The evil spirits of the abyss attack from many channels, but in fact they are just a shot in vain. The purpose is to make the cultivation world think that the abyss has changed its battle plan, so that the strong will be transferred to other channels to defend.

As long as the strong one in the cultivation world leaves the channel of the fairy palace, then the devil can easily take Lin bin away.

However, it is not clear to the devil that the strong men in the cultivation world are just scheming to leave the defense line of the fairy palace in order to make the devil appear.

Those who should have left the defense line did not go far at all. As soon as the devil appeared, all the strong men quickly turned back.

"Devil, I've been waiting for a long time."

The ancient reincarnation powers that guarded the defense line of the fairy palace appeared one after another, directly blocking between Lin bin and the devil.

The devil's face suddenly changed, and he immediately realized that he was trapped.

"How did you see through my plan?"

Demon Zun is very curious. There is no problem with his own plan. In principle, it should not fail at all.

Many channels attack at the same time. According to the imagination of the devil, the cultivation world should be in a hurry at least. Because if the abyss demons really capture a piece of territory in the cultivation world, then the door of the abyss to the cultivation world will be completely opened.

For the cultivation world, this is absolutely not allowed to happen.

In the layout of the battle plan, the demon Zun felt that he had the advantage, and he must be able to easily take Lin bin away.

But the devil could not think that the cultivation world was not led by his nose at all. Instead, he had already prepared.

"Demon, your plan is really wonderful. It's a pity that this time, you have miscalculated. "

Han Tong came in person. Although he didn't guard the defense line of Xiangong, he came very fast.

After all, it's the devil's presence, and that's the face.

Of course, if Han Tong could take down the devil directly, the war between the abyss and the cultivation world would be much easier.

The moment he saw Han Tong, he frowned.

However, in just a few years, Han Tong's accomplishments improved a lot again.

"Demon master, you only thought that there would be many demons, and the cultivation world would be very passive, but you never thought about it. We saw your plan from the beginning."

Han Tong looked back at Lin bin with a smile, and then looked at the devil, "you started the war with the cultivation world in such a hurry, and your own purpose is actually aimed at him, right? You don't want to see the emperor in the cultivation world. You don't want to see this variable, so you will try to stop it. "

"After all, you are just gambling."

Demon Zun is very displeased cold hum, he is absolutely didn't think his idea had been seen through for a long time.

"Hongyun went to the abyss and went to you. Although the four immortals in the cultivation world had wiped out his running dogs on a large scale before, it was inevitable that there would not be some fish who missed the net."

Han Tong looked at the devil, and said that there was no need to go on.

Demon Zun's face was gloomy, and he took a look at those ancient reincarnation powers around Han Tong.

In addition to Han Tong, there are more than ten ancient reincarnation talents in the cultivation world. It's basically impossible for the devil to attack Lin bin again.

So, after weighing in his mind, the devil suddenly said with a smile: "since the plan failed, there is nothing to say."

With that, the devil turned to leave.

"The devil, when he comes, he will be at ease."

As soon as the devil moved, Han Tong gave a loud drink. Then, the light around the passage was so bright that he sealed the whole passage.

The devil's face turned green when he saw this.

"This is just inviting the emperor into the urn."

the devil was shocked, but he soon calmed down.

At this point, the devil can only fight to death.

The passage is blocked by Han Tong, and the devil's back road is cut off. The strong evil devil in the abyss can't support him. The devil immediately gives up the idea of escaping.

Turn to see to Han Tong, demon Zun's corner of eye flashed a sharp light, next second unexpectedly straight to Han Tong.

Demon Zun is very decisive, without the slightest hesitation.

Han Tong also laughed. With a wave of his hand, a magic array appeared behind him, and countless sharp arrows were sent out.

But he didn't look at it and went straight to Han Tong.

Those sharp arrows hit the devil, but they just made a flash of sparks. They didn't do any harm to the devil at all.

But Han Tong is not in a hurry. He pinches yinjue in his hand, and several Han Tong's separations suddenly appear around him.

After Han Tong's separation appeared, he went straight to the devil.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Han Tong's several parts fight together with the devil, and the two sides fight in the air.

From the sky to the ground, and then from the ground to the sky, the scene was quite fierce.Lin bin just looked at him. Although he was the main target of this time, there was nothing wrong with him at this time.

Looking at the fight between the devil and Han Tong, Lin bin reveals his admiration in his eyes.

In Lin Bin's opinion, Han Tong and mozun almost represent the top fighting power of the cultivation world and the abyss. The battle between them can benefit people a lot just by looking at them.

Of course, Lin Bin's envy lies in that he also hopes that he can become the strongest being like them one day.

But then again, Lin Bin's envy is normal, because everyone wants to be like this.

The battle between mozun and Han Tong is very anxious, and it is difficult to decide the outcome for a moment.

However, don't forget that this is in the cultivation world, and there are more than ten ancient great powers nearby.

If all these ancient powers can be used together, even if the devil is strong, his fists will be hard to beat his four hands.

So after fighting with Han Tong for a while, the devil started to worry.

Han Tong also seems to see the devil's worry, a smile across the corner of his mouth.

Han Tong's fighting power is only 70% of his own, but it's enough to entangle the devil.

The devil is now in a state of isolation and helplessness. The longer the time goes on, the worse it will be for the devil.

"Don't worry about the demons, and wipe out all those demons."

At the beginning, Lin bin was blocked by the ancient reincarnation power, which coldly said that the rest of those powers immediately took action.

Although the demons are all strong in the abyss, in front of these ancient powers, it is not enough to see after all.

In the face of more than ten powerful hands together, those experts brought by the devil can only resist passively. But no matter how to resist, if there is no reinforcements, it is only a matter of time before these evil spirits and powerful people are destroyed.

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