golden immortal strongmen have no chance to touch them. They are all shocked to think of this huge thing in front of them, that is, the opponent who is about to fight.

This kind of power is comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor. Even if they are strong Jinxian, even if they are besieged, they may fall.

But the conditions offered by the strong foreigners are too attractive. It's a chance to live forever. No one wants to retreat easily at this time.

"If you don't want to die, we'll do it together. Don't keep it." A leading Jinxian strongman yelled.


All of them should say that the golden immortal strongmen took out their bottombox treasures and secrets and rushed to Xia Shiyu.


In a short time, this ice field is full of shouting and killing, accompanied by colorful golden immortal magic, countless magic weapons fly up and join forces to rush to Xia Shiyu and Shen Yanbing.

In the face of the conflagration of 50 or 60 Jinxian strongmen, the three beasts dare not look down upon. In a hurry, the eldest and the third also conjure up the real dragon body. Together with the second, they burst out the power of the real dragon, forming a huge spiritual mask to protect Xia Shiyu.

The three sisters cooperate with each other very well. They only look at each other once, and immediately turn out their own dragon powers. At the same time, they attack the magic weapons and magic arts of the golden immortal.

When Xia Shiyu saw this, he bit his silver teeth and sent out five sharp flying swords again. With invisible sword Qi, he swished away at the golden immortals.

Shen Yanbing's face is heavy. He pours out his true yuan. Countless water vapor condenses in his palm and directly forms an ice skate. The water saber she condensed before is not the ultimate state of water breaking saber. This ice skate is stronger.


Countless real yuan, magic weapon and secret skill collide and explode at the same time.

A jumble of Zhenyuan burst out from the center of the ice sheet and spread around in a wavy way. The ground broke into a spider web.

The Jinxian strongmen affected by this group of Zhenyuan vomit vermilion one after another and fly away.

Xia Shiyu and Shen Yanbing's aura hood is crumbling, and their mouths are overflowing with blood.

However, there are too many Jinxian, less than one tenth of which have just been affected, and the rest of which have not been injured by the blast have hardly stopped, and they immediately head on.

There was no time for them to breathe at all, and the overwhelming secret magic weapon hit several people's heads again.

Seeing this, the second one has a bad idea.

"Old man, old man, take Xiaoyu and let them go. I'll hold on here!"

After that, the second one didn't hesitate any more. There was a determination in her eyes. It seemed that some shackle had been broken in her huge body. There was no need to brew. A terrible breath rushed out of her blood.

"Second sister! No

The eldest brother felt the breath around him, and his eyes were about to crack.

"Second sister, don't use black dragon wave, you will be killed!" Old three is anxious unceasingly, also shout a way.

When Xia Shiyu heard the speech, his shoulders trembled slightly and his eyes were filled with tears.

She heard that the three beasts said that the black dragon wave is not only the life skill of the real dragon clan, but also the highest skill of the dragon clan. Its killing power is terrible. Once it is used, it can't be recovered, and the enemies within the attack range will be killed and injured severely.

Originally, the second was not pure in blood, and could not perform his own life magic. However, the last time the second was baptized and enlightened by Ye Pengfei, he had awakened the ancestral dragon blood hidden in his body, which enabled him to inherit the dragon's own life magic, heilongbo.

It's just that when a Benming spell is powerful, it has a fatal drawback, that is, once it is released, it will directly consume the source of life until the oil is exhausted.Ten thousand years ago, ye Pengfei had seen Aoxing of the black dragon clan release this kind of Benming spell in his previous life. Fortunately, ye Pengfei stopped it in time and saved Aoxing's life. But even so, Aoxing's life source was still greatly damaged, and soon fell.

So it's not easy for the jade family to die.

It is also knowing the biggest disadvantage of this technique that Xia Shiyu is deeply grieved.

Second unlock the blood in the body, that is, in an instant, the eldest and third have no time to stop.

The second turned around the huge dragon head and roared: "boss, third, protect these two girls..."

The eldest brother and the third brother couldn't bear it, but they nodded heavily. They know the character of the second child and what the second child has decided. No one can stop them. At the moment, they can only follow her advice.

Dozens of Jinxian, who are controlling the magic weapons and secret arts, also feel the horror from the old two. They are all extremely frightened. As soon as they bite their teeth, they increase the injection of Zhenyuan, so that those magic weapons and secret arts can fly to the old two faster.

But it's too late for them, the second black dragon wave is ready to complete.

I saw the second man open his mouth and suddenly spit out a dark dragon ball. As soon as the dragon ball appeared, it absorbed all the aura in the nearby void, and burst out as if it could absorb all the black light.

"Boom -"

a series of thick black light waves shot out from the dragon ball and spread in all directions. The wind and cloud rolled upside down and the space vibrated, just like the end of the world.

The magic weapon and secret skill that the golden immortal sent out just came into contact with the black light wave. It was like an egg bumping against a stone, breaking and dissipating.

"Step back for a while and try to avoid the light waves as much as possible!"

Seeing this, the group of golden immortals could not help but be terrified. They could not care about maintaining their magic methods and magic weapons, so they quickly retreated.

However, there is no way out.

Several slow Jinxian strongmen were directly hit by the light wave, and they died when they couldn't even scream. In addition, many of them were caught up by the afterwave, directly injured or injured.

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