A corner of the coffin, not a noticeable corner, a mark that ye Pengfei is familiar with no longer appears in his eyes.

Ye Pengfei looked at the sign and said in surprise: "Rushuang, I've been here."

This is the second mark left by Rushuang after the original stone secret place.

For ye Pengfei, who has not received frost like news for many years, the appearance of this mark can be described as ecstatic.

"Qianque, is there any other space here?"

The appearance of the mark makes Ye Pengfei's heart, which is about to despair, suddenly see a glimmer of hope. Ye Pengfei says to Qianque.

Qianque recalled for a moment, then shook his head.

This is the main chamber of the tomb. There is no other space except for the array and various organs.

"But since Rushun has left a mark here, he must have found something."

Ye Pengfei knows about Rushuang. If she doesn't find anything, she won't leave a mark in this place.

Rushuang left the mark, not to Tell ye Pengfei that she had been here, but to Tell ye Pengfei that there were other discoveries in the main chamber of the tomb. It's just that ye Pengfei doesn't know exactly what it is.

Intuition tells Ye Pengfei that there must be something unknown in the main chamber of the tomb.

"Uncle, do you think too much?"

Qianque looks helpless. Although this place is big, I don't know how many people have been here for tens of thousands of years. All corners have been searched. How can there be unknown places?

"It's not that I think too much, but that I know as well as frost."

Ye Pengfei is very sure to say that with his understanding of Rushuang, if she did not find something, she would not leave this mark.

"But there is really no room here."

Qianque pondered for a long time, but did not expect that there were other spaces in the main chamber of the tomb.

Among the memories of Qianque's awakening, there are many memories of this Dongling mausoleum, which can be said to be more familiar than most of the monks in the current cultivation circle.

"Even you don't know. If there is space, there are many secrets."

Ye Pengfei suddenly looked at the coffin, and his eyes were more firm.

Anyway, it's also a hero. If he was really buried in Dongling, it's absolutely unreasonable to tell the truth.

"It should be just a doubting grave," said Ye Pengfei, with a twinkling light in his eyes. "At that time, this man of Dongling once ruled most of the cultivation world. It's impossible that he never thought that he would be disturbed one day?"

"But if it's just a doubt grave, there's no need for the sword to stay here."

Qianque was puzzled immediately. The divine sword was the personal sword in the hands of the emperor at that time. If it was just a suspected grave, the divine sword would not be here.

"You can be excused for thinking so. Maybe everyone thinks so."

Ye Pengfei couldn't help laughing, "what is the temperament of Shenjian, it's just your guess. In addition, since the great Zhou Dynasty was able to let the sword stay in Dongling, it was always there. "

Qian que turned her lips. She didn't want to say anything more.

Since ye Pengfei is determined to look for it, it's up to him.

Anyway, Qianque really can't think of any unknown space.

This Dongling mausoleum has been visited by many famous and powerful people in the cultivation world. It's amazing that there is still room that hasn't been found after so many thousands of years.

"Look carefully. Maybe some details have been left behind."

Ye Pengfei looked at the coffin with burning eyes. To say that the only place left in the tomb master's room is the coffin.

At the beginning, there was a magic sword in the guard. It was the name of the emperor who carried the sword with him at that time. Those strong people would give a little thin face.

"Although this coffin is a rare amaranth, it does not have the ability to breed space."

Qianque looks at the coffin along Ye Pengfei's line of sight and shakes his head directly.

There is no difference on the coffin, and it can be seen at a glance.

Ye Pengfei is close to the coffin. Because the magic array and organs he guarded before were broken when the sword was awakened, ye Pengfei can come to the coffin without any obstacles.

Turning around the coffin, ye Pengfei did not find anything suspicious.

There's nothing unusual about the marks left by frost.

The divine sense was released, and every part of the coffin was carefully perceived by Ye Pengfei, and there was no problem.

Now, ye Pengfei was a little worried. He looked around blankly.

The divine consciousness is constantly spreading in the main chamber of the tomb, but there is no suspicious place at all."Don't worry, uncle. Let's think about it slowly."

Qian que comforted Ye Pengfei with a smile. The tone of his voice was just like a little adult.

Ye Pengfei helpless smile, "you probably just want to see my joke?"

"No, how can it be? Uncle never makes mistakes. "

Qianque said solemnly, but the slightly upward corners of her mouth betrayed her completely.

Ye Pengfei doesn't know if he can. The more he can't find it, the more he should continue, because if he can find it so easily, he can't wait for him to come.

"At this time, I should look at the problem from a different perspective."

Ye Pengfei began to transpose thinking, he was thinking, if he is like frost, from what aspects to find.

Try to change several angles to see the main chamber of the tomb, but in the end, ye Pengfei still got nothing.

Ye Pengfei moment also became a little hesitant, "if frost left this mark, really just want to tell me, she was here?"

With a bitter smile, ye Pengfei returned to Qianque.

"Maybe I think too much."

the reason why Ye Pengfei insists that there is another space in it is not that he is very interested in those secrets or treasures, but that he hopes that Rushun will find something here and stay there all the time.

In this way, ye Pengfei will soon be able to see frost.

Separated from Rushuang for such a long time, one of the things ye Pengfei hopes most is to find Rushuang as soon as possible.

So before he would be so persistent, but unfortunately, this seems to be a bit unrealistic.

Ye Pengfei was very disappointed and even a little desperate.

"After all these years, where have you been?"

Ye Pengfei is in a low mood. All kinds of bad guesses about Rushuang have sprung up in his heart. It can be said that he is in a mess.

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