
The dull explosion was like a bolt from the blue.

The fists of the two people collided heavily, which almost attracted the minds of most people present.

And at this time, many people are in the beginning of self-image brain tonic, ye Pengfei bloody scene, and then the end of the scene quickly coincided with the previous madness.

However, to everyone's surprise, the young man who met with Tyrone was standing in the same place, motionless, and the other side's mouth was holding the cigarette, a very relaxed look.

Then, boom!

As ye Pengfei's opponent, Tyrone was suddenly hit by a huge shock. He rubbed the challenge arena and glided all the way. Finally, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and his body swayed a few times.

Only this one blow, then let the public almost even the eye bead almost stare out.

"Impossible --!"

In the box above the seat, Zhao qiansun suddenly roared, his heart beating.

Because he never thought that ye Pengfei's strength would be so terrible. He would blow Tyrone to spit blood with one punch, but the other side didn't do anything. Instead, he was the most powerful, holding the cigarette in his mouth.

"I'll go! This Is this really Ye Shao? "

Li Jingtang's eyes were bigger than those of a bull's eye. He even thought that he was seeing too much.

Tyrone, who was defeated even by Mademoiselle, was shocked to spit blood in front of their Ye Shao. How terrible the strength was.

Almost everyone in the audience was shocked by this scene, followed by a huge wave, cheers and screams.


Tyrone suddenly roared. He rushed up again.

And this time, Talon subconsciously felt the power of Ye Pengfei, so he directly used his super unique skill!


With one elbow, it's as fast as lightning. At the same time, it's as powerful as thunder.

So powerful, so that people have changed color, and even many girls suddenly covered their faces, as if afraid to see something terrible bloody scene.

However, in such a dangerous situation, people are shocked to find that ye Pengfei's eyes even looked at a box in the grandstand, and also made an action to the other side.

A middle finger!

"The bastard!"

See Ye Peng fly to oneself erect middle finger, Xu Hou instantly angry.

In fact, just now, ye Pengfei was startled by the presence of marquis Xu, so he put up his middle finger. Unexpectedly, it attracted a strong response from the public.

Even Xu Hou was almost angry. At such a dangerous moment, ye Pengfei didn't forget to pretend to be better.

Xu Hou even wanted to give each other a title, so he called each other super forced Wang.


Finally, Talon's fist has come to the front of Ye Pengfei. It looks amazing.

Ye Pengfei just a smile, quickly stretched out his arm to block his head, abruptly took Talon's blow.

Even ye Pengfei was suppressed by the huge impact force. His body eventually became slightly bent, and his feet also stepped on the ground, as if to be embedded in it.

"Ha ha I didn't expect that Tyrone's strength was pretty good. "

Ye Pengfei turned a corner of his mouth, but he soon thought that there were still many people watching on the stage, so he soon deliberately changed into a shock, and then a very painful look.

"Ha ha ha..."

Zhao qiansun on the stage was immediately happy, especially when he saw that the other party's manner changed from self-confidence at the beginning to shock and pain at the end. This mental process undoubtedly made Zhao qiansun think that ye Pengfei finally knew the powerful strength of talon.

"Ye Pengfei, I told you to pretend to be better. Now you know Mr. Talon's strength. Ha ha ha... "


All of a sudden, Tyrone roars again, and then blows another blow at Ye Pengfei, directly charging at the other party's head.

The roaring wind slowly lifted the hair in front of Ye Pengfei's forehead, revealing a pair of eyes with obvious banter.


His fist flashed and crossed with the tip of his nose.


Ye Pengfei's toes a little, and instantly escaped the attack of the other side.

Then, ye Pengfei's body quickly bent in the air, immediately clamped each other's legs, forced a twist.


Tyrone fell to the ground completely, shaking fast.


The whole audience was shocked. I didn't expect that the man who dared to challenge Tyrone would be so fierce. Not only was he not defeated, but he also brought Tyrone down.

However, when Tyrone's body fell to the ground, his body trembled for a while, and then he got up from the ground again.Immediately after that, the other party grabs Ye Pengfei's body and wants to throw him out.


Ye Pengfei's body did fly out, but ye Pengfei's body soon fell to the ground, even the ash of the cigarette did not fall down.

"Ha ha, it's a little interesting!"

Ye Pengfei took another puff of his cigarette and vomited into the air, making Zhao qiansun on the stage almost unconscious.


Several times, he was escaped by Ye Pengfei. After all, Tailong was also angry and attacked and killed Ye Pengfei quickly.

This time, the other side changed the attack move again, one hand to the ground, two feet suddenly swept to Ye Pengfei's legs.


Jiangning night's body was hit, instantly ejected to the fence not far away, the cigarette fell to the ground, making Ye Pengfei's eyes narrowed, finally angry.

"You dare to let me waste my cigarette. Good. You have angered me successfully."


Ye Pengfei's body flies towards Talon's body in an instant, leaving a series of residual shadows immediately.


They didn't even see how ye Pengfei did it, so Talon's body flew out in an instant.

Poof's blood gushed out. Apparently, this time, Tyrone's body was hit hard again.

However, Tyrone had lost some pain because of the injection, so for ye Pengfei's blow, even if Tyrone's body suffered a heavy blow, the other side still stood up quickly.


After a roar, Tyrone instantly full of blood, once again toward Ye Pengfei burst.


Ye Pengfei didn't expect that Talon was so hard and could break out.

No way, ye Pengfei had to move again, a swing kick heavily kicked in the other side's neck, making the other side almost cervical fracture.

"Now, it's the end of it."

Ye Pengfei shook his head helplessly. He fell to the ground and was about to finish work. Unexpectedly, Tyrone squeezed his neck, twisted it and rushed over again.

"I don't like grass!"

This time, ye Pengfei was completely convinced.


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