The two leaders of the cultivation world and the abyss formally met on the battlefield for the first time.

Dragon Girl and demon Zun looked at each other, but they didn't rush to attack.

They have never met before, and they don't know each other's strength very well. They just want to see each other's strength clearly.

"Devil, you started a war between the two worlds in vain and slaughtered the friars in my cultivation world. Now, it's time to understand."

After watching for a while, the Dragon girl took the lead.

When the Dragon Girl steps forward, a virtual shadow appears behind her. It is a huge dragon, which is the essence of the Dragon Girl.

After seeing the virtual shadow behind the Dragon Girl, the devil frowned instantly.

The dragon's strong, the devil is learned, especially in terms of defense, it is absolutely amazing.

Of course, the main reason why the devil frowned was that the war between the cultivation world and the abyss had been fought up to now, and the devil did not know what the Dragon girl was.

For this point, the devil is very helpless.

Since the Dragon Girl founded the magic sword gate, she seldom shows her true self in front of outsiders. Even the old rival, Lord LAN, failed to find out the specific situation of Longnv.

Under such strict defense, even if the devil sent evil spirits to lurk inside the Shenjian gate, it's impossible to know.

"But it's not too late to be clear now."

The devil in the heart a cold smile, also followed to step forward a step.

The Dragon Girl and the devil each took a step, and the distance between them quickly drew closer.


The demon Zun and the Dragon Girl clapped each other in the air, and both of them did not move.

Half a ring later, the two just separated.

Palm force fight, two people who did not move, looks like a draw.

But in fact, there was a smile on the corner of the devil's mouth, and the Dragon Girl's expression was slightly dignified.

Just the contrast of the expression, we can see the situation between them.

Before, it seemed that the two people did not give in to each other. In fact, the Dragon girl was strong.

Moreover, as soon as they came up, they didn't try their best to fight each other. It was just a trial.

The first attempt ended in Longnv's failure.

But the Dragon girl is not flustered. In terms of strength, even if she is a dragon, she is not necessarily the opponent of the abyss demons.

Therefore, the Dragon girl just adjusted her breath a little, then pinched yinjue, and the sword Qi burst out instantly behind her.

From the aspect of momentum, Longnu's Kendo level is not inferior to that of Ye Pengfei, and it has also reached the level of Dacheng.

The evil spirit diffuses behind the devil and turns into countless big hands. The sword Qi that attacks him is directly grasped by the big hands.

However, Dacheng's sword Qi is not so easy to grasp. Just for a moment, those big hands that demon Zun transformed with evil Qi were cut by the sword Qi instantly.

However, just for a moment, the evil spirit gathered again.

Dragon Girl's countless sword Qi finally stopped three feet away from the devil.

Although sword Qi is strong, if it is too strong, there will be no threat.

The Dragon girl took a look at the devil, and she was surprised.

Dacheng's sword Qi was defused by the devil in this way. She never thought of it.

"Longnv, you've been busy for a long time. You might as well take my move."

With that, the figure disappeared instantly, and the next moment appeared directly behind the Dragon Girl.

The Dragon girl didn't look back. At the moment when the devil appeared, her figure disappeared.

Mozun hit the air with one punch.


The devil once punched the air, then turned around and hit again.

The Dragon Girl's fist collided with the devil's fist again, making a dull sound. There was a concussion in the surrounding space, and a buzzing sound.

Then the space began to collapse.

The strength of the demon lord and the Dragon girl can be said to be standing at the top of the world. Once they do their best, the collision of their cultivation will naturally produce amazing power.

"Ha ha... Come again."

Demon Zun laughs. It's probably a long time since he has fought so heartily.

Dragon girl is not to be outdone, issued a loud drink, two people's body in the air constantly shaking, in the blink of an eye is to hand over a hundred times.

The speed of the demon master and the Dragon girl is fast to the extreme. Even if they are strong at the level of Immortal Emperor, it's hard to see their actions clearly.

From the ground to the sky, and then from the sky to the ground, they twists and turns, breaking a lot of space.

The Friar and the evil devil retreated a lot on both sides, and the aftereffects of their fight made many people feel scared.


in the abyss, in the temple.Ye Pengfei got the news of the defense line from the fire ant group. After hearing that Tianxi had not appeared, he immediately became confused.

"It seems that it doesn't conform to the common sense. Although the devil doesn't have the intention, he will only meet Tianxi. But since the devil is serious, why doesn't Tianxi cooperate with the devil? "

Tianxi did not appear, and ye Pengfei felt that it was not normal.

Because the purpose of Tianxi and the early stage of the demon Zun is the same, they all want to break the cultivation world. At this time, as an ally, Tianxi is not moving at all. Ye Pengfei will never think that there is a conflict between Tianxi and the devil.

At this time, Tianxi didn't do anything. She was not busy with other more important things. That's another plan.

According to Si Kongxue, the probability of the first possibility is naturally greater.

"What was Xi doing that day?"

It's a big thing that the devil Zun attacks the cultivation world, but Tianxi doesn't come. It shows that what Tianxi is doing now is more important than that.

"There is only one explanation left, that is, what Tianxi is busy with now may directly subvert the whole cultivation world."

The only thing ye Pengfei can think of is such a possibility, and only in this way can it be explained.

It's just that ye Pengfei didn't know what Tianxi was up to.

Sikong snow has not come back now, but the devil summoned the strong of the whole abyss, but he didn't tell Sikong snow. There is a deep meaning behind this.

"What is Tianxi doing?"

Just when ye Pengfei wanted to summon Si Kongxue, a smile came from behind him.

Ye Pengfei turns back in surprise, and Daoyun is standing behind him at this time.

"How did you come here?"

Ye Pengfei looks at Daoyun strangely. This guy is not only haunted, but also rampant in the abyss and cultivation world.

"I'm here to see you," Daoyun said faintly.

"Do you know what Tianxi is doing?"

"That's why I came to see you."

as soon as Daoyun finished speaking, ye Pengfei laughed.

"I don't seem to be able to get involved in the affair between you and Tianxi?"

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