Although the green gauze skirt woman was seen at a glance for her accomplishments, she was awe inspiring. She just said with a smile: "you are a cowardly rat who hides her head and shows her tail. If you have the ability, you can show her real body."

From the beginning to the end, it was just a figure talking, but he didn't see himself at all.

The woman's words of green gauze skirt led to a burst of laughter again. "You can see me later. What's the hurry?"

"It depends on whether you have that skill or not," the woman sneered, and the sword ran through the sky and went straight to the figure.

The figure was split by a sword, forming a black fog, which floated in the air for a moment and condensed together again.

"Jie Jie, little immortal, also want to kill me?"

The figure is very proud, "you can't kill me, or come back with me?"

The woman immediately frowned, this situation is very difficult.

"I know you want to lead me out on purpose, but your real strength is far from enough."

There was a trace of contempt in the figure's tone. In fact, it was not the first time that he had met this kind of situation.

These days, there are always some people who like to overestimate themselves.

"But I like your style. It saves me a lot of time."

He sent to the door of the game, the shadow that is naturally impolite to accept.

The expression on the woman's face is dignified, and the beautiful face is full of worries at the moment. She came alone. Originally, I thought that with the cultivation of my true immortal period, even if I could not bring the murderer to justice, I could at least retreat completely.

But now it seems that women know that they underestimated each other's strength before.

The other side is just a shadow, can have their own unmatched strength, if the real body comes, let alone.

Such underestimation is absolutely fatal.

Silver teeth bite, the woman once again toward the shadow of a sword.

"It's useless... Don't do useless work. You can't hurt me."

The figure chuckled. This time, it didn't even need to be split and agglomerated again. It just stepped back to avoid the attack of the woman.

"I know..." the woman burst to drink, and a sword was wielded. The fierce sword power once again split the figure.

However, at the moment when the figure split, the woman turned around and ran.

"Jie Jie, do you want to go now? Unfortunately, it's too late. "

The figure, which had just been split and had not yet formed, simply turned into a black fog and quickly followed the woman.

The black fog stuck behind the woman, less than a foot between them.

The woman was shocked and tried to stop the black fog from approaching. However, each sword of the women had no other effect except to disperse the black fog. It wasn't long before the black fog gathered together again.


Black fog originally wanted to play with the woman again, suddenly felt a strong breath was approaching, so it was a pity to say: "OK, that's it."

The voice fell, and the black fog entangled the woman.

The woman watched helplessly as the black fog trapped her, but there was nothing she could do.

The sword in her hand, at the moment when the black fog wrapped up, the woman lost contact with it. It was a kind of extravagant hope to continue to wave.

Women's instant despair, can not help but close their eyes, fear in the heart grow.

"You have committed many evils in Vientiane City, are you not afraid of the Revenge of many sects in Vientiane city?"

"Fang Xuanzong has said that he must kill you and get rid of harm for the people. Now you dare to act so recklessly under the eyes of Fang Xuanzong. Are you really not afraid of Fang Xuanzong's anger? "

With her eyes closed, the woman seems to have given up her resistance, but in fact she is still struggling.

This is the city of Vientiane, and Fang Xuanzong has said that he wants to get rid of harm for the people. Now, women can only hope that the other side can be restrained.

However, after these words, even the woman's heart is not sure.

Sure enough, the woman said, black fog is a burst of Jie Jie's laughter, "at the beginning, I just think you are naive, but I never thought that you are so naive. Since I dare to come out, it means that I am not afraid of Fang Xuanzong at all. Fang Xuanzong's idiots have been looking for me for more than half a month. I can't believe that I am in the city of Vientiane. "

"I know..."

the woman said dejectedly, and a clear tear fell from the corner of her eye.

By this time, the woman was desperate.

The black fog whirled rapidly on the woman. The woman only felt that her breathing was more and more difficult, as if she was about to suffocate at any time. It was impossible to make a sound again.

Just as the woman was about to fall into a coma, a thick voice came suddenly.

"Good method"

it's just three words, but it seems that it is like penetrating the fog. The woman who was trapped in the dark fog and was about to fall into a coma also woke up instantly. Opening her tired eyes, she saw a young man and a little girl suddenly appear in her sight.The young man and the little girl were standing on the roof not far away. The breeze was blowing and the clothes were shaking, just like immortals.


although it was cool for them to appear on the stage, when the woman felt the breath of each other, she couldn't help sighing.

Young man, but is really fairy period, and she is no different.

In a woman's opinion, she has been defeated, and another true immortal is useless.

"Boy, do you want heroes to save beauty?"

Black fog completely ignored the sudden appearance of the young man and continued to spin on the woman, "the breath I just felt is you? It's not that slow. "

The young man shook his head slowly, "I'm not here to save the beauty, I'm here to find you."

"Jie Jie, that's strange." Black fog a strange smile, "put beauty don't save, you come to me?"? I'm afraid it's not a fool. "

The young man no longer spoke, just a blink came to the woman and next to the black fog.

"Only by finding you can we prove our innocence."

The young man is Ye Pengfei. Originally, ye Pengfei planned to take Qianque to visit Fang Xuanzong at night. However, he never thought that he felt a violent fluctuation just after he came out. By the time ye Pengfei arrived, the woman had been surrounded by black fog.

"It's up to you?"

"A little fairy wants to find me? A fool dreams

Although the words say so, but black fog but quickly turn up, seem to want to take a woman back.

Ye Pengfei saw this scene and immediately laughed, "up to now, haven't you seen the situation clearly?"

Ye Pengfei put his hand on the black fog, and then suddenly forced the woman down from the black fog.

Black fog hovered in the air, forming a figure again, "boy, do you dare to do something bad for me?"

"You are wrong. I will not only do you harm, but also kill you."

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