Qingli didn't understand how he died until he died, so he fell down straightly.

Lin Bin took back the emperor's Sabre and said indifferently: "clean up the nearby battlefield, remember, leave a few alive to put back."

The disciples of the friars' alliance around him are ordered to go, while Lin bin continues to pursue and kill other demons.

Although Lin bin only received the task of swimming around, for him, as long as he can kill evil spirits, that's enough.

The ambush came quickly, and it ended very quickly.

The city masters and powerful people of the abyss demons did not expect that the friars' alliance could cross the defense line and go deep into the hinterland, so the cultivation of demons who were responsible for escorting supplies was not high.

This time, the disciples of the friars' alliance are all elite. It's easy to kill thousands of evil spirits.

All supplies, can take away, can not take away on the spot destruction.

In a word, it is absolutely impossible to fall into the hands of the abyss demons.

See this scene, Lin bin is also quite puzzled.

Although they pretended to be bandits, in fact, all kinds of materials in the abyss were useless to the friars. It was unnecessary to take those materials away.

However, Lin bin just thought it was to hide his identity, so he didn't ask Yu Niang.

The bandits are also people in the abyss. They risk the world's great injustice to plunder the convoy. If they don't take anything away, they will certainly arouse suspicion.

After cleaning the battlefield, the disciples of the friars alliance began to retreat orderly.

The looting of the motorcade is just an appetizer, and the next is the real play.

All the nearby mountains are under the control of the disciples of the friars' Alliance. What we have to do is wait for the evil spirits of the abyss defense line to come back and eliminate the bandits.

Lin bin retreated to a valley with the disciples of the friars' alliance, and then waited here quietly.

At the same time, Yu Niang also led the disciples of the monk alliance who had attacked before to retreat.

However, when passing by a valley, Yu Niang ordered her disciples to pour all the supplies into a big pit.

This pit is prepared in advance, and taking away the supplies is not just what Lin bin simply imagined, in order not to arouse the suspicion of the abyss demons.

Although friars can't use these, Sikong Xue can.

Although Sikong Xue has been in Tianfang city all these years, under the eyes of the devil, it's certainly not easy to make small moves. However, sikongxue has a group of followers.

This group of followers of sikongxue secretly helped her cultivate many useful people.

These supply resources, that is to use for the group of confidants under Si Kongxue.

After the materials are disposed of, Yu Niang takes her disciples on the road, but the materials escorted by the motorcade are replaced by huge stones.

Yuniang deliberately left the impression of the motorcade, just for the convenience of the abyss demons.


it has been an hour since the hijacking of the convoy of escorting materials was sent back to the abyss defense line.

Qingli is the person in charge. He has a magic weapon that can be used to ask for help. Unfortunately, before Qingli could use it, he was killed by Lin bin.

The cultivation of those evil spirits who fled back was not high, and their flying speed was naturally slow.

After receiving the news that supplies were robbed, Sikong Xue was shocked and quickly called all the city leaders together.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have some sad news for you."

After looking around all the city masters, Sikong Xue said with a gloomy face, "the vehicles escorting supplies were robbed by bandits on the way."

Si Kongxue finished, and the tent was buzzing in an instant.

All the city leaders were in an uproar and talked about it there.

"Saint, where did the bandits come from? Didn't the demon lord wipe out all the bandits at the beginning? "

"These guys are too brave. How dare they make trouble in the face of the enemy?"

"Saint, the bandits are resurgent. I'm afraid it's not a hint, is it?"


a group of city masters were chattering there. Sikong Xue's Willow eyebrows were raised and said angrily, "enough of it."

it was only in the big tent that they calmed down. However, some city masters were still looking at Sikong Xue with dissatisfied eyes.

In particular, the ceremony of Huangsi was ridiculed at this time.

"The most urgent task is not to discuss where the bandits came from. The most important thing now is to recover the supplies."

Sikong Snow said in a deep voice. After looking around the crowd, he said faintly: "who is willing to wipe out the bandits and recover the materials?"

Da Zhang was silent for a moment, and no one was willing to speak.

Sikong snow instantly angry, even looked at several city masters, but those city masters are directly to the head down, dare not see Sikong snow.

"Saint," said Huang suddenly.

"What's the matter?"Sikong snow picked eyebrows.

"Most of the officers and soldiers of our city Lord are injured now. They are in urgent need of all kinds of herbs for healing."

Instead of volunteering to help sikongxue share the pressure, Huang Sili began to put pressure on sikongxue.

"I know that, and I will help you send the goods back to your city as soon as possible."

Sikong snow didn't get angry, just said lightly.

"But who is going to hunt down the bandits now?"

Huang Si Li can't be so easily fooled by Si Kong Xue, and continue to ask.

"Where is the city master of pursuing life?"

Si Kong Xue pondered for a moment, then said aloud.

Han Zhuoming looked at sikongxue strangely, and then said faintly, "the city master is here."

"please go to the city master for this matter. It's very important to supply supplies. Don't miss the event of the abyss because of personal enmity."

After saying that, Sikong snow also does not give Han chase any chance to refuse, directly left sleeve.

Han Zhuoming sneered, and then looked at all the city masters in the big account, and left naturally.

"What does that mean? Did he betray the devil

"What are you thinking about, Han Zhuoming? He was promoted by the devil. How could he betray the devil?"

"Why did Han Suiming promise to help?"


Huang Si Li took several city masters to his tent, and at the same time he was full of doubts.

That Han Zhuoming was promoted by the devil. He was definitely a confidant of the devil. It was ridiculous for Sikong Xue to ask Han Zhuoming to pursue and suppress the bandits.

Everyone can't guess the purpose of Sikong Xue's doing this.

However, half an hour later, there were some rumors in the camp.

For example, those roving bandits were not satisfied with the fact that Saint sikongxue was in charge of the abyss, so they became bandits.

Another example is that Sikong Xue is not fit to take charge of the abyss. He can't even level a group of rogue bandits, so he can only ask the demon master's men to take charge.

As soon as these two rumors came out, sikongxue's prestige declined rapidly in the eyes of many abyss demons.

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