After flying for almost half a day, they finally crossed the plain.

After crossing the plain, the Ant King was unwilling to move forward.

On the other side of the plain are the continuous green hills, which are silent.

But, this place is too quiet. It's a bit strange.

Ant King did not want to go on, and even if ye Pengfei put a knife around his neck, he said that he did not intend to go on.

"The front is the night crow's territory. There's no difference between going in there and killing me. If you want me to go in, you might as well kill me now. "

When the ant king talked about the night crow, there was a touch of fear in his eyes. It didn't look like he was lying.

Can ye Pengfei but no matter so much, light said: "I don't kill you, have the ability you now self explosion."

This sentence instantly choked the Ant King. The Ant King closed his eyes and didn't want to talk to Ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei has seen through the Ant King for a long time. In fact, this guy is a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Although his mouth is fierce, if ye Pengfei really starts to beg for mercy, he will be faster than anyone else.

As soon as they stepped into the mountains, they felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at each other in the dark.

"Look, what's that?"

Chengfeng pointed to a dark treetop, where the light was dim and only two pairs of dark green eyes could be seen.

"It's the night crow,"

the Ant King still didn't open his eyes, but he said faintly, "the night crow is the overlord of this area. They occupy the whole forest and treat all the alien creatures as prey. What you see now is only the tip of the iceberg, so it's still too late to leave now. "

Before the Ant King's words were finished, ye Pengfei glared at him. Although the ant king didn't open his eyes, he noticed the murderous air, so he quickly shut up.

"I'm bringing you here to give you clues, not to talk about it."

Ye Pengfei is very dissatisfied with the performance of the Ant King. He directly mentions that the Ant King is a smoke, but the Ant King does not say a word and endures it in silence.

However, the Ant King's words are right. There are a lot of night crows in it.

Just now Chengfeng saw only one because we are still at the edge of the forest. There are not many night crows here, but as we go deeper, the number of night crows is almost increasing.

On the top of each tree stands a night crow. These night crows are huge and black, almost integrated with the forest. A pair of big eyes, emitting a faint green light, like a hungry for many days did not eat.

If not for this pair of dark green eyes, it is difficult to find their existence in general. Because, these night crows seem to be able to cut off the exploration of divine consciousness.

Ye Pengfei and others slowed down the pace of progress, trying not to disturb these night crows, but the heart is extremely vigilant, ready to deal with at any time.

Stepping on the soft leaves, the foot makes a sound of whirling.

Suddenly, Huang Yueying stopped. She noticed a strange sound coming from her feet.

Looking down, there was a skeleton buried under the leaves.

There was only one skeleton left, but there was a little black fog on the skeleton.

Huang Yueying was a little flustered, and kicked aside a layer of leaves beside him, which also buried a pair of bones.

This skeleton is very big, with wings on its back and strong limbs. I don't know where its head is. However, it can be seen from the figure that the cultivation of this skeleton was not weak.

"Are there all bones down here?"

Huang Yueying's legs and feet are a little soft. The thought of stepping on a pile of white bones makes him feel bad.

"Don't hesitate, go on."

Ye Pengfei took a light look at the sky, and then said to Huang Yueying.

The corner of the Ant King's mouth passed a touch of irony. In fact, the forest itself is black, because all the trees in the forest are watered by blood.

The night crows inhabit and breed here. Any animal or monster that intrudes into the forest is doomed.

Of course, the Ant King has never been here before.

The night crow is the killer of the fire ant. The Ant King is most proud of its huge population, but it's just the same in front of the night crow. What's more, night crows fly so fast that fire ants can't catch up.

Once the night crow stares at the fire ant, it can swallow dozens of them in one bite, but the fire ant can't do anything and can only be anxious.

Therefore, the Ant King is eager to make a detour. How dare he take the initiative to come to this forest?

Ye Pengfei and others continue to move forward, the night crow did not move, seems to be indifferent to this pedestrian in general.

But in fact, ye Pengfei's heart is very alert, as long as the night crow has a little bit of movement, he will not hesitate to hand.

"Is that seven color Holy Spirit grass?"

Suddenly, the girl also stopped and pointed to a colorful flower in the distance.The flowers and plants are very strange, seven colors are constantly changing, as if they are alive.

"Yes, it's seven color Holy Spirit grass. I saw it once in the classics, but I didn't expect to see it here today."

Chengfeng and Qiurong also nodded, and the girl said, "it's said that the seven color Holy Spirit herb is the key medicine of Holy Spirit pill. It's the creation of heaven and earth. It's hard to see it in the whole cultivation world. I didn't expect to meet it here."

In the whole cultivation world, the place with the most natural materials and local treasures is the divine medicine sect. The medicinal materials rarely seen in other places are planted in the divine medicine sect. It can be said that the divine medicine sect has almost netted countless talents and treasures in the cultivation world.

However, there is absolutely no divine medicine for this seven color Holy Spirit herb.

This seven color Holy Spirit grass is enough to make the divine medicine sect crazy about it.

The girl approached the seven color Holy Spirit grass carefully, holding her breath.

But even so, seven colors of Holy Spirit grass seems to be aware of, in the girl near that moment, the whole body turned black, and then disappeared.


Ye Pengfei was not surprised that the seven color Holy Spirit grass actually escaped by blinking.

"Want to run?"

The girl can't help but drink and move, and instantly form a space array nearby.

After that, the girl's figure in front of the crowd broke the seven grass array.


the seven color Holy Spirit fled to the depth of the forest, and the girl immediately followed.

Seven color Holy Spirit grass can meet that is a chance, how can the girl easily let it escape?

The girl pursued her, but disappeared in a moment.

Although Ye Pengfei can catch up with him, he is worried about Chengfeng and others. He can only catch up with him slowly.

"That's six petaled Cymbidium or the best Cymbidium."

"That's the best Longchu..."


Huang Yueying and others have stopped completely, because this is a natural treasure house of divine medicine.

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