Batch after batch of skeletons and beasts were rushed to the canyon by Ye Pengfei, and then purified with Taichu white lotus.

After several times in a row, ye Pengfei's Taichu white lotus is naturally more solid.

At this time, the power of Taichu white lotus naturally came up a lot.

However, to achieve this step, ye Pengfei's consumption is also very serious.

Sweep a ring of storage, take out a bottle of pills to restore the state.

As long as ye Pengfei recovers a little, he will run to catch up with the skeleton and beast.

Batch by batch, the number of skeletons and beasts in this small world has been reduced at the speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, it will take a lot of time for ye Pengfei to rush other skeletons into the canyon.

After thinking about it, ye Pengfei decided to move to another place.

Along the way, I found some gathering places of skeletons and beasts, but I didn't find any Canyon or basin nearby.

Looking at so many skeletons, ye Pengfei doesn't intend to let go.


is there no Canyon or basin?

Ye Pengfei can do it by himself...

his powerful sword spirit is wantonly and wantonly, and the gullies appear on the ground in an instant.

The shell is also out, directly shouldering the heavy responsibility of digging.

But a moment later, a huge pit appeared.

The pit is deep and spacious. It can hold dozens of skeletons and beasts at a time.

Ye Pengfei is not polite. With a wave of his hand, he starts to drive the skeleton Warcraft into the pit again.

As before, repeated, and then killed several groups of skeleton war beast.

Then, the skeletons and beasts in this area were purified by Ye Pengfei.

Next, change the place, and continue to perform the previous drama...

Ye Pengfei is like a scavenger. He directly pushes over, and most of the skeletons and beasts in the small world are purified by Ye Pengfei.

However, just when ye Pengfei continued to deal with the skeleton Warcraft according to the previous method, the accident suddenly happened.

A skeleton war beast suddenly jumped out of the pit dug by Ye Pengfei and hit him fiercely.

Originally, the pit Ye Pengfei dug was deep enough, and the skeleton war beast couldn't get out at all. However, the skeleton fighting beast jumped on the bones of other companions.

Hit by the skull and beast, ye Pengfei only felt a surge of Qi and blood, and recovered after a long time.

When you look at it again, the skeleton Warcraft has long disappeared.

A glimmer of light flashed in Ye Pengfei's eyes. His intuition told him that the skeleton war beast seemed to be different from others.

You know, this has never happened before.

"So, this skull war beast was born with wisdom, right?"

Ye Pengfei laughs and looks at the bone dragon in the distance.

That silly goods seems to also feel something, the moment ran away.

Ye Pengfei firmly remembered the figure of the skeleton fighting beast that jumped out of the pit before, and then continued his purification career.

But ye Pengfei didn't know that the skull and beast didn't stop all the way after escaping from the pit, and ran straight to the depth of xiaotiandi.

The escape route of the skeleton fighting beast is very clear. The more it runs forward, the more the skeleton fighting beast will be.

In addition, the skeleton war beast will be interrogated by other skeleton war beasts from time to time.

That's right. The more you go back, the more intelligent those skeletons will be.

This small world is not just a simple skeleton war beast.

I don't know how long it took for the skeleton to come to a high mountain.

This high mountain, full of trees and weeds, is the only one with trees in the small world.

On the high mountain, countless skeletons and beasts stand, as if guarding their king.

In addition to the skeletons, there are also several living abyss war beasts.

This place is full of eccentricity.

When the skeleton war beast came to the foot of the mountain, it made a strange cry to the mountain.

Before long, there was a furious voice from the mountain, "what, how dare you kill all my people?"

A murderous air rose from the mountain. All the skeleton fighting beasts fell to their knees in an instant. The living abyss fighting beasts also gave out a cry of grief.

Obviously, the murderous spirit was too strong for these skeletons to bear.

Before long, the murderous spirit dissipated, and the roar came from the mountain.

Then, the skeletons and beasts kneeling on the mountain instantly stood up and walked down the mountain.

At this time, these skeletons are like a group of elite soldiers.With the action of those skeleton fighting beasts, it seems that the skeleton fighting beasts around the mountain also get some instructions and are coming to join them quickly.

Then, the formation of a white torrent to the side of Ye Pengfei.

As the mountain is far away from ye Pengfei, ye Pengfei is not clear what happened at this time.

At this time, ye Pengfei was standing in front of a lake, thinking.

The lake is naturally black, but there are countless skeleton fish jumping out of the water.

To be honest, ye Pengfei has not yet figured out what is going on in this small world.

All the creatures in this small world have become skeletons, which is obviously abnormal. Maybe there is something else in it.

"But I don't seem to have to deal with that, do I?"

Ye Pengfei suddenly wake up, and then get up, quickly to find another skeleton war beast.

The nearby skeletons and beasts were almost cleaned up by Ye Pengfei. At this time, ye Pengfei had to go on.

However, after walking a long way forward, ye Pengfei could not find the trace of the skeleton fighting beast.

"Strange, where is that silly dragon?"

Divine sense released, unexpectedly did not find the trace of the bone dragon, ye Pengfei can't help but wonder.

Before, ye Pengfei had been relying on this bone dragon to lead the way.

Bone dragon disappeared, ye Pengfei can only go to find alone.

I don't know how long I've been going forward, but ye Pengfei suddenly heard a shrill roar.

Instantly, ye Pengfei's spirit was aroused, and the roar was obviously from the skeleton and beast.

Without any hesitation, ye Pengfei flew straight ahead.

However, on the way, ye Pengfei took a cool breath.

Nothing else. He saw the skeleton.

A lot of... A lot of...

even if ye Pengfei has been driving Taichu white lotus for three days and three nights, he can't clean it up.

"My God, what's going on?"

The skeleton war beast is coming. It's boundless and can't see the end at a glance.

Hiss ~

without thinking about it, ye Pengfei ran back.

This NIMA, there's something wrong with the rhythm.

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