The war between the cultivation world and the abyss has entered a new stage. The cultivation world has changed its defensive posture and gradually become active.

Lin Bin took the responsibility of commanding for the first time, which was also a test for him.

Defense and attack are two completely different ways of playing. Whether Lin bin can completely establish his prestige in the cultivation field depends on whether he can shine in this war.

The threat of xiandaowu to the abyss has become increasingly apparent.

It can be said that this time on the Xiangong defense line, if it wasn't for the immortal guiding martial arts, maybe the abyss would have gone with the trend.

Xiandaowu is a great threat to the abyss. The key point is that so far, the abyss has not found the best way to deal with xiandaowu.

"The existence of xiandaowu has seriously threatened our actions. If we can't direct martial arts against the immortals in the cultivation world, then our steps into the cultivation world will be held down. "

It's no exaggeration to say that, because the appearance of xiandaowu changed the form of war a long time ago.

Since the appearance of xiandaowu on the battlefield, the abyss, which has been in the active offensive, has suffered heavy losses.

"Now the Xiangong defense line has completely disappeared, and the cultivation world has gathered a large number of xiandaowu to arrange in Yunyan secret place. If the secret place of cloud and smoke is lost, the cultivation world can discard the defense line of the secret place of cloud and smoke at any time. It's urgent to guide the martial arts in the cultivation world. "

Mo Lihai also said in a deep voice, not only that he thought, but also that every strong man who went to the front line to take part in the battle thought so in his heart.

If the cultivation world has the immortal guiding martial arts, it means that it has the capital to attack and defend.

As long as there is a problem in the cloud and smoke secret place, the cultivation world can use the immortal to guide the martial arts, and instantly turn the cloud and smoke secret place into a void.

For the cultivation world, it is nothing more than the loss of a secret place. But for the abyss, it means that there is no access to the cultivation world.

The situation is definitely more and more unfavourable to the abyss.

"But the crux of the problem is how to refine xiandaowu."

Before Mo Li finished speaking Haihua, other city masters began to talk about it.

The biggest weakness of the abyss is that the level of the re refining tools is very backward. Although some people in the abyss can arrange arrays and refining tools, compared with the cultivation world, it is definitely a few blocks away.

"At present, we can't target xiandaowu."

After discussing for a long time, the powerful in the abyss gave the devil the last result he wanted to hear.

"The immortal guides and martial arts can't aim at it. What else can we talk about attacking the cultivation world?"

The demon lord's face was very blue, and he looked at the strong people in the abyss angrily.

The Demon Lord called these strong men together in the hope of hearing good news, not for everyone to pour cold water on them.

"Unless it's master Tianxi who destroys the xiandaowu position in the cultivation world. Otherwise, we have no chance of winning. "

Mo Lihai is very honest in the side of advice, but the words have not finished, to meet him is the devil's sharp eyes.

The name of Tianxi is the last thing the devil wants to hear.

The last attack, if Tianxi is willing to move, the outcome may be different.

Because of this, the demon lord gnashed his teeth at Tianxi.

"Tianxi hasn't come back yet. No one knows where he has gone."

The devil said with a sneer, "we can't rely on others for everything, otherwise we will suffer losses sooner or later."

The meaning of this sentence is very obvious. As one of the four demons who have been following the demons for thousands of years, Mo Lihai understood it in an instant.

"Devil, if that's the case, then I will suggest that we should be patient for a while. Then, we also secretly research and develop xiandaowu. "

Mo Lihai gives a proposal, and the devil laughs coldly.

Research and development of xiandaowu?

Is it that easy?

First of all, how to solve the array?

"Although we say we are not good at arrays, some people in the cultivation world are good at them."

Mo Lihai obviously has an idea for a long time, so he can answer calmly in the face of the devil.

Mozun nodded with a smile, "it's up to you to do it."

Mo Lihai confidently took orders, and then left with mozun's satisfied eyes.

In fact, Mo Lihai's plan is simple. He just wants to save some life in the next war, and then find a way to arrange the array from those prisoners in the cultivation world. Finally, try it slowly.

In a word, as long as we don't lose our mind, there are more ways than difficulties.

Mozun decided to let Mo Lihai go for a try, because he also knew what it meant to the abyss if Mo Lihai could succeed.

"If the research and development of xiandaowu is successful, Tianxi... You will have no use value."The devil Zun really hated Tianxi to the extreme.

In my heart, the devil is not going to continue to pretend. If the strength allows, the demon Zun plans to be the first to fight against Tianxi.

When all the strong people in the abyss left, the devil went to Hongyun alone.

"If I go to war with Tianxi, what do you think is the odds?"

Demon Zun also didn't and red cloud polite, directly said a fall in the ear of others must be the words of the stone breaks the sky.

"Less than 10%"

Red Cloud answered directly without even thinking about it. After hearing this, the devil fell into silence.

Although he knew in his heart that the chance of winning was really low, it was less than 10% which was beyond his expectation.

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