With the increase of blood power, Wang Qiusheng's strength and momentum are improved instantly. His fist, let alone the real immortal, is not necessarily able to stop the Jinxian.

Because he has a card, Wang Qiusheng will be very calm before.

However, when Wang Qiusheng hit the abyss strongman with his fist, the abyss strongman didn't even move and blocked his fist.

A layer of invisible barrier will stop Wang Qiusheng, just when Wang Qiusheng wants to accumulate strength to fight again, the abyss strongman lightly spits out a word.


Bang, Wang Qiusheng is directly hit to the ground by an evil.

The virtual shadow of the Dragon behind Wang Qiusheng became ethereal at this moment.

"Even if you have the blood of the beast, so what?"

"The strength gap between us can't be made up by a little blood."

"In front of me, you are nothing but a mole ant."

The abyss strongman looks at Wang Qiusheng with disdain. Wang Qiusheng suddenly clenches his fist and looks at the abyss strongman.

"Even if it's mole ants, I'll make you pay."

The reason why Wang Qiusheng can laugh before is that he knows that he has no way back. So at this time, no matter what the result, he is ready to face it.

Now that he knows he can't go, Wang Qiusheng's idea is very simple. Anyway, it's a fight to the death.

Even if we can't hold the strong in the abyss, we should always let the other party pay the price for belittling ourselves.

"You want me to pay?"

The abyss strongman said in a funny way, "what are you?"

A wave of the hand is another evil.

The evil directly hit Wang Qiusheng's chest, Wang Qiusheng's chest was instantly pierced.

The huge pain let Wang Qiusheng open his mouth, want to call out, but found himself how can't use force.

Wang Qiusheng was strangled by the abyss strongman, and slowly mentioned to the sky.

"This is the end."

The evil spirit of the strong man in the abyss slowly dissipates, and a pair of cold eyes look at Wang Qiusheng.

"If you have another life, I advise you not to join the cultivation world."

Abyss strong looking at Wang Qiusheng, hand suddenly a burst of force.

But at that moment, the strong in the abyss suddenly felt a chill coming from behind.

The strong man in the abyss was stunned for a moment. He quickly gave up Wang Qiusheng and suddenly disappeared in the same place.

At the moment when the strong man in the abyss just disappeared, a long sword struck Wang Qiusheng.

It can be said that if the abyss strongman moves a little later, his arm may be cut off by this sword.

"Who dares to spoil my good deeds?"

The strong man in the abyss was furious. He looked around and roared: "come out"

"you are the first one to hunt and kill the gifted disciples in the cultivation world. You dare to be so upright after you are found out."

Ye Pengfei appeared in the abyss behind the strong, hand a move, the shell back to the hands.

"It's you."

when the abyss strongman saw Ye Pengfei, his pupils shrank instantly and subconsciously looked around.

Ye Pengfei has made a lot of noise in the abyss. Now he is the second person to be killed in the abyss besides Lin bin.

All those who are strong in the abyss have seen the portraits of Ye Pengfei before that.

Therefore, at the first time when ye Pengfei appeared on the stage, the abyss strongman recognized him.

Of course, the reason why the abyss strongman looked left and right was not that he was afraid of Ye Pengfei, but that since Ye Pengfei came, other strongmen in the cultivation field might arrive one after another.

If that's the case, he's in a bit of danger.

"Don't worry, we are here. You don't need anyone else to kill you. "

Ye Pengfei instantly saw through the worry of the strong in the abyss and said with a smile.

"You are as confident as before."

the face of the strong man in the abyss suddenly sank. At this moment, his heart was moved to kill him.

Ye Pengfei made a lot of noise in the abyss, and no one would deny that.

However, ye Pengfei's real strength is just the peak of Jinxian's later period. In the most critical battles in the abyss, there are still helpers. This invisibly, will naturally make people look down on Ye Pengfei.

After confirming that there was no other strong man in the cultivation world, the strong man in the abyss naturally began to have some different ideas.

"It's said that you are the only one in the cultivation world now. I don't know what will happen to the cultivation world after killing you?"

The strong man in the abyss smiles and comes directly to Ye Peng next moment.

Ye Pengfei also quickly used his teleportation magic power to retreat back. At the same time, he pinched the sword formula in his hand.Ye Pengfei retreats, and Lingke is a quick way to help Ye Pengfei block the path of the strong in the abyss.

"Get out of my way."

at this time, the abyss strongman only has Ye Pengfei left in his eyes. An evil spirit directly entangles the shell, and then wants to continue to pursue.

But who knows that the evil spirit just entangled the shell, a breathing time, the next moment disappeared.

"Anything else?"

After absorbing that wisp of evil, the spirit shell asked the abyss strongman.

After hearing this, the abyss strongman almost didn't get angry.

"How can you absorb evil energy?"

The strong man in the abyss asked incredulously.

As a result, ye Pengfei was stunned on the spot.

"You don't even know that?"

Ye Pengfei was also shocked.

"Should I know?"

The strongman of the abyss had been closed before, and he just left the pass recently. Not long after he left the pass, he was sent to perform the task by the devil.

Because I left in a hurry, I didn't know much about it.

Ye Pengfei can't help but have a funny look at the abyss strongman. Since he doesn't know much about himself, he doesn't need to remind him.

"Well, take my sword."

Ye Pengfei burst out laughing, and the spirit shell burst out countless sword Qi.

The strength of the sword is like rain, blocking all the way for the strong in the abyss.

Enveloped by the sword Qi, the brow of the strong in the abyss is locked.

At this time, ye Pengfei's strength is not like the peak of Jinxian's later period.

However, just by virtue of this sword spirit, it is not a difficult thing for the abyss strong.

"Your sword spirit is really strong. It's a pity."

The voice of the strong in the abyss falls, and the whole person disappears out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, ye Pengfei didn't even think about it. He quickly gathered a sword Qi and stabbed his back.


This sword Qi directly hit the target, and the body shape of the strong in the abyss appeared.

However, it is obvious that the strong in the abyss deliberately let Ye Pengfei stab him...

the strong in the abyss intentionally stabbed him

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