After Meng Xiyan opens the door, the picture of blood stimulation is staged.

Even if ye Pengfei had noticed the movement in the house before, he was still startled by the scene in front of him.

"Damn it

Ye Pengfei quickly covers Meng Xiyan's eyes and pulls her aside to prevent each other's mind from being polluted.

Meng Xiyan is also ashamed to death, how also did not expect, his roommate, unexpectedly still with a man in doing that kind of thing.

But it's still day!

These two people are too anxious!

And the two people in the house, after seeing Meng Xiyan and a man appear, are also scared, and then quickly put on their clothes, appear a little embarrassed, but obviously angry.

"Xiaoyan, why did you come back at noon today? Didn't you come back before?"

Meng Xiyan's roommate, in his early twenties, has a common face, but has a good figure. After taking a look at Ye Pengfei, he quickly comes up.

As for the man, he was about the same age as ye Pengfei, but he was quite calm, and then he sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette for himself.

Meng Xiyan blushed and said, "I have something to do today, so I came back suddenly. Unexpectedly, I met your boyfriend, that You go on. "

Immediately, Meng Xiyan pulls Ye Pengfei to his bedroom, blushing with shame.

The young man in the living room can't help but brighten his eyes.


The young man swallowed his saliva and underestimated in a low voice: "I'm grass, the best!"

When Meng Xiyan and ye Pengfei enter the bedroom, Meng Xiyan breathes a sigh of relief and then says, "I'm sorry, brother Pengfei. I didn't know she was doing that with her boyfriend."

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "it's just normal demand. Haven't you ever been with your boyfriend before?"

Meng Xiyan's face was full of shame.

"No, I haven't even had a boyfriend. Where would that be I, I'm still a girl... " After that, Meng Xiyan's pretty face is obviously more ruddy. It seems that even her breathing becomes short. Even she doesn't know why she wants to Tell ye Pengfei.

Is it Want her to be pursued?

When ye Pengfei heard Meng Xiyan say this, he was also immediately dumbfounded, and then his heart was agitated.

After all, Meng Xiyan is the top beauty of the school flower, similar to Xiao Ruxue, and pure and unusual, lively and lovely.

But ye Pengfei soon thought that the other side was the relatives that his comrades in arms told him to take care of before he died, not the girlfriend he needed to pursue, so the ripples in Ye Pengfei's heart soon calmed down.

Then, ye Pengfei visited Meng Xiyan's boudoir.

The room is not big, only about 10 square meters, with bed, wardrobe, desk, and some cartoon gadgets. The layout of the whole room is lovely pink and artistic.

"Brother Peng Fei, sit down!"

Meng Xiyan brought the chair over, then took a cup and went outside to fetch water for ye Pengfei.

Results just opened the room, the next room suddenly came a beat of sound, as well as the woman's suppressed hum before.

"I'll go!" Ye Pengfei almost didn't pass out to Lei by Meng Xiyan's wonderful roommates.

Meng Xiyan did not expect that it would become like this. He was so ashamed that his ears were red. Then he went to the living room to get a cup of hot water. Then he ran back in a hurry and closed the door.

"Brother Peng Fei, would you like some coffee?" Meng Xiyan asked quickly.

"Just plain water." With that, ye Pengfei took the cup from Meng Xiyan.

And Meng Xiyan is clever to sit at the bedside, appear a little nervous appearance.

Later, ye Pengfei asked a little about the bad situation here. He was not used to living here.

Meng Xiyan said it's OK, but sometimes on duty, work late, come back a little afraid.

Ye Pengfei thinks that this is indeed a problem. In case of any danger, what should we do.

"By the way, brother Peng Fei You're not a gangster, are you

Meng Xiyan is a little bit uneasy, but he still musters up the courage to ask.

Ye Pengfei can't help but feel funny. This little girl asked him if he was a underworld.

"If I'm really black, would you be afraid of me?" Ye Pengfei suddenly asked with a smile.

Meng Xiyan blinked her beautiful big eyes, frowned slightly, and then said in a low voice: "even if brother Pengfei is black, he must be a good man. Moreover, brother Pengfei saved me and saved my life. I'm only grateful to you."

Ye Pengfei really can't help reaching out and rubbing Meng Xiyan's hair again.

Meng Xiyan immediately issued a voice of protest, but such intimate behavior, but let Meng Xiyan heart nervous mood digestion a lot.

"Well, I'm not a gangster. I have a serious job. Now I work in a large enterprise, and I always do well. How about that? Do you admire me?""I knew it!" Meng Xiyan suddenly happy, as for admire not admire, Meng Xiyan naturally ignored, she cares about the first half of the sentence, the other side is not mixed black, full of positive energy, people can't help but close, and heart admiration.

Just very soon, Meng Xiyan asked: "then why do they listen to you so much, especially brother violent bear, who should be a member of the gang. Oh, I remember, brother Peng Fei, you are a martial arts expert! I saw you run so fast in the street with my own eyes, even the car can keep up! Is it because of this that Brother Bear worships you very much, and then he works for you? "

Seeing Meng Xiyan's curious baby, ye Pengfei almost didn't laugh.

"Watch too many TV dramas. Martial arts is just a deterrent. As for why that bear listens to me, it's just because he's poisoned now, and I'm the only one in the world who can understand it. As for why, I'm also a miracle doctor!"

"Ah? You Are you still a miracle doctor Meng Xiyan is completely stupid.

Ye Pengfei coughed, and then said: "look at your look, you should have caught a cold yesterday, recently you have a little pain in your stomach, and there should be something wrong with your cervical spine, and then..."

"My God Meng Xiyan is completely stupid. He never thought that ye Pengfei was right.

All of a sudden, ye Pengfei was stunned for a while. I didn't expect that the girl was a little bit out of tune because of her irregular schedule.

Immediately, ye Pengfei came to Meng Xiyan's ear and said something in a soft voice.

Meng Xiyan's face turned red immediately with the speed visible to the naked eye. Even the small earlobe was crystal clear and pink.

"Brother Peng Fei, you are necrotic!" Meng Xiyan's powder fist quickly meets him, but he is caught by Ye Pengfei like lightning. Then, their eyes are intertwined for a moment. After a short confrontation, they are separated like lightning.

But two people's hearts, but completely confused.

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