It can be said that the movement of the disciples mobilized by the five major schools is well known in Tianyuan city.

I heard that the five major sects were going to question kujianmen, and the other small sects were also moved by the news.

People constantly join the ranks of the five major sects, one by one filled with righteous indignation, as if kujianmen had really done something harmful.

With the continuous expansion of the momentum, the whole Tianyuan city has an endless stream of calls to fight against kujianmen.

In the inn, no one dares to make noise around the old turtle and the girl. Before, the girl's immortal breath still has a great deterrent effect.

However, ordinary friars do not dare to disturb, which does not mean that the people of the five major sects do not dare.

Han Dongjun and his eldest disciple he Dao came to the inn in person. Naturally, he wanted to visit the three old turtles.

Although I don't know why they came from other places, if they can win over, it will be of great help to Qinglian sword sect.

When the master of Qinglian sword sect came, no one dared to come to the inn. The innkeeper respectfully took them to the door of the room where the three of them were.

"What's the matter?"

Han Dongjun knocked on the door. The girl opened it. When she saw Han Dongjun, she asked coldly.

"Han Dongjun, the sword master of Qinglian, has met his predecessors. I don't know if he can go in for a chat?"

Han Dongjun couldn't see through the accomplishments of the girl. He couldn't help but feel awe inspiring and lowered his posture.

Girl light swept Han Dongjun and he Dao one eye, immediately disdain of say: "have what thing to say here, don't waste our time."

To tell you the truth, the girl is not very happy to give advice to Han Dongjun.

It's just that an early Immortal Emperor doesn't have so much face.

Han Dongjun's face is stagnant. In this Tianyuan City, he is seldom denied a little face.

He Dao behind Han Dongjun is full of anger. In his opinion, even if the other party is the Immortal Emperor, this is Tianyuan City, so he should give Qinglian Jianzong a face.

However, although he Dao was very dissatisfied, he did not dare to express it.

Since they are going to visit, naturally they have been investigated. At least he Dao knows the identity of those people who were almost killed by each other when they came to the inn last time.

Those people are all disciples of shenzazong.

As one of the strongest immortal sects in the cultivation world, the disciple of shenzazong almost gave his life here. He Dao is just a disciple of Qinglian sword sect. Although Qinglian sword sect is called Xiaoxian palace in Tianyuan City, in fact, the difference between Qinglian sword sect and Xiangong is Yunni.

It's very normal that the other party doesn't even pay attention to the God killing sect, and doesn't pay attention to the Qinglian sword sect.

Like he Dao, Han Dongjun did not dare to be dissatisfied with the girl's bad attitude, but became extremely respectful.

"My name, you have no right to know."

The girl looked at Han Dongjun contemptuously, "you come here to ask us for help to attack the bitter sword gate, right? Die that heart, I have no time to follow you to fool around there

Han Dongjun's face was not pretty immediately, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"No... promise him, we'll go together then."

Just as Han Dongjun was about to leave, an old voice came out of the room.

Han Dongjun smell speech a Leng, the young girl also don't understand of see toward the room, "old Valley Lord, why?"

The girl's incomprehension makes sense, because ye Pengfei is at the bitter sword gate. At this time, he helps Qinglian Jianzong fight against the bitter sword gate, which is equivalent to putting Ye Pengfei on the fire to bake.

"You are from Qinglian sword sect, aren't you?"

Old turtle out of the room, Han Dongjun quickly nodded respectfully, "now don't act rashly, wait for my news."

Han Dongjun saw that the girl was also respectful to the old turtle. He also guessed that the old turtle's identity might be unusual, so he agreed quickly.

"Well, you go back first. I'll call you when you leave."

Han Dongjun left respectfully, full of joy in his heart.

Invite two strong foreign aid, and you will have a better chance of attacking kujianmen.

"Old Valley master, why is that?"

After Han Dongjun left, the girl couldn't help asking.

"There must have been a major change in kujianmen."

Lao xuangui looked worried. "The young master must have been the people of kujianmen to help. We can't wait outside."

"The mountain of kujianmen must be opened or not."

When it comes to this, the old turtle is already murderous.

No matter what kujianmen is doing, Lao xuangui has only one purpose to ensure the safety of the young master.

"At this time, I must be with the little Lord."

But the girl was not happy again. "In this way, we can do it ourselves. Qinglian sword sect just wanted to use us to destroy the bitter sword sect. If you hadn't stopped me, I would have killed Han Dongjun and his disciples just now. "Qinglian Jianzong is really big. He dares to take advantage of the divine medicine sect. He doesn't know what to do.

"You know they are not qualified to use us, but we are qualified to use them."

The old turtle showed a smile, but it seemed a little cruel.


three days later, wujianfeng was once again baptized by the spirit of Shenjian.

But this time, ye Pengfei suddenly realized that it was wrong.

Before ye Pengfei could find Zhao Yier, the whole wujianfeng mountain began to shake, and the mountain began to slide in the roar.

Countless stones rolled down the cliff, and wujianfeng became extremely unstable.

The disciples of kujianmen fly with their swords one after another, and the leader of kujianmen also directly informs all the disciples to prepare to defend the enemy.

Wujianfeng originally had countless arrays, but at this moment they all began to become unstable.

"It's time to come out."

Zhao Yier, with a dignified face, said to Ye Pengfei beside him: "little brother Luo ye, you'll follow me later. You don't need to do anything if you have to."

Ye Pengfei laughed and said with a relaxed look: "brother Zhao, you don't have to do this. Later, you just try your best to deal with it. I still have the ability to protect myself."

After a while, it seemed that the whole mountain was pulled down by two people.

At the foot of the mountain, the majestic evil spirit came out, and the disciples of kujianmen used their spiritual power to protect themselves from evil spirit.

The leader of the bitter sword sect looks very dignified. Behind him, the three ancient swords worshipped in the tall buildings are more and more trembling.

The mountain on wujianfeng accelerated to slide down. Soon, the tall building on the top of the mountain disappeared and was replaced by a huge sword handle.

Zhao Yier and Huang Yueying said before that the essence of wujianfeng is actually a magic sword.

When the mountain falls, the true face of the magic sword will naturally appear.


wujianfeng has been greatly changed, and the Dharma array around kujianmen has become extremely unstable. You can see the whole picture of kujianmen from the outside.

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