Ye Pengfei's accomplishments are too confusing.

Even at the beginning, Rushun felt that her two men were not rivals of the tomb owner.

Even those who are closest to Ye Pengfei, such as Rushun, think so, not to mention other people.

Therefore, it is quite normal for the tomb owner to think that ye Pengfei can't help him.

"Who said I did it to you?"

Ye Pengfei laughs and looks at the shell.

The shell moved in an instant and came directly through the cage.

"Your sword is very evil."

The spirit shell only does one thing in the cage, that is to stab out constantly.

Every time I stab it, it's like stabbing the air, but in fact, it's all according to the tomb owner.

This time, the tone of the tomb owner has begun to change, and he is beginning to panic.

Although the tomb owner still did not show his body, but it is no longer important. The spirit shell moves are all according to the tomb owner. Is it meaningful to hide something?

"Is there any evil way for you?"

Ye Pengfei directly started the taunt mode, anyway, the whereabouts of the opponent is already under control, and the rest is just watching.

"If it's not for this sword, you don't even have the qualification to carry my shoes. What qualification do you have to laugh at me?"

It's normal for the tomb owner to be angry and looked down upon, but it's hard to swallow when he's looked down upon by someone weaker than himself.

"This sword is mine," said Ye Pengfei directly.

The owner of the tomb was speechless, which was really a bit fatal.

"If I hadn't led Da Zhou to conquer half of the cultivation world in those years, you would not even know what cultivation is, let alone have the chance to stand in front of me and speak wildly now."

The owner of the tomb began to scold, which was the same as Qianque's scolding of the friars in the bronze man's side. He felt that ye Pengfei was ungrateful.

"Joke, the friars of the great Zhou Dynasty are just picking up wisdom. Do they really regard themselves as the origin of cultivation?"

Ye Pengfei is even more amused. The owner of the tomb will also put gold on his face.

"If it wasn't for the great Zhou Dynasty, could the cultivation world have today?"

The owner of the tomb was deeply hurt by Ye Pengfei's words. This was his greatest achievement, but now he was criticized by Ye Pengfei. Naturally, it was unbearable.

"Even without the great Zhou Dynasty, the cultivation world would follow its own path. In front of the road, the great Zhou Dynasty is just a drop in the ocean. "

Ye Pengfei continues to refute the words of the tomb owner, and the scorn in his tone is even stronger.

"In addition, the reason why the great Zhou Dynasty had its heyday before it was not that you had completed the cultivation world, but that the cultivation world had completed you."

"The great Zhou Dynasty died long ago. It's been tens of thousands of years. What's the significance of thinking about that?"

The former sentence was said by Ye Pengfei, while the latter one was said by Qian que.

Although Qianque's words are very plain, the lethality is more powerful than all the words before ye Pengfei.

Is Da Zhou dead?

The owner of the tomb didn't continue to answer, and he was deeply hurt by Qian Que's words.

"It's impossible. My big week can't die. You must be lying to me."

The owner of the tomb was very excited, and there was a small fluctuation somewhere in the space. The body shape of the owner seemed to be unable to hide.

Ye Pengfei calmly smile, "this kind of thing, we really don't need to cheat you."

What is certain, ye Pengfei does not need to lie at all.

"Ha ha, the territory I've fought so hard is dead?"

"Ha ha, it's really promising."

The owner of the tomb began to laugh, but there was already some madness in the laughter.

Ye Pengfei took a look at Qianque and said in a low voice: "don't drive this guy crazy, otherwise, even killing him is meaningless."

Kill a madman, this spread out a little bit off the value of Ye Pengfei white lotus Sword Fairy.

"No, this guy is much stronger than most people."

Rushuang shook his head for sure.

If Frost's voice did not fall, a figure in the cage slowly appeared.

At this moment, the true face of the tomb owner is naturally presented to the public.

Seven feet tall, wearing a Black Dragon Robe, the whole body exudes the air of death.

But when ye Pengfei looked at it carefully, he wanted to buttonhole a little in an instant.

The tomb owner's face has been rotten for a long time. It is not only black and frightening, but also beyond recognition.

"It's no wonder that people have been afraid to show their true colors. It turns out that they are so ugly."

Ye Pengfei was disgusted, "it's not your fault that you look ugly, but it's your fault that you're so ugly and frightening, you know?"After hearing what ye Pengfei said, the owner of the tomb almost wanted to vomit blood.

You know, when the tomb owner was still alive, although it was not a jade tree in front of the wind, at least it was also beautiful. No matter how bad it is, the hero of a generation can't be too ugly to be seen.

"For what you said today, you will die today."

The owner of the tomb looked at Ye Pengfei angrily, but this speech was too excited, and a piece of carrion fell off his face.

"I'll kill you first, and then I'll go out and gather tens of thousands of soldiers to restore the glory of Da Zhou."

I have to say that the owner of the tomb thought very beautiful.

He also called tens of thousands of soldiers. How many people are still listening to him?

"The million copper men outside," Qian que whispered, and ye Pengfei was stunned.

"The million bronze men, though dead, can be controlled."

After listening to Qian Que's words, ye Pengfei almost had no regrets at that time.

If we had known that, we should not have prevented those people from destroying the bronze man.


The spirit shell is on one side, but it is not idle all the time. The tomb owner and ye Pengfei are talking, and it takes the opportunity to stab out.

However, the spirit shell stabbed on the tomb owner, but it seemed to stab on an iron plate, directly emitting a burst of intense sparks.

"It's stronger than some ancient demons."

make complaints about the shell, then suddenly have some difficulty in tucking up the slot.

Spirit shell got a new sword body, both speed and strength have been greatly improved, but there is a small sacrifice on the sharpness.

Of course, even if it was the sword body before, the spirit shell could not open the defense of the opponent.

With a grim smile, the tomb owner seized the shell.

If you want to get the spark back, you can't get it back.

"You are good, but you can't be used for me."

The tomb owner suddenly tried to break the shell.

However, the spirit shell can not break the defense of the tomb owner, and there is no possibility that the tomb owner can easily break the spirit shell.

All of a sudden, the scene directly embarrassed.

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