The devil just showed his face outside the city. After seeing the power of the abyss version of immortal Daowu, he chose to leave quickly.

Such a move has also disappointed many evil spirits.

Originally thought there would be a fierce battle, the result who had thought so hasty end.

For a moment, the prestige of the devil in the abyss fell to the bottom.

Even in the past, all the evil demons in the abyss were extremely afraid of the devil, now, they still despise him a little more.

The devil is defeated, Tianfang city falls into the hands of candlelight heaven, and the situation in the abyss is unpredictable.

"Lord demon, do we just hand over Tianfang city to the thief of Zhutian?"

After learning the news that the Demon Lord was defeated, the four demons did not care so much, and immediately came back to join the Demon Lord.

In fact, the devil did not leave too far, but settled in a big city thousands of miles away from Tianfang city.

The Lord of the big city was promoted by the devil. When the devil retreated from Tianfang City, the Lord of the big city had just learned about Tianfang city and was preparing to lead troops to Tianfang city to support him.

It can be said that the Lord of the big city is absolutely loyal to the devil.

The evil Lord settled down in the big city and quickly called the abyss, ordering the city masters to lead their men to suppress the thieves.

However, although the devil was defeated, in fact, he was not dejected at all. On the contrary, mozun seems to be in a good mood at this time.

The four sides demon king doesn't know what the devil's master has. He just thinks that if he loses Tianfang City, he should take it back immediately. He can't take advantage of the old man candlelight day for nothing.

"What's the rush?"

"The demon Zun ha ha a light smile," you can't really think, just a candle day, can let this Zun so embarrassed? "

"Lord mozun, you mean..."

Mo Lihai was shocked when he heard that he had a name in his mind.

"Since he wants to play, I'll play with them."

The demon lord chuckled. He has ruled the abyss for thousands of years, and he still has this confidence.

Don't say Tianxi was once the master of the abyss. Even if this was removed, the devil would not be afraid at all.

There's a lot of cards for the devil.

But now is not the time to go out.

"Lord demon, the dumb Legion is lost now. Half of those who are strong in the abyss seem to have two hearts for you now. "

Mo Lihai said nervously.

Now I've been fighting with the cultivation world for a long time, and suddenly the rear area is unstable, which undoubtedly gives the cultivation world a big opportunity.

The devil said with a smile: "it's OK. We have lost a group of strong people, but we have got a group of ancient demons in exchange. This business is not a loss at all."

Mozun's words surprised Mo Lihai for a moment. Some of them didn't understand the meaning of mozun's words.

It must be very cost-effective for the strong in the abyss to replace the ancient demons.

But where did the ancient demon come from?

I can't believe it when I look at you.

"Well, you go down and wait."

Mozun didn't let Mo Lihai go on. He didn't need to explain many things to Mo Lihai.

However, Mo Lihai has already got a definite signal, and he is quite sure.


when the devil preached to the four sides of the abyss, candeland was not idle at all.

Candlelight mansion, in the study.

After conquering the devil, candeland did not move into the palace which symbolized the master of the abyss.

Because, candlelight day knows, that position does not belong to oneself.

In the study of candlelight sky, there is a man sitting on the throne, while candlelight sky stands respectfully on one side.

However, maybe everyone can't imagine that it's not Tianxi who sits in front of Zhutian at this time, but Hongyun...

both Demon Lord and ye Pengfei think it's Tianxi who stands behind Zhutian, because, in their view, Tianxi has this ability. Moreover, Tianxi also has such a motive.

However, no one thought that this time Tianxi was just a black pot for Hongyun.

"Next, let mozun and Tianxi bite the dog."

Red cloud complexion is indifferent, but there is a smile hidden in the eyes.

At the beginning, red cloud escaped from the cultivation world to the abyss, but in the abyss, it was also very low-key, so that many demons almost forgot the existence of red cloud.

Now the chaos is going on, and all the evil spirits will only put things on the devil and Tianxi. They will never think that it is Hongyun.

"The devil is gathering people thousands of miles away now, but I don't know how many people he can gather this time."

Candlelight day ha ha a smile, "estimate this time, demon Zun is to be angry mad head."

"What about Tianxi?"Red cloud asked, candlelight day was stunned.

"Tianxi is very mysterious now. I don't know where it is at all."

Candlelight's face suddenly looks a little ugly, because Tianxi's whereabouts are gone. At that time, the devil will gather people to fight with?

"Well, Tianxi is gone. But aren't those ancient demons still there? "

Red cloud ha ha a smile, "as long as the devil starts to kill those ancient demons, that day Xi will not come out?"

"But does the devil really have this ability?"


Hong Yun laughs. When he came to the abyss, he once gave a gift to the devil.

The gift is the spirit of the devil to kill the ancient devil.

"Well, let's sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."

Candlelight day smell speech again burst out laughing, and then looked at the red cloud, "just don't know, at the beginning what you said can still count?"

"The abyss is yours. I'm not interested. What I want is just Ye Pengfei. "

Red cloud light smile a, very is indifferent of say.

"It's so good,"


the events of Tianfang City, the ruins of zhoutiancheng, were spread here, and those ancient demons knew that the event was not good in an instant.

Before the ancient demons made a decision, a large number of demons came to the zhoutiancheng site.

Just as Hongyun expected, the devil came to the ancient gods.

If we can't find Tianxi, we will force Tianxi out.

This time, the devil is all the cards are out.

The first to bear the brunt is the 2000 demon army.

The demon army on the surface has long been destroyed by Ye Pengfei, but in fact, the Demon Lord has been training secretly.

Three thousand demon troops, this is the real number.

In addition to the magic army, there are several mysterious teams moving forward rapidly.

This time, he wants to eliminate all the unfavorable factors of the abyss.

"Tianxi, the abyss and the cultivation world are at war, but you are a sinner of the abyss. Today, I have cleared the abyss, you sinner. "

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