"Brother Luo ye, the country of cold moon is ahead."

An hour later, people stopped on a mountain, and in front of them was a city of no size.

This city is the city of secular Dynasty, most of them are mortals, only a few of them are monks.

Friars have a very high position in the city. They are all worshipped as immortals. Most people dare not offend them.

When they got off the spaceship, they kept on going northward. But there were not many people on the way, and they were all villagers. Seeing that ye Pengfei and others were walking with the imperial sword, those people turned their heads and called on the immortal.

Now, it's not easy to see a city.

"The cold moon country is a small country, with only ten cities under its control. It is mixed with several big countries and is struggling to survive. The land of hanyue country is barren and not suitable for cultivation at all. Therefore, even the big powers did not want to waste their forces in the cold moon country. "

Chengfeng pointed to the city in front of him, and then began to speak slowly.

Ye Pengfei looked at Chengfeng in surprise. He didn't expect that Chengfeng, the sword servant, not only knew everything about monks, but also things in the secular world. He could also tell the story of Zi Chou Yin Mao. This can be regarded as a strong memory.

Chengfeng smiles and says, "that's to say, when I looked at Wan Guozhi at the beginning, I took a casual look."

"brother Chengfeng, you are so modest."

Ye Pengfei laughs. At the beginning, the thing that Heng Tai had shenxingfu in his hand was said by Chengfeng, otherwise ye Pengfei would not have thought of setting up an ambush outside the ethereal Ze.

It can be said that Chengfeng is definitely not as simple as a casual glance.

When Chengfeng said the situation of hanyue country, they went to the city at the foot of the mountain. On the way, they put away their swords and guys. After that, he changed into black clothes and broadsword.

The area of the fairy palace is so large that it is possible to make a time difference. Therefore, ye Pengfei plans to continue to pretend to be a disciple of shenzazong and make a big scene in the cold moon kingdom.

It's a big sword or something. Just use any material to decorate the facade. Anyway, there won't be any strong opponents in this place.

This secular city has few or no rules for monks. As long as it's not that something too tragic has been created, basically no one is in charge of the friars.

Because the friars have accomplishments, this powerful force can make the secular Dynasty dare not say more.

They went directly into the city, and then found a place to fall.

With a smile on his lips, ye Pengfei glanced around, "go to find out all the friars in the city, and say, Lord LAN has a will to convey."

During the process, everyone had already felt that there were only more than 30 monks in the city, and their accomplishments were so low that they didn't even see a real fairy.

Ye Pengfei and others have mastered the location of these monks. Next, they just need to inform them one by one.

It doesn't matter if there's a killing God in Pengfei's palace. Even if these friars came, ye Pengfei said a lot of nonsense and perfunctorily.

They all acted separately to deliver the message, but they felt a little wrong when they walked.

This city is full of strange things.

Along the way, ye Pengfei saw dozens of quarrels, and there were several waves of people seeking revenge, and even blood spilling on the streets.

On everyone's face, ye Pengfei can't see any smile and happiness. It's all anger, resentment and numbness.

If this situation is only a part of it, ye Pengfei is not surprised, because as the old saying goes, life is not as good as anything. As a mortal, it is inevitable that he will be haunted by all kinds of troubles.

But along the way, everyone's face is like this, ye Pengfei naturally feel some not quite right.

Ye Pengfei stopped and landed on the roof of a tavern.

Just after falling, ye Pengfei heard a crackling sound, and a fight happened on the first floor of the tavern.

Ye Pengfei took a close look at the people who witnessed it there. The facial expressions on all the people's faces were very ordinary, and there was no fluctuation at all.

Ye Peng flies over to see more and more to feel wrong, hurried down, and then looked for a kind-hearted man selling vegetables on the roadside.

"What's the matter, sir? What's going on in the pub? "

Originally, ye Pengfei thought that he was a good talker when he saw that the old man was kind-hearted, but he didn't think that the old man had a bad face and said: "what's the matter? Don't you see the revenge inside? Go away quickly and don't delay the old man's business. "

Ye Pengfei suddenly a burst of bitterness, but also did not say much, quickly left.

Aware that it was not right, ye Pengfei simply did not go to inform the monks, turned back to the place agreed with Chengfeng and others.When ye Pengfei went back, Chengfeng and others just came back one after another.

"Brother Luo ye, I didn't inform the monks, because I met some strange things on the way."

"Yes, I did, too."

"Yes, I always have a bad feeling."


all the people came back on the way, because what they saw in the city was really strange.

Ye Pengfei nodded, "it's very strange that the people in the city, no matter who they are, have a bitter and bitter face. Moreover, the moment I just passed by, there were several fights."

"I feel the existence of evil spirit"

the expression on Ye Pengfei's face becomes extremely dignified. "There are too many negative emotions here, and the resentment is extremely powerful. In such an environment, some monks who are still shallow in Taoism and foundation can be possessed by the devil if they are not careful. "

"I see. It's the devil Dongxuan."

Ye Pengfei suddenly wake up, "a city, even if how bad, it is impossible to down to three-year-old children, up to 80 years old people are so irritable."

"The only explanation is that something happened here. All that may come from the pervading of evil

Ye Pengfei some displeased cold hum a, "this evil devil East Xuan is to restore very quickly, this just how long then dare to come out to make trouble."

Ye Pengfei has been on guard against Dongxuan's comeback, but he never thought that Dongxuan would recover so quickly.

"Brother Chengfeng, you and your wife quickly go to other cities in the cold moon kingdom. I suspect that the situation of the cities nearby is almost the same."

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