If Daoyun wants to be killed by Tianxi, ye Pengfei will have only one choice left.

Of course, we can't blame Ye Pengfei for his lack of loyalty. Ye Pengfei won't do anything about eggs hitting stones.

After waiting in place for several days, ye Pengfei and the immortal bird suddenly felt something and ran to the coast.

There was a roar from the depths of the Holy Spirit sea, and then the creatures in the sea began to rage. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for ye Pengfei and the immortal bird to stay here.

After running out of the Holy Spirit sea, ye Pengfei and the undead bird are still in shock. Tianxi appears.

When Tianxi appeared, the expression on his face was not happy or sad, so that ye Pengfei could not read too much important information from his face.

"How is master Daoyun?"

The immortal bird asked directly, and his face was incomparable.

Tianxi lightly looked at the undead bird, and then sneered: "it's beyond our capacity to challenge the power of the Holy Spirit."

"That means you two can run fast, or you'll be buried with that guy."

As soon as this word came out, the immortal bird's heart became cold.

Because it's not hard to tell from Tianxi's words that Daoyun is a bit doomed this time.

However, ye Pengfei shook his head and began to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?"

Tianxi glared at Ye Pengfei unhappily, "is this thing so funny?"

"Master Daoyun should be safe, right? Otherwise, you should not be so indifferent when you come back. "

"The more indifferent you are, the more depressed you are."

As soon as ye Pengfei's words were finished, Tianxi looked at him viciously, "the more clever you are, the more I want to kill you."

"Kill me, and you won't get the jade plate. Compared with the jade plate of nature, the things in the abyss and the cultivation world are not worth mentioning at all. You will never do such a thing

Ye Pengfei smiles and sits directly on the bank.

"That's right."

with a sneer, Tianxi has to admit that ye Pengfei is indeed a brave man.

Tianxi will not kill Ye Pengfei, at least for now.

Because Daoyun has got the fragments of the jade plate.

"Daoyun had already got the fragments of the jade plate of creation, and then he was chased by the Holy Spirit. After more than ten days of fighting, Daoyun disappeared. "

Tianxi coldly looked at Ye Pengfei, but what he said surprised Ye Pengfei and the immortal bird.

Daoyun actually got the fragments of the jade plate?

This news is really a bit of a shock.

"In that city, there are not only the Holy Spirit, but also countless powerful immortal emperors. How did master Daoyun take away the fragments of the jade plate of creation from there?"

This point, not only the undead bird does not understand, even ye Pengfei feel some too incredible.

"There are many means of Daoyun."

Tianxi iron green with a face, very uncomfortable.

Tianxi has been watching the battle between Daoyun and the Holy Spirit. Originally, Tianxi planned to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and then pick up the leak. But what I didn't expect was that Daoyun ran away.

If it wasn't for Tianxi, she would have been the scapegoat of Daoyun.

Now think of it, Tianxi still nest a belly of fire.

After ye Pengfei learned the news, his first thought was to make it worse.

Sure enough, before his idea disappeared from his mind, Tianxi came to Ye Pengfei.

"It doesn't matter if Daoyun runs away. You're still in my hands."

With that, Tianxi grabbed Ye Pengfei's neck and yelled: "Daoyun, come to see me quickly. Otherwise, the boy's life will be lost. "

The expression on Ye Pengfei's face is very calm, and there is no struggle. Anyway, for him, there is no difference between struggling and not struggling.

There was no movement around, but Tianxi was not worried.

The jade plate is very important to Tianxi and Daoyun, which is very clear to Tianxi. If it was him, he would not exchange the jade plate for it.

Therefore, Tianxi decided to give Daoyun some time to consider.

Tianxi sets up a Dharma array beside Ye Pengfei. This dharma array is so powerful that even ye Pengfei can't crack it for a while.

"You have paid a lot for the cultivation world. Should Daoyun not be so heartless?"

Tianxi smiles at Ye Pengfei. At this time, he is still in the mood to joke with Ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei didn't speak, he could understand Daoyun, so no matter what choice Daoyun made in the end, ye Pengfei would not be surprised.After waiting for two days on the coast, there was no trace of Daoyun.

By this time, Tianxi began to be a little impatient.

"Daoyun, if you don't come out again, you'll be waiting to collect the corpse for this boy."

Tianxi roared again, and the voice could almost spread all over the Holy Spirit sea.

But even so, I didn't see the figure of Daoyun.

With a smile, ye Pengfei spread out his hand and said, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid your plan is going to fail."

Tianxi is in a hurry. He looks at Ye Pengfei with murderous eyes.

This lethality makes Ye Pengfei realize that if Daoyun doesn't come out, Tianxi will definitely kill him.

"He is now a golden immortal peak monk whose cultivation Avenue has been destroyed. If you kill him, don't you really think it can affect the overall situation?"

Seeing that Tianxi was on the verge of losing control, the immortal bird said quickly.

Tianxi took a look at Ye Pengfei, and then said: "even if it can't affect the overall situation, what does it matter to me? Anyway, it's just a matter of convenience. "

The immortal bird can't speak at once. What Tianxi said is really right.

It's a matter of convenience, whether it's useful or not.

Ye Pengfei thought flow, always can not think of any good idea to get out of trouble.

Tianxi's strength is too strong. In the face of absolute strength, all the intrigues are just a joke.

"Finally, I'll give you another day. If you don't show up, let the boy die for you."

After Tianxi finished speaking, he closed his eyes, leaving little time for ye Pengfei.

The time of the day passed quickly. Just when Tianxi was about to be impatient, Daoyun, who was reluctant to appear, finally appeared.

"You are finally willing to come."

seeing Daoyun, Tianxi has a sneer on her lips.

Dao Yun holds a fragment in his hand and shakes in front of Tian Xi.

"You want it very much, don't you?"

Tianxi's eyes almost straightened when she looked at the fragment.

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