Under the threat of Ye Pengfei's Taichu white lotus, the fire ants under the yellow sand dare not rise at all. However, Chengfeng and others are constantly attacking, and countless fire ants are killed instantly.

If the Ant King does not come out for a day, the attack of Ye Pengfei and others will not stop for a day.

Anyway, this kind of attack means is not a high-intensity consumption for ye Pengfei and others. Any sword will kill countless fire ants. If the Ant King does not want to come out all the time, it will turn this area upside down.

Although the group of fire ants is very large, it has grown up after countless years of development. Ye Pengfei and others believe that even if the group of fire ants is still alive, it is estimated that there is only half a breath left.

The girl didn't take part in the action of Ye Pengfei and others. She kept exploring, hoping to find out the position of the Ant King in advance.

With the attack of Ye Pengfei and others, the yellow sand is in a mess, and the corridor excavated by fire ants has been completely destroyed. At this time, it is not suitable for fire ants to survive under the yellow sand. Those fire ants can only climb out of the yellow sand and run out.

The harsh scream came again, and countless fire ants responded with the scream. Fortunately, ye Pengfei and others had sealed their five senses before, and they were not moved at all.

It seems that the fire ant climbing out of the yellow sand has received the order of attack, and began to rush to Ye Pengfei and others regardless of everything.

Countless fire ants vibrate their wings and rush forward to Chengfeng and Huang Yueying. Although ordinary fire ants have no wisdom, they also know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and avoid Ye Pengfei.

Unfortunately, Chengfeng and Huang Yueying are not that kind of lengtouqing. Before the fire ants get close, they directly cut off a batch of them. If it's really something that can't be done, go to Ye Pengfei right away, and ye Pengfei will help two people with Taichu Bailian to relieve the danger.

It's commendable courage to destroy one batch and another, but it's just a vain ruin.

No matter how many fire ants there are, they can't stand the crazy killing of Ye Pengfei and others. It's just a great effort. The number of fire ants crawling out of the yellow sand begins to decline.

"Go on, I don't believe it. It can hold on."

Ye Pengfei is also ruthless, and intends to catch all the fire ants under the yellow sand.

To tell you the truth, ye Pengfei is still quite subdued.

The main reason is that the divine consciousness here will be seriously disturbed, and the scope of exploration will be reduced by countless times. Otherwise, the Ant King would have been found long ago.

The piercing scream sounded again, but this time there was no fire ant attacking Ye Pengfei and others, but a long line. This team seems to be a kind of guidance.

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

With a cool smile, ye Pengfei flies low under the guidance of the fire ant.

The fire ant took them to the middle of the road. After flying for about half an hour, they finally came to a big mountain.

The whole mountain is shrouded in black fog. It looks extremely gloomy, but under the black fog, you can see countless small red dots, which should be the light emitted by fire ants.

It can be said that the whole mountain has been occupied and hollowed out by fire ants.

The number of fire ants here is not less than that under the yellow sand before, and it is likely that there will be more.

"No wonder before so kill Ant King are indifferent, there are so many ah."

Ye Pengfei and others were also shocked. The number of fire ants is too large. According to what we thought before, it would take half a day to kill the fire ants.

Following the fire ant line to the mountain, the whole mountain has been hollowed out by fire ants, and all kinds of debris can be seen everywhere. These wrecks are of different sizes, and most of them are demons.

"No wonder a monster has never been seen before. It turns out that all of them have been killed by fire ants."

The corpses are piled up like a mountain.

You don't have to think about it. Before, it was estimated that there were a lot of living things in the world. As a result, all of them became the prey of fire ants. The fire ant seems to be the overlord of this area.

When they came to the mountain, the fire ant screamed again.

Ye Pengfei couldn't help laughing, and the fire of Taichu white lotus came out again.

The moment the flame appeared, all the screams stopped, and the only sound left was the vibration of the wings, which was to express the fear of Ye Pengfei.

"It's really interesting."

Ye Pengfei laughs. The ant king wants to give ye Pengfei and others a hand, but when he meets Taichu Bailian, he doesn't dare to fart.

When people came to a cave, the fire ants who lined up to guide them did not dare to go any further. The Ant King should be in it.

Ye Pengfei takes back Taichu Bailian and takes everyone into the cave.

There are also many fire ants in the cave, but these fire ants are much bigger than those outside, and they also exude the fluctuation of cultivation.These are the elite of the fire ant group, which stand out from tens of millions of fire ants.

The more you go into the cave, the bigger the fire ant is and the higher its accomplishments.

Ye Pengfei felt several strong breath fluctuations, the strongest of which even reached the peak of the cultivation of Jinxian among the monks.

"Be careful, this Ant King is not a good one."

Ye Pengfei immediately voiced to everyone, and then came to the inside of the cave as if nothing had happened.

You finally meet the legendary Ant King, which is the peak cultivation of the golden immortal that ye Pengfei felt before. The Ant King is not as tall as ye Pengfei imagined. Even if his legs stand upright, it is up to Ye Pengfei's waist.

However, each leg of the Ant King seems to be full of power and explosion, and the toes are very slender, sharp as a sharp knife.

"This place hasn't been inhabited by human beings for many years."

After seeing the Ant King, the Ant King spoke quietly.

The Ant King's voice did not appear old, on the contrary, it was full of integrity and Zhongqi.

After ye Pengfei came in, the Ant King's eyes had been on him and the girl, because it was these two people who could really threaten the existence of the Ant King.

"Come on, what do you want to do when you try to force me out, or even kill my people?"

Ye Pengfei picked pick eyebrow, "two purposes, hand over Qiurong, and then tell us the situation of this piece of heaven and earth."

The Ant King laughs. Soon, dozens of large fire ants come to him with their wings flapping. What these fire ants are holding is the comatose Qiurong.

Seeing Qiurong, Chengfeng suddenly became nervous.

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