The spirit shell is different from the undead bird. From the day it was born, the undead bird was destined to become the existence of evil demons.

Therefore, even if the evil devil Dongxuan catches the undead bird, it is impossible for him to use it.

What's more, the existence of the undead bird, the evil devil Dongxuan may not have the ability to make the undead bird surrender.

Therefore, for the undead bird, even if the evil devil Dongxuan thought it was a pity, he would choose to kill it in the end.

But the spirit shell is different. The sword body of the spirit shell is refined from the body of the ancient demon iron dragon, and it can absorb evil Qi. Its own attribute is also more evil. It can be said that the spirit shell is quite suitable for the abyss demons.

It is particularly important to be compatible with the abyss evil.

That is to say, the spirit shell can be used by the evil devil Dongxuan.

As for the spirit shell, the evil devil Dongxuan has been salivating for a long time. In the past, the evil devil Dongxuan tried to snatch the shell again and again, but he failed in the end.

But this time, ye Pengfei and the undead bird are deeply involved in the Jiuyou formation, and they have no power to fight back.

Now is a very good opportunity. The evil devil Dongxuan won't miss it.

The spirit shell doesn't want to submit to the evil Dongxuan, but it doesn't matter. Now ye Pengfei is in the final stage, leaving only the spirit shell.

What the evil devil Dongxuan wants to do now is to erase the mark of the spirit shell. As long as the mark of Ye Pengfei on the spirit shell is erased, the spirit shell belongs to the ownerless thing.

At that time, even if ye Peng flies to death, it will have little effect on the spirit shell.

Then, the evil devil Dongxuan took the shell back and slowly boiled it.

As long as you kill Ye Pengfei, even if the spirit shell is unwilling to surrender now, it will make the right choice in the future.

Just now, the reason why Ye Pengfei shuddered all over his body was that the evil devil Dongxuan wanted to wipe out the reaction between him and the shell.

Ye Pengfei can feel it when he is forced to erase his divine sense.

Ye Pengfei, who had already entered the settled state, awoke from the state and then looked at the evil devil Dongxuan.

"It's OK. You keep playing dead."

The evil devil Dongxuan grinned at Ye Pengfei and said, "anyway, you won't be able to use it soon."

Ye Pengfei was calm and didn't speak. Lingke wanted to go back to Ye Pengfei, but under the control of the evil devil Dongxuan, Lingke couldn't do anything at all.

The reaction between Ye Pengfei and the shell was cut off by the evil spirit Dongxuan, and ye Pengfei and the shell also suffered different degrees of trauma.

At this moment, the spirit shell can't resist the evil spirit Dongxuan at all.

"It's none of your business here. I'll deal with you after I've cleaned up this guy."

The evil devil Dongxuan doesn't think that ye Pengfei is a threat now, so he is very contemptuous of Ye Pengfei.

Jiuyou array is here. It seems that ye Pengfei can't turn over any storm.

There was a flash of anger in the corner of Ye Pengfei's eyes, staring at the evil devil Dongxuan, "you will pay for today's behavior."

just for such a threat, the evil devil Dongxuan didn't pay attention at all.

Because in the heart of the evil devil Dongxuan, ye Pengfei was already a dead man.

As for when to die, it's just a matter of time.

"See, this is the master of the sword you believe. Besides relying on women, what else can you do?"

In the past, the evil spirit Dongxuan was not seldom poisoned by Ye Pengfei. Basically, every time he was angry, his spirit came out of his body. Now it's not easy to have a chance to express evil spirit. How could the evil devil Dongxuan miss such an opportunity?

For Dongxuan's ridicule, Lingke chose silence to deal with it.

Now the balance of victory is still leaning towards the evil devil Dongxuan. The winner is the king and the loser is the Kou. No matter how much you say, it's useless.

So, it's the best choice to deal with it with silence.

But the silence of Ye Pengfei and Lingke encouraged Dongxuan's arrogance.

The evil devil Dongxuan looked at the shell with pride, "to tell you the truth, your eyes are not so good."

The spirit shell still didn't speak, but there was some worry in his heart.

The evil devil Dongxuan obviously doesn't want to let Ye Pengfei enter the settled state again, and if ye Pengfei can't enter that state, it's almost impossible to break the Jiuyou array.

"Now, I can give you a chance to choose again."

The evil devil Dongxuan looked at the shell and said, "you are an evil sword. The abyss is your real destination. The cultivation world will only suppress your nature, and such waste will only become an obstacle to you. "

"That's enough..."

the shell roared, "demon Dongxuan, have you forgotten how you ran away like a lost dog before?"

As soon as the words came out, the evil devil Dongxuan's face became gloomy.

Ye Pengfei repeatedly destroyed the plan and drove him back to the abyss from the cultivation world. This past is the pain in the heart of the evil devil Dongxuan.How could he not be angry now that he was scarred by the shell?

"Do you want to die?"

At that moment, the monstrous anger came out of the evil devil Dongxuan's body.

"If so, I don't mind making it up to you."

After that, the evil devil Dongxuan seized the shell in his hand. At the same time, countless evil spirits poured in from all directions.

"I really think that your sword body is made from the corpse of the ancient demon iron dragon. Can't I help you?"

The boundless evil spirit directly envelops the spirit shell.

At first, the shell didn't feel anything wrong, but soon it felt something wrong.

In this majestic evil, there is also a huge tearing force.

"I'm sure your sword will not be destroyed. But since you don't want to be used by me, I can't keep you. "

The evil devil Dongxuan, who had been exposed, was furious, and he also wanted to kill the spirit shell.

However, the spirit shell laughed and said, "do you really think that everyone is as greedy for life and afraid of death as you are?"

For death, the shell has no fear at all, and is even ready to die.

Ye Pengfei can't crack the Jiuyou formation today. It's only a matter of time before he dies in the hands of the evil devil Dongxuan.

"Looking for death"

the evil devil Dongxuan roared, his voice pierced the sky, and there was more thunder in the air.

It can be seen from this that the evil devil Dongxuan was angry to what extent.

"Don't talk about death. This guy doesn't have that ability."

At this time, ye Pengfei, who had never said anything, suddenly opened his mouth.

"It's just a defeat. Do you really think he can kill me?"

If ye Pengfei doesn't speak, he says that once he speaks, he must be mending the sword for the evil devil Dongxuan again.

"It's just... The loser..."

this sentence is like a thorn, which stabs the evil devil Dongxuan's fragile soul.

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