As the devil said, this tortoise shell records the sacrifice.

However, there are many things mentioned above.

For example, they pray for the wind to calm down.

As for why we have to do this, it can also explain. Later, it is said that some evil spirits have violated the devil God.

In order to punish the evil spirit, the demon God directly lowered the punishment, and the whole city was in the yellow sand.

After the translation of the tortoise shell, ye Pengfei stares at him, "is that it?"

Light floating two words, the devil's heart suddenly trembled.

The next moment, ye Pengfei is not polite is a kick in the devil.

"It seems that you can't wait for me to send you to sikongxue, can you?"

There are a lot of things mentioned above, but what does it have to do with Ye Pengfei's clue to find xiaotiandi?

Demon Zun sneered, then said: "don't worry, since it's sacrifice, there are other things."

Back to the place where the tortoise shells were found, the devil turned over a few times and took out several tortoise shells.

There are a lot of words on tortoise shell. The workload of translation is a little heavy.

However, some useful clues were finally found on the third tortoise shell.

The contents on this tortoise shell should be for the purpose of recording events. The demon God appeared in the southeast and lowered the divine punishment.

"It's a little interesting."

Ye Pengfei laughs. There was a demon here, so it's much easier to do.

If the demon God is living in this city, there must be another space in the southeast.

However, in order not to delay the later time, ye Pengfei still asked the devil to continue to find tortoise shell to translate.

With the increasing number of tortoise shells, the clues above are gradually enriched.

"According to the turtle shell, the key to open the small world around is to find the magic tower."

Demon Zun put all the clues together, and finally came to a conclusion.

Ye Pengfei thought a little for a moment, some powerless said: "I've been looking for a long time in this city, and I don't see any tower."

Ye Pengfei almost turned over the whole site, but he did not find any tower.

"It shouldn't be."

the demon lord shook his head. "The magic tower must exist, but maybe he didn't notice it before."

Ye Pengfei took a strange look at the devil and said, "it seems that you are not quite right at the moment."

the devil was stunned, but then he immediately added: "I am so dedicated to help you find clues, can't you repay me a little bit?"

Ye Pengfei chuckled and said, "you are really funny."

with that, he did not pay attention to the devil, and the divine consciousness extended in the ruins again.

Where on earth is the magic tower?

When ye Pengfei left, the devil was a little annoyed.

Just now, he realized that he was a little anxious. Ye Peng came to the site to destroy it. The devil is still there to help find clues. This is absolutely abnormal.

However, if ye Pengfei does not leave, how can he concentrate on cultivation?

It's getting closer and closer to Tianfang City, but the cultivation of the demon lord doesn't necessarily have a chance to merge with the demon army.

"Next time, you need to be more careful. This guy is not a fuel-efficient light."

At the same time, he warned himself.


"it turns out that this is the magic tower."

in front of a mansion completely covered by yellow sand, ye Pengfei sees a small golden tower.

This small gold pagoda is not impressive, and it is placed at the door. At the beginning, ye Pengfei didn't pay attention to it. He thought it was a decoration.

But later, ye Pengfei also had a heart to find out all the things similar to the shape of the tower in the site. In the end, this is the small gold pagoda.

"It seems that the owner of this mansion was a character before."

The magic tower is so placed at the door that ye Pengfei naturally knows that the owner of the mansion must be extraordinary.

The devil called over, pointed to the magic tower, ye Pengfei said: "now, how to open?"

Demon Zun hesitated again and again, and then said, "pour evil Qi into it and activate it."

With the last experience and lesson, the devil can't be so simple.

At least, a little cover up.

Just, this finish and got a foot of Ye Pengfei, ye Pengfei directly called out the shell.

Infuse evil, this matter can only be handled by the shell.

When the evil spirit poured in, the little gold pagoda lit up instantly.

However, the light from the pagoda is black.Dong!

The light in the pagoda went straight to the sky, and a huge door appeared in the sky.

The door opened, and then endless evil gas gushed out from it, and some black figures could be seen.


Ye Pengfei was stunned. Those black figures were not illusions, but real abyss fighting beasts.


A huge magic dragon rushed out.

However, the Dragon had only a white skeleton.

But even so, the momentum of the magic dragon is amazing.

Bone dragon rushed out, ye Pengfei did not hesitate, direct head is a sword.

Bang Dang!

The shell fell on the skull of Gu Long, leaving a clear sword mark.

Although there is no sword to split the bone dragon, but it is the bone dragon's skull to cut the depression into a lot.

The spirit shell is not very sharp now, but its strength is amazing.

In addition to the bone dragon, there are a large number of abyssal war beasts behind. However, most of them are just dead bones.

All the bones of the abyss war beasts are emitting faint light, and I don't know how many years they have been soaked in evil.


Demon Zun took a breath of cold air. Naturally, he knew the reason why these things were formed.

After the abyss war beast died, strong resentment will not disperse, this will form these creatures.

Ye Pengfei frowned and pinched the seal in his hand. The shell turned into a thousand swords in an instant.

Then, with a wave of his hand, ye Pengfei attacked the bone dragon.

A burst of crackling sound, bone dragon's bones were torn apart in an instant.

However, after solving the bone dragon, there are countless dead bones rushing out.

"What the hell is this place?"

Ye Pengfei took the Devil Back for a long time, and immediately took a breath.

Behind that door, tens of millions of abyssal war beasts are pouring out.

In the eyes of the demon Zun, the power of the abyss will be greatly increased again if these can be used by him.

"What are you thinking?"

Ye Pengfei looks back and his tone is quiet.

Demon Zun shook his head, showing an innocent smile.

"It's no use thinking about anything."

White flames suddenly appear on Ye Pengfei.

Seeing Taichu white lotus, the devil's face suddenly changed.

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