"If something can't be done, get out in time."

Ye Pengfei carefully told the immortal bird a few words, and then left.

As long as Sikong snow is not in danger now, then, as long as the devil left Tianfang City, Sikong snow will not have anything to do.

So, for ye Pengfei, it doesn't matter if he can't save sikongxue for the time being, but the undead bird can't do anything.

As for ye Pengfei, he has to go to the Holy Spirit sea in person.

If you want to lead the devil to the Holy Spirit sea, there is only one choice.

No way, the only one on Ye Pengfei's hand who can talk to the devil is Sikong Xue, who is still under house arrest.

Leaving Tianfang City, ye Pengfei went directly to the direction of the Holy Spirit sea.

Along the way, ye Pengfei turned into a demon master and swaggered to the Holy Spirit sea.

Before, ye Pengfei made a lot of marks when he fled from the Holy Spirit sea, which were all to confuse the devil. At present, no one in the whole abyss expected that ye Pengfei would arrive at Tianfang city.

So, from Tianfang city to the Holy Spirit sea, there is no attention at all.

Ye Pengfei had a smooth journey, basically without any accidents.

After the demon lord issued an order, the experts and the strong of the whole abyss were rushing to the Holy Spirit sea. When the evil spirits who had gone before heard that they had come by the demon lord's order, they didn't doubt Ye Pengfei at all.

Ye Pengfei came to the unknown village where the old headhunter was, and found the transmission array left by the old headhunter here.

The old headhunter's teleportation array can teleport Ye Pengfei directly to the waters near the Holy Spirit sea.

There are too many strong people in the abyss near the Holy Spirit sea. If ye Pengfei only relies on his own strength, he can't get there smoothly. Fortunately, with the transmission array left by the old headhunter, ye Pengfei can easily get there.

The light of the transmission array suddenly lights up, and ye Pengfei disappears into the unknown village.

When ye Pengfei appeared in the Holy Spirit sea area, some deep strongmen immediately felt the fluctuation of the teleportation array.

Then, countless divine consciousness came here.

Ye Pengfei is also the first time to feel these divine sense, the corners of his mouth ha ha a smile, the moment will be covered with those evil to disperse.

"There it is..."

"the little thief of naluoye has finally appeared..."

"it's not easy. Please report it to Lord mozun immediately."


when ye Pengfei appeared, those who were strong in the abyss almost had no tears in their eyes.

You know, the evil Lord's encirclement and suppression of Ye Pengfei has lasted for quite a long time, and those who are strong in the abyss dare not relax in this period of time. After a long time, almost no nervous breakdown.

Now we have finally captured the breath of Ye Pengfei. How can we not be excited?

Ye Pengfei laughs, with a move of spirit shell in his hand, and then several powerful swords attack the nearest strong ones in the abyss.

Those who are strong in the abyss also laugh when they see this scene, but they are laughing at Ye Pengfei's overconfidence.

"The little thief of luoye is already in a tight encirclement. At this time, we will make a great contribution to kill him."

The strong in the abyss are very happy in their hearts and are killing Ye Pengfei one after another.

Ye Pengfei is also fearless in the face of danger, and then several swords attack.

Soon, a strong man from the abyss appeared in the sight of Ye Pengfei.

When these abyss strongmen saw Ye Pengfei, they all breathed a little.

But the devil said, but those who can catch Ye Pengfei, it will not be stingy reward.

The strong in the abyss are very clear. If they can really grasp Ye Pengfei, it will definitely be a great achievement.

Therefore, at this time, ye Pengfei, in the eyes of these abyss strongmen, is an absolute money giver.

Ye Pengfei took a look at those who were strong in the abyss. With a smile, he turned around and jumped into the sea of Holy Spirit.

Ye Pengfei is also lucky. When he was sent here, he happened to encounter the tide.

By the time those who are strong in the abyss come, the tide will have dissipated.

At this time, there is no danger for ye Pengfei to enter the Holy Spirit sea.

A group of abyss strong see ye Pengfei jump into the sea of the Holy Spirit, instant is silly.

Those who can reach the level of abyss strongman are actually old monsters who have lived for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Although these abyssal strongmen do not know what kind of terror exists in the Holy Spirit sea, they also know that the Holy Spirit sea must not be intruded.

A long time ago, some powerful demons wanted to find out the situation in the Holy Spirit sea, and formed a powerful adventure team to go deep into the Holy Spirit sea.

But after that, these demons never appeared again.As for what's going on, we all know.

Therefore, when you see ye Pengfei jump into the sea of Holy Spirit, those who are strong in the abyss, you look at me and I look at you, their eyes are extremely hesitant.

"Otherwise, you'd better report the news to Lord mozun. As for the details, please make up your mind."

After these abyss strongmen had been blowing their beards and staring for a long time, they finally decided to report the news to the devil first.

As for chasing into the Holy Spirit sea, hehe, isn't that a joke?

Even the strong in the abyss dare not guarantee that they can come out alive.

If you go after it, you'll be looking for death.

It's not easy to practice to this point, and it's good to practice and cherish.

When the news came back to Tianfangcheng, the devil immediately burst out laughing.

"Little rogue, do you really think it's safe to hide in the Holy Spirit haidang?"

Demon Zun is very happy, because he thinks he can kill Ye Pengfei himself at last.

Although Ye Pengfei hid in the Holy Spirit sea, but the devil didn't think ye Pengfei could run away.

If in the past, the devil may really have no way. After all, the Holy Spirit sea is extremely dangerous. Even the devil dare not say that he can leave it safely.

But now it's different. With the cultivation method provided by Hongyun, the devil is confident to bring ye Pengfei out of it.

Moreover, the devil had already wanted to go into the Holy Spirit sea to find out.

At the same time, taking this opportunity to go to the Holy Spirit sea is not in the way.

"Little rogue Luo ye, it's OK to hide in the Holy Spirit sea?"

"This time, I want to see people in my life and corpses in my death."

Having said that, the whole demon Zun quickly disappeared in Tianfang city.

The devil worried that he was late, and ye Pengfei was killed by the group of creatures in the Holy Spirit haidang. This can't be done. Ye Pengfei can only die under his demons.

To kill Ye Pengfei, the devil Zun has formed an obsession.

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